(9) I AM PRAYER NINE (90 minute mark)
Updated: Apr 9, 2024
I will enter into Your Gates (this prayer-time) with Thanks-giving and walk into Your Courts (I will focus on You only) with Praise. You Said, This is the day that You have "MADE" (past-tense) and that I should Rejoice all day because everything I need and everything that You have given me a desire to want "YOU" have already made-it and put it in "THIS DAY" for me.
You said, to come to You, talk to You (pray to You) bodly, confidently and knowing that what I am desiring from You is done. I do this so that "You" can tell me how to acquire it and when it will be manifesting in a way that I can experience it in my physical life!
I will Immediately Rise Above this flood of doubt, heaviness, unbelief, condemnation and temptations that You said, would surely come as satan’s way to try to discourage and hinder me from acquiring or receiving what YOU HAVE FOR ME.
I KNOW, "You" must “allow” the heaviness to come as “YOUR” way to keep me humble, dependent and tied-up, praising, worshipping, reading and verbalizing Your Word; because this project (The PC Financial Network) this information, this knowledge and this wisdom that You have exposed me-to, revealed to-me and trusted me-with, is actually YOU manifesting Yourself through me and this project is so great, that You need a way to keep me from thinking that I am smart enough to handle this alone or without Your Spirit Leading and Guiding me in every way, all day.
Because You also know that since 2007, I have made it a habit of going straight to THIS WORD, THIS BOOK every time the heaviness, the temptations, and the doubt shows-up! And look at me now! Wow! Wow! wow! The heaviness, the doubt and the temptations has pushed me to write this Awesome Book and Establish this worldwide School and funding Network! Keep it coming satan..the heaviness is pushing me to be great, great, great for my wife, children, the community and the World. I Thank You for switching me from defense to Starting, Captain on Your Offensive Team!
Now I Bring the Noise and the Slaughter to satan and his army.
I am now Killing, Stealing and Destroying “him” and his army of crooks and demons. It took 20 years but I am on offense now!
You need a way and a method to keep me from believing that it’s all about me, or that I am able to handle this project or my life without You.
I Thank You Lord for leaving a method to ensure that I don’t fall into self-deception or out of Your-Will for my life. This awful, awful, awful, awful, awful, feeling of heaviness & doubt keeps me dependent on You.
I thank You for the power to over-come it and the will to put it down quickly. I thank You for helping me to renew my mind to the point of not hating it but understanding it and adjusting to it because I know You are allowing it and You are using it for Your greater good to bring healing and change to the world through me in a way that my mind cannot comprehend at this time or the times when the heaviness is present.
Even as I am writing these words, tears are uncontrollably falling down my face like huge hot rain drops. I thank You for Your Peace and making me to be Peace, even-though I don’t feel like it!
I thank You for allowing me to know that this heaviness, anxiety, hurt, shame or depression is simply a negative thought or thoughts that are not from You. These thoughts are rooted in (fear) and they are thoughts of unbelief of what You said about me and my life.
I come-out-of, I get-out of this “state-of-mind” by simply changing what I am thinking about. I must think-on (and rehearse in my mind and I must recite it verbally) the great future that You promised and then I must immediately begin to praise You for it or recite “verbally” Your Words and Scriptures that confirms what You said about me and then these awful thought(s) that are causing me to be depressed or weighed-down with heaviness or grief will go-away and Your Peace and Joy about the situation or person will flood my mind and my heart (I must practice this moment by moment every single day, every single time the negative thought comes to my mind). I can accomplish this by simply reading this word that I am reading now, moment by moment, each time the thought comes!
I know, when I worry or allow anxiety to take-over (despite what happened), I am calling You a Liar.
You Said, You Have already "past-tense" provided for me and healed-me and my worrying says – (through my actions) - that I don’t trust You, I don't Believe You and I don't Appreciate ALL You went through FOR ME, so that I would not have to allow that mind-set, thought or spirit to dominate me!
Bad Thoughts, Heavy Thoughts, Concerns and worry will never come from You! I know the thought is from You when the thought causes or encourages me to move to do something great towards the situation that I am worried about; Your thoughts cause Godly-increase for everyone involved and Produces Peace for me.
I MUST KNOW and I do know that when it’s Your Time, when “YOU” say I am ready and I can handle it, You will guide me to the specific person, the answer or situation (that results from my faith, confidence, contentment, patience and preparations for what You desire that I wait-on and believe You-for), because what I am waiting-on is for You to manifest Yourself in “IT”. Joseph was in that jail for 13 years (patiently-waiting, practicing and preparing for You) for something he did not do! Sarah and Abraham waited years for Isaac. Noah and his family had to wait for the rain, wait for YOU to lift, steer and stop that boat and open the door to exit the boat.
You said, In Ecclesiastes 3:1, You have set my seasons and times for the manifestations of all things in my life and In Habakkuk 2:3 You said, my vision is yet for an appointed time and because I am waiting and preparing (In You, Patiently and Joyfully) YOU said, It would surely come.
You said it would tarry, then You said it wouldn’t tarry and I would not have to wait long (it would not tarry)!
I know the past 25 years has been the tarrying that You said it would take (my time to learn how to be this great husband, great dad, great brother, great entrepreneur, this great world leader and the world-changer that You have made me to be).
But then, You said, the tarrying was purposeful, needed and was not something bad or chastising and it would not last long.
And I understand now because the blessings I am experiencing now and my understanding of how Your-tarrying has made me great, helps me to understand that the tarrying was really, not a tarrying at all…because I needed the experience in order to accomplish Your objective. I get it Lord, You are wonderful. I Thank You for the Wisdom and patience that I need while I wait…. and the Wisdom, Courage and Anointing it will take to sustain, what You Bless me with.
And I now understand by looking at David’s life of how You Anointed him and Informed him of his kingship at an early stage in his life and how he had to learn how to be this powerful courageous king through the experiences and tests that You used to prepare him through his experiences while managing the sheep, defeating the lion, the bear and goliath, running from Saul and being humbled and loving You enough not to kill Your-Appointed-king even-though he (the king) was trying to kill him all while David had to manage the thought of why am I a king, and I am the one running (I gotta take it Also and love my wife through her efforts of trying to put me in jail, destroy-me & break-me, which is really satan's attack on me and my family's destiny and not her).
But! I know it all became clear to David on that day coming home from a battle, when the entire city was shouting Saul killed his thousand, but he/David killed Tens of Thousands, I get it Lord, because even Jesus had to learn how to be obedient to You through His suffering. As I look at the lives of Noah, Job, Joseph and others, after they suffered for awhile they suffered NO MORE. The latter-half of Job’s and Joseph’s Life was absolutely Awesome and Pleasurable and so is Mind!
I thank You for my training period also, because I can identify with having a great knowledge & visual of my calling early, but not knowing or understanding why it just wouldn’t work! For 25 years my life and what You were showing me did not match-up at all…But I thank You for keeping me and helping me not to give-up, especially when I see so many great people give-up (to include my wife) and They Get Bitter instead of Getting Better! I praise You for Anointing me to hang-on to the Better despite all the bitter that surrounded me for years!
I will take the 20 years of suffering for my legacy to be established and my Children and their Children and Children to Live lives as Kings and Queens in Your wealthy place in Your unlimited Provision and Resources Under YOUR Anointing, Power & Authority. I Thank You for using me to change my family line and legacy and to change the state of our world.
I am not looking to be successful by the world’s standard (I am exceeding beyond what the world could ever comprehend), I desire-to and I will cry loud for Your souls, to rebuke, to reprove, to exhort with long suffering and with Your doctrine as You commanded in 2 Timothy 4! I thank You for Your Glory!
I thank You for letting me know that I don’t’ have to be afraid and I don’t have to be dismayed, because the battle is not mine but it’s Yours, You said that in 2 Chron. 20:14
Lord, You said, in Jeremiah 33:3, that I could Call to You and You would “answer” Me and “tell” Me great and unsearchable things that I do not know! I am calling on You Now for the information and Anointing that I need to accomplish what You have for me to accomplish today! You told me to ask You for my daily bread and provision.
You even said in Isaiah 24, “before I even call on You that You would answer; and You said, while I am yet speaking You will hear me!”
You give me information that is not even searchable or available through google or anywhere! AND because of this scripture, and 1st Corinthian 1:5 that says FOR IN UNION WITH YOU CHRIST I AM RICH IN ALL THINGS INCLUDING ALL SPEECH & ALL KNOWLEDGE, I now know where the super-natural knowledge, ability, and information that I have, came-from to start and operate these schools and networks, without any instruction or guidance from another human-person. You said in Psalms 119 that Your Word, this Word is my understanding and my knowledge.
Like Paul, I am, and I have forgotten what’s behind and I am, pressing, enduring and Going-Hard with Faith, Focus, Courage and Confidence and I am accomplishing ALL that You have planned and made provision-for me to do TODAY!
And I know, it doesn’t yet appear or look like I am a success but I am…. and In 1st John 3, You said, right now I am Your child, and You are constantly revealing Yourself to me even through the Words that I am reading right now. I thank You for this Revelation that could only come from You. I now see and understand that I am just like You; I am learning now to see myself just as You see me, just as You are! With all of Your Promises (that I can find in Your 66 Books) and All Things that come-with being an Heir with You!
I will forget and not even consider or give thought to what others may think or say about me. I am striving to be an open door in Your House! I am Jireh, I am Rapha, I am Shalom, I am Lohim, I am Shaddai.
Like You said in Ephesian 6:10. I am only praying, communicating and verbalizing what You have said and have already done.
I AM Strong in-You and In Your Power and Your-Might. I have on Your whole suit of armor, so that I can stand against “YOUR” Adversary’s suggestions and temptations. I will maintain and KEEP what You have already given to me. I HAVE YOUR Victory. satan is not my problem, keeping my mind stayed and focused on You, Your-Will for me and despising the worldly-shame is the battle that I have to fight in my mind moment by moment.
