Updated: Apr 11, 2024
I know, You will not make me ashamed in whatever I have-to go-through (waiting on You, even in my mistakes), because You said, let Patience have Her perfect work (Patience is Your Holy Spirit and Your Angels working for me, help me to let them work), and I know You have already worked all things together for my good and I am better now and I understand how to use Your faith and how to keep my patience, my faith and my hope active in-You for _________ (the thing, person or situation) until it comes to pass or is manifested no-matter how long it takes. Even if it takes 20 years.
God You said, it takes FAITH plus PATIENCE in order to receive ALL THAT YOU HAVE FOR ME!
Its the "patience-part" that cause Abraham and Sara to act too-fast and try to make Isaac (but birthed Ishmeul). I can't force or make You do anything, because what You want done is already done, finished and completed, which is why the PATIENCE PART IS SO CRITICALLY IMPORTANT!

Because my Faith is in YOU and What You have already done and finished, my faith is in the “FACT, THAT YOU HAVE ALREADY FINISHED IT OR PROVIDED FOR IT” ESPECIALLY WHEN I CAN SPECIFICALLY FIND IT IN YOUR WORD AND YOUR WILL, WITHOUT ANY DOUBTS… now, I must institute and act-on Your Patience and Allow YOU to work, Your Works through me in order for it to be manifested into the world.
And I thank You, because I now have a better understanding and a better knowledge of You than when I came into this season or started believing You for the manifestation of Your Will for my marriage and the PC Financial Platforms.
I don’t want “_____” if You are not in it! My Faith is in YOU Being my Happiness and You being my Prosperity with or without what I am believing and praying for!
I won’t be like Peter and sink after a short period of Great Belief and Faith. I will stay in great-belief for as long as it takes (hours, weeks, months, years). I will stay on-top of the water and NOT let the storms or problems distract me.
I will keep my focus, attention and eyes on YOU. Because YOU SAID, I COULD COME! However, I won’t jump out of the boat (I won’t start) without You being the Courage, Wisdom, Knowledge, Direction and the DOOR!
Because I do not have-to sink or fail. I will humble myself and ask You, and wait on You to reveal Yourself or to be the action, the revelation and the Thoughts that are needed now, because YOU ARE ON THE INSIDE OF ME RIGHT NOW IN YOUR FULLNESS. You said, this project would be accomplished by You and Your Spirit and not by my strength or my knowledge.
So You want, You and I together to walk on this water, to handle this problem, to eliminate this storm, (which is caused by satan) so that he cannot distract me, get between You and I or cause me to sink or fail.
I WON'T FAIL OR SINK WHEN I ALLOW YOU TO MANIFEST YOURSELