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(2) I-AM PRAYER TWO (20 minutes)

Writer: Wardell BrantleyWardell Brantley

Updated: Apr 2, 2022


God, in John 15:7, You said, “If, I remain in You and Your Words Remain in me, I can ask/pray for whatever I wish, and it will be done for me.” I thank You for Helping me to acquire and live in this understanding and power!

Lord, I come to You in true repentance of sin (I am putting my thoughts and myself back-on-top and in-control where You put me and where You want me) and I ask for forgiveness for any sin (moments of unbelief), known and unknown and I know You have already forgiven me for every sin I have and will ever commit, but I know You desire that I tell You and a select few others of sin (things I struggle-with) as Your method for how I will be delivered and freed of any sin (unbelief) or bad habits that I may still have in my mind.

I praise You Lord and I thank You Lord for all the blessings that You have given me and that You continue to guide me-to every day. I thank You for my knowledge-of and My acceptance-of YOU being my blessing, not some item, person or situation.

As I come to You Lord, and humble myself before You, I ask that You clear my mind of any preconceived thoughts, any confusion or any deception. I ask You Lord to reveal to me how to always use Your Mind to block anything AND ALL THOUGHTS that are not from You, so that I can always hear Your Voice and only Your Voice, Lord Jesus. I take Authority over my mind and my thoughts now and I rule over my thoughts, actions and responses and I will ALLOW Your Mind to take-over in me now…

I DEACTIVATE MY MIND and MY THOUGHTS AND ENABLE YOUR MIND AND YOUR-WILL FOR ME, RIGHT NOW! I thank You, for helping me to understand how to respond right now and how to keep Your-Mind Active and working in me at-all-times. I do this by reading THESE WORDS! I AM YOUR LIVING EPISTLE - READ OF MEN - I AM YOUR LIVING WORD!

I Thank You, because whatever You have for me, You guide me to it! You have already finished it and made the provisions available to me to walk into it or acquire it. I have it and it's up to me not to lose it or delay it from manifesting in my life.

I thank You, because I know, as much as I think I need, I know this prayer does not move You to do anything. I know this prayer, my fasting and my decrees and declares simply helps me to line-up my thoughts, desires, expectations and emotions with Your Word and what You have already done, finished, and completed for me in my life.

This prayer and the power of Your Words, renews my mind so that I can live the way You desire that I live and carry myself as You did Jesus, so that I can hear You and have the information, steps and direction to walk into what You have already finished for me. You said, in Psalms 119, it is simple to understand You. You said, even simple-minded people can understand You!

Many times, I ask myself, what Have You finished for me and Why am I always thanking You. You and Your Words Says, that You have finished my Prosperous, Peaceful, Healthy, and Accident-free Life. The life that is More than I could ever ask-for or imagined. And I know, I must "choose" this life, Your Life.

Your Written Word is the Mind that You said, I must “LET” be in me. Your Written Word is my life, Your Written Word is my understanding, Your Written Word is my action-plan and Your Written Word is my “ONLY” Judge, conviction and Restitution, and These Words that I am reading right now are the steps and the direction that I need and must use to accomplish Your Will for a Great Peaceful, Purposeful, Abundant, Exciting, Happy, Safe, Accident-free and Healthy Life.

Your Written Word, Your Still small Voice and Your Loud Voice, Your Will, Your Purpose, Your Rhema Word, Your Actions, Your Angels, Your Spirit and my vision and dreams from You, will NEVER oppose each other or conflict with each other and can be found and understood in Your Holy Bible.


One Word, One Source, One Truth,

One Belief - “In” - One Thing - One Person.

That One thing-thought, Person and Belief Is that

You God, Finished it and You “Jesus” made it possible for me to Attain it

and Everyday You, My Holy Spirit is Leading & Guiding me to It.

And My Angels will ensure that I get to it on-time without any hurt, harm or danger!


My Life In-You Christ is Done. It’s Finished and It’s Perfect. And It is As Your Word Says it Is, "Period" Whatever it is that I am praying and believing You For!
You said, I, my Academy, The PC Financial Platforms, my marriage and my family is a Success Now!
You said, You have pre-determined, predestinated, and pre-planned my successful future. You actually swore that You would bless me!
That’s it, that’s final and No-thought, No-person and No-feeling can change that. I see that in Your Word. I can not find any Word or statement in Your Bible that says I am not or will not be successful, So I will Only believe, Recite, Do and Live Your Word!
That’s the Understanding that You Said, I must get and Live!

As I continue to pray without ceasing, I expect and declare a clear answer for what I need to do, where I need to be and who I need to talk-with today, in-order-to receive the manifestation for what You have for me to accomplish today.

I will accept Your answer, whether it is finances, favor, insight, words, instructions or simply go to sleep or chill with my family. I will not be deceived or miss an opportunity when I am in You, Seeking You and listening for Your still small voice and Your directions.

DESPITE THAT STUPID "IGNORANT-SONG" That satan is using in churches across the world to deceive Your Children; YOU WILL NOT AND YOU CAN-NOT "PASS-ME-BY" When You are In-Me and I am In-You. You Said, You will always be with me. I show-up with You! I DON'T HAVE TO BEG YOU NOT TO PASS ME BY! NOR DO I HAVE TO PULL-ON YOU AND BEG YOU TO COME IN THE ROOM OR WAIT ON YOU TO SHOW-UP, YOU ARE NOT ON THE WAY, YOU ARE HERE NOW!

Open their minds and understanding.

You said, You would lead and guide me and that Your Angels will have me in the place where You need me to be at the right time and “They – My Angels” would ensure that I would not be hurt or deceived getting there. You are revealing to me the mysteries of Your Word and Your Plans. I praise You for revealing Your Will, Your Direction, Your Mysteries and Yourself in Your Fullness embodied in Jesus Christ My Lord and Savior WHO IS IN ME – IN THE FULL - RIGHT NOW.

