Pray, Sing, Shout, Meditate, Think God's Thoughts.
Stop thinking about anything that does not come from God! The Word!
Do what God is telling You to Do Right Now at this Moment! If You don't know...Pray, Seek, Meditate until You do! View the situation from God's Perspective!
Points to Consider when Praying these Prayers

All Prayers are written in first person talking directly to God using my "country-style" of talking. Sentence structure may not match the American taught sentence-structure at times.
Content written in Red are my personal testimonies and experiences. You are encouraged to recite your own personal experiences when you see the content written in red.
Daily prayers are at the top of the page. Special Business, Personal and Educational Prayers are listed throughout the site.
Most Prayers are 15, 30 and 60 Minute prayers..Read as you have time!
Reading the daily prayer and one of the Specialty Prayers is how I get through everyday!
Reading any of the prayers will "Spend-You-Off" into prayering for specific things or situations that relates to what God has for you to do at the moment.
God is Talking Now!
This entire site is a Conversation between You and God!
Talk to Me, Not About Me! I Am Here Now, I Am Responding Now!

This Entire Site is a conversation between You and God.
You and Me!
You (I) Must Learn to Talk to Him (Me-God) Not About Him (Me-God)!
It takes practice, I will practice and It takes knowing You through Your Word, because You only speak to me with Your-Word, You require me to communicate with You using Your-Word. And only Your Words produce Your Results. I Thank You for leading me to this Your-site and Your-Word that You manifested through Mr. Brantley for me.
"I AM" Teaches me about You as You are communicating-with me, You are revealing Yourself, Your Power, Your Authority and Your Vision that I Am in You, when You are in-Me and I Allow You to Be I Am. Start here
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This site was birthed through the many individuals who God used to speak-into and influence my life!
They spoke into my life - Coming February 1, 2025

A Lonely Bloody Death to Hell
You gotta be ready to give-up, murder, and kill by suicide whatever You think is right or wrong about this world in this physical tiny earth suit called a body, called a human.
To Be human and Spirit,
Giant & Small,
Super & Natural
All Power and All weakness
All at the Same Time
All the time.
A Giant in the Kingdom of God
Shall do Exploits and Exceed Greatness in the World!
Nothing Makes Sense……
Until you view and understand “nothing” & “everything” the way God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit
Said to understand it, view-it and respond to it through His Bible and His Rhema Word!​
Wonderful Unlimited Life Living
Living for God is not a pretty, easy or automatic process!
Willfully circumcising, fasting, praying, molding, Pruning, disciplining & separating from the world is how you murder your flesh for God all while praising and worshipping him for the process and the wonderful after-life that it will birth!
Welcome To Your I AMness
Good Success & Generational Wealth, Health & Prosperity Starts on the highway to hell!
It's the only road that leads to understanding (Me) who you are and that you aren’t yours, 2) and that Your submission is your strength, 3) and Your death to self is your birth to success 4) & your hell is your place of the final victory that launches you into your Unlimited Life-Living and generational wealth, health and Salvation (3 john 1)!

I AM - Chapters of the Book​
The Whole Truth
Table of Contents
Go Ahead Make Your Plans
I-Am Scripture Confirmations
I-Am Scripture Understanding
A Starting Guide
You gotta let Him In
Warning Warning
Daily Motivational Prayer
Get an Understanding of You are I AM
My Big Adventure

"Coming March 2025"
Who's Praying App
See who's praying, when, where & the results

Who's Praying on my Block?
Where are they are praying
Is there proof & evidence
Is the Prayer Working in my community?
Prayers and Prayer Chains on every block.
Download the App to find out.
Angels here our Words and Go to work to perform them.
Pray at all times, without ceasing, in and out of the Spirit, with all Supplication, for all people making our request known to God.
When You Pray.
Believe All the Words of the Bible and You will have what You Pray for. Because what You are Praying-for, Must line-up with What God says to Pray-for!

Everyday I will be releasing a prayer from my I-Am Prayer Book! These prayers are simply my notes and thoughts from 2007 til now. I started writing my prayers and thoughts during a time when I was so hurt, frustrated and confused that I could not verbally speak to God. So I started writing my prayers, and after a few days He said, that He would honor my prayers when I am reading them, as long as I don't stop talking to Him. He was okay-with-me reading my thoughts back to Him (I think today it's called journaling).
However, God made sure that I spoke to Him using His Words. Everything that I was feeling or experiencing He helped me to find it in the Bible in His Word. I began writing my prayers and thoughts using His scriptures only and what I was learning from my pastor and other biblical teachers.
I included the scriptures and my notes in my conversations to God and then I would write-out His answers that He spoke back to me using only the scriptures that lined-up with my questions and His Answers.
Around 2015 he began showing me how to group the prayers, my notes and then read them out-loud everyday.
So Amazingly, without really realizing what was happening over the past 20 years talking with God this way has produced:
A 100% focused-dependence on Him every single day! A Peace like-no-other!
Zero sickness in my body (no doctors or medicine at all).
Seven healthy, beautiful, respectful, saved and prospering children!
The successful launching of the Financial and Educational Networks (
Despite my expectations and things not working-out how I thought or wished they would have, He said "Keep on Going Wardell, Despite my "jacked-up" ways of not properly communicating (Keep on Going Wardell), Despite my failures and shame, God said, keep on going Wardell, Despite my failed marriage, God said, "Keep on Going" and He said this morning, if not one person read or respond to these prayers keep on going. It's not about You Wardell, Its Always been about Me (God), your obedience Wardell and My Glory that I (God) will reveal in My Due-Time!
If these prayers will Inspire, teach and infom me - They just may inspire someone else.
It's these same prayers that kept me when I started writing them during a time in 2007 when I had a stroke, four small children and could not work!
It's these prayers that kept me through siatic nerve episodes (three times - without doctors or medicine) crawling on the floor to setup equipment for clients.
It's these same prayers that has kept me focused and driven to start and sustain this educational, communication and financial network that has never made any sense to my natural mind.
It's these prayers that kept my mind together when I went out to Kansas to find my parents (when we lost contact with them) and sit with my mother for the very last time and then deal with her death a few weeks later.
It's these prayers that has kept me driven through the failure of my Television Network in 2012.
It's these prayers that has kept me focused and driven as many talked about me and even called my clients to suggest they stop working with me.
It's these prayers that kept the strength in my legs as I ran around frantically at a football game with the unconscious body of my then 13 year old son Armand, suffering from his first allergic reaction.
It's these prayers that kept my mind when I was publically embarressed and accused of embezzlement in 2017.
It's these prayers that kept and is still keeping me through thoughts of suicide as I hang-on to every Word from God through a failed marriage, singleness and life-changing transitions.
It's these prayers that are still keeping me through my separation and isolation from many organizations, individuals, my church families and the traditional church services that I love and miss so much!
It's these prayers that I know have kept me from experiencing the consequences of several business mistakes when I totally blew-it!
It's these prayers that keep me focused and driven everyday to experience the success of the Carolina Business to Business Networks, the Broadcast Networks and the PC Financial Platforms (even through my mistakes and fear).
It's these prayers that are keeping my mind today as I care for my father and deal-with the appointments, emergencies, the blood, the wound-care and the "daily- wondering" is this the day, I call his name and he does not answer?
It's these prayers that are going to keep me encouraged as some include the most private and intimate details of my life and my struggles.