I am praying from the position of Victory. I am not praying for Victory, You have already given me the Victory. You are my Victory, I am in You! Thank You Jesus. satan has already lost, he has already lost me. I keep him out of my mind, thoughts and under my feet and control by reciting Your Words and knowing and acting-on what You have already done for me.
I know, I must, give-out, invest-in, what I want to come back to me! I know, I reap, what I sow! Good and Bad. I have the power to Authorize what I want in my life by Your leading. satan only have access to my mind and thoughts when I “choose” to “give” him access.
You are Awesome, You are Everything I need! You are my only Source! You are my Priority, You are my manifested Answer, Your Word and Your Mind that is manifesting through me moment by moment everyday is my success, peace and happiness!
Lord, remind me (when I forget or when I get side-tracked or lose my focus) that my faith is not in You providing money, because You said it takes the least amount of faith to believe for money than anything else, I Believe Your finished works for me, so I do not have to "drum-up" faith for everything or every situation that I desire or hope-for. I simply Praise You for instructing-me and manifesting the response You need from every situation I find myself in so-called good or bad. When I am in You all situations are good because they are physically joyful or physically training.
And I, even with my limited/earthly mind, can understand why You said believing for money takes small faith, because You said, don’t even think about tomorrow, don't think about my provision, don't think about my bills or what I am going to wear or eat, because You have already provided ALL THINGS THAT I NEED.
You said in 3rd John 1 and 2 that Your #1 PRIORITY FOR ME IS THAT I BE RICH, HEALTHY & SAVED. And I understand that You must make the way for this! You’ve already made me Rich, You’ve already Saved me and I am already Healed! (I or no-one else can heal themselves or their environment and it takes a healed, healthy mind, body and environment to be Rich and make money). No one has the ability to control the actions of the evil world or their environment. You have to hold-back accidents, diseases, nature and so-called misfortunes in order for wealth to be generated and YOU have to provide the wisdom, knowledge and endurance to create the product or service, market it and then You have to give the buyers the desire and unction to purchase it as-well as bless the supply lines, systems, weather and natural resources needed to sustain it!
I understand how You are-able to say, don’t think about Yesterday (forgetting those things that are behind) AND don’t consider Tomorrow; You said this, because You are always in the NOW!
And I am in YOU! So my “HAPPY, PROSPEROUS & HEALTHY-LIFE” (that You said, I had to choose), is only available when I choose to live in the “RIGHT NOW” Which is where You said my Faith (You) are or should-be (YOUR FAITH, that You gave me, that’s in me now) this Faith, You said is my evidence and it is provable! “You Said, “NOW-FAITH” is Provable. I can prove what I believe and what You have done. I prove it through my actions and what I say and act-on & DO TODAY, right now.
I know choosing to live in the "right-now" is a matter of choosing to think-on, and accept, Your Words at-all-times, in-spite of my situation, environment, experiences or feelings.
You said, “IN-ALL” things, IN (not after), You said, In-All situations, During all situation and at ALL TIMES to give thanks to You because what I am experiencing (Right-Now) (even me Wardell writing and reading this book) is Your-Will for me at this time (what is happening-right now is a fact whether I like it or not and You are allowing it good or bad because You are sovereign and You have finished everything).
YOU ARE NOT RESPONDING TO MY SITUATION (whether its good or bad) I AM!
I also see in Romans and Job, where You had conversations with satan about me, You had to give him permission to carry-out this test, this trial and this hard issue that I am experiencing even as I write and read these words.
I make bad situations and bad choices “become” Your-Will by learning from the situation, viewing the situation or person from Your perspective and then desiring-to, learning-how-to and then actually responding-to the “bad” situation or person the way that You and Your Word says to respond to it or them!
IF YOU ALLOWED IT, IT CAN NOT BE BAD, IT’S MY RESPONSIBILITY TO GET “YOUR UNDERSTANDING” OF WHY YOU ALLOWED IT (especially if the situation is a result of my stupid choice or decision; You still can use the situation for my good, so that YOU can work that stupid-mindset out of me, so that I won’t make those types of choices anymore and then I can be a serum, a medicine, a solution for You to Use me to help others not to make that type of choice or decision)!
I know I cannot respond to You the way that You want, when I am filled with hurt, anxiety, fear, anger, depression or sadness. Those emotions and feelings are not from You and You don’t like them and cannot use me when I let them have any place in me or dominate me. That is why You said to be content and to give You thanks and a sacrificial praise when needed because “thanking You and praising You” takes my mind out of the fear, depression and anxiety and refocuses my mind on You and what You have done so that I can hear You and respond like Your Word says to respond to this situation or person (even demons and principalities).
Right now, Your still small voice and Your Word is saying, continue to read these words and my mind will be lifted out of any negative emotions. These Words that I am reading right now reveals to me what to do.
(9) I AM PRAYER NINE.....Keep reading onto Prayer Ten (10)
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