I decree and declare immediate manifestation, acceptance and understanding of what You will and have provided, because I know Your revelation and manifestation of this prayer and what I desire is not always what I hoped it would be, preferred or imagined it to be.

Your Ways are not my ways, Your Thoughts are not my thoughts and You have already provided or manifested what I "need" based-on what is going-on in Heaven and the spirit realm and based-on Your finished works for the entire world and based-on what’s best for me, my family, You and the millions who will be changed and saved because of my life, purpose and daily living. I know, I must line-up my thoughts and desires with Your Written Word.

In John 14:30, Jesus, You said to Your disciples “I will no longer talk much with you because I am going to be with my Father in Heaven, for the ruler of this world (satan) is coming. He (satan) has no claim on or in me”

I am in You Jesus, and You are in Me and he (satan) has no claim, authority or legal right in or to-me either.

satan only has legal rights to those who do not believe YOUR WORD because You are not in them and they are not in You Jesus. I Thank You for choosing me and empowering me to lead and inspire unbelievers to cry-out (because of my encouraging words, my lifestyle, and my ministry) What must I do to be saved?

And I thank You for the ability to be able to show them what to do, and I thank You for the millions I will be able to praise and worship-with who has accepted You as their Lord and Savior as a result of Your use of me, lifting You up so that You will draw and save those who will be saved.

Lord, I need Your Angels to totally surround me as I go into this day or begin to work on my daily tasks, You said, they would in Psalm 34:7…I Thank You Jesus..

I Thank You for Your Holy Spirit that is leading and guiding me and is always going ahead of me, making and clearing the way, and Your Angel Goodness that supplies my needs, and Your Angel Mercy who blots out my sins/mistakes and is declaring Your Glory and showing me the signs that if it had not been for You Lord, I would be consumed or dead and Your Goodness and Mercy are always provoking me to Bless You at all times and causing Your Praises to always be in my mouth.

I need Your angelic soldiers to war in the Spirit for me and lead me to what You have already given to me. And I need them to help me to stay in You and under Your Authority, Hallelujah…thank You Jesus. (Psalm 91:11)

I Thank You Jesus for commanding Your Angels to charge at these demonic spirits and war for me and I Thank You for Your Angels that are chasing all demonic spirits that may be in my way now, You said, Your Angels would do this for me in Psalm 35:5

You showed me that these demons exist and that they can hold-up, hinder or stop things for weeks as they did in Daniel (10:12) and that I could command Your Angels (Prince’s) to help me also. But I also know that You were not “IN” Daniel and others then, But Now, YOU are “IN” Me, in Your Fullness and I am in You, so demons cannot hold-up, come between You and I or block Your Word and Blessings from me; accept that I “allow" them by my not-accepting Your Word and Your Will or responding to situations exactly how You and Your Word says to respond or react.

You said, You sent Angels before me to keep me in the way (on Your path and in-sync with You) and that these Angels would bring me into the place that You have prepared for me. Lord, You said that In Exodus 23:20. I Thank You Jesus. I will allow Your angels to keep me and guide me so that I can arrive at the place where You have me to be at the right time. I will choose to follow and trust their leading and guiding as I follow Your Holy Spirit!


I will walk after You Lord and You said in Hosea 11:10, that You will roar like a lion.

I am Your Righteous, I will hold-on to Your-Ways and Your Will and You said, if I kept my hands clean I would become stronger and stronger, You said that, in Job 17:9.

In Psalm 18:32. I thank You Lord for arming me with strength for this battle and I thank You for putting those who rose up against me and You, under my feet.

Lord, I thank You for Your Power and Authority that You have given me over all demons, and Your Power to cure diseases and Your Power and Authority over all lack and poverty. And Your Power and Authority to preach and establish Your Kingdom and Your Power and Authority to heal the sick and the broken-hearted as You said in Luke 9:1.

Lord, I thank You for Your Anointing and allowing me to know all things as You said in 1 John 2:20. and in 1 John 2:27 You said, Your Anointing-You, would ALWAYS abide in me. You are Your Anointing. I Am the Anointing that I need moment-by-moment and in every situation!

Lord, You said, You would plead my case and that You would take vengeance for me. You said, that You would dry up any areas of my life where demonic spirits may be able to attach themselves, Hallelujah. You said that in Jeremiah 51:36.

Help me to discern and try every spirit by Your Spirit hallelujah. You said in 2 Cor. 11:14, that I will not be deceived. I will not be deceived, If I am constantly and humbly seeking You with all of my heart and diligently seeking to do Your-Will (that’s found in Your Word) without adding or taking away what I want or what I or anyone else think is right or wrong.

I am praying in Your-Name-Jesus and I know what I am praying-for is already done in-You and You are in-me! You said, to get an understanding of this and to understand that "Your finished" works are the reality that I must live-in. I must live by Your Word and "NOT" by my circumstances and what I may be going through! I respond and react how Your Word says to respond, react and live. I don't react according to my emotions, feelings, situations or surrounding.

I Thank You for allowing me to come before You one more time. I thank You for giving me Authority over satan, any issues, my flesh and any of the sins that You said may easily knock me out of Your character and any choices or activities that may prevent me from hearing clearly and making the decisions that You desire I make.

I thank You for giving me the ability to keep satan from stealing what You have for me. I thank You for helping me to believe who You are and for giving me a mind to diligently seek You and I Thank You for rewarding me for resting, You have done all the work and You reward me for taking advantage of it! You want me to get out of Your way so-much-so that You will reward me for getting out of Your Way (Hebrews 11:6).


(2) I AM PRAYERS.....Keep on reading to I am (3)


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