BUT, DON'T GET IT TWISTED this "ain't-no" somber story, I was saved-sanctified and filled with the Holy Spirit during these trials. I sustained Many Many Many Victories, Successes and rearing successful children in the midst of these trials and I am RIGHT NOW Enjoying my Victory and Success in Jesus.
If you know me and you did not know-of any one of these trials, that's your confirmation of how wonderful these prayers and my Jesus Christ is.
GOD SAYS.....Why would you dare keep these prayers to yourself!
All Prayers are written in first person talking directly to God using my "country-style" of talking. Sentence structure may not match the American taught sentence-structure at times.
Content written in Red are my personal testimonies and experiences. You are encouraged to recite your own personal experiences when you see the content written in red.
Daily prayers are at the top of the page. Special Business, Personal and Educational Prayers are listed throughout the site.
Most Prayers are 15, 30 and 60 Minute prayers..Read as you have time!
Reading the daily prayer and one of the Specialty Prayers is how I get through everyday!
Reading any of the prayers will "Spend-You-Off" into prayering for specific things or situations that relates to what God has for you to do at the moment.
Read one or two prayers per day!
The Daily prayers (at the top of the page) will prepare you for everyday.
To add a specialty prayer to fit a specific situation or the Business Daily Prayer will increase your focus, discernment and help with any distractions and fiery darts from satan.
***Video and Audio Versions of each prayer are being produced.
***Add these prayers with your daily Business or Project Planning Times.
Today's Daily Prayer - See Top of Page
God's Earthly Purpose for the I-Am Prayers
(843) 465-7236
The PC Debit Card and Financial Systems starting with the twenty Carolina Broadcast Networks and Carolina B2B Networks were all birthed-out of these daily prayers sometimes four to five hours a day. The purpose of these prayers are to manifest God's Kingdom Communication System and God's Kingdom Financial System in the areas where He send us to serve, which has a purpose to unite ministries, businesses and individuals by demographic and industry in-order-to revolve funding and resources in a strategic manner that will eliminate the divisions that has historically hindered our communities, families and races from prospering as He said we could.
God has a method and a specific strategy for transfering the wealth of the world for use in His Kingdom. The PC Networks is one of them.
My God Talks and the I Am Ministry is the Spiritual and Governing Foundation and the Biblical Principles that guides the PC Debit Card and the Carolina Broadcast Networks (stated in its bylaws and
Prayers & Chapters
Prayer for Courage & to Break the Spirit of Fear
Prayer for Deliverance (sexual sins & Lust)
Sexual Strong-hold
Confidence in Prayer
Thank You for Blessing Me – Your Exact words
The Full Surrender Prayer
Get Happy When Temptations & Trials come
Prayer for Strength
Power and Authority to Cast-Out Demons
A Prayer for Personal Healing
God Will Dry Up the Waters of the Enemy
Battle Angels will Help Protect You and Fight for You
Process of Deliverance from Strongholds
Psalm 18 (Spiritual Warfare)
Speaking Directly to Demons
Deliverance from Demonic Spirits of Infirmity
Transcribers of the Scriptures (authors)
They Considered Not the Miracle of the Loaves – Hard Heart
Biblical Marriage – Scriptures
Who are You God?
A Lonely Bloody Death through Hell. Suicide by Murder!
I Swear I’m gonna Bless You
The Promise
Casting Demons Out from A-far
This is Living - Dying - Murdering Me! Premeditated!
Isaiah 65 (Judgement and Salvation)
Confidence in Prayer
Thank You For Hearing & Forgiving Me!
Ask Seek Knock
True Repentance
Prayer for Daily Direction & Instructions
Seeking God’s Kingdom First
True Financial Success
My Personal Hope
Laying Aside My Weights
It’s a Finished Work
Names and Attributes of God Chart
My spiritual Help chart
The Personal Side
Wardell’s Brief History
Where did my Passion to Pray & Study Originate
A Morale Failure, Sin Failure, Management Failure
Perfect Connection Scripture Confirmation
My Personal Purpose for this Book
When I Started Writing
My Mother, Aria, Armand, Wife & Pastor
The Work & Professional Side
The Turn - GEorgetown
World Leaders Academy
PC Financial Networks
Carolina Media Arts Centers
Carolina Business to Business Network
Media Projects
My Career and Clients Served
The Grimmy Testimonies - Telling it like it Was
Get the Book
Coming May 20, 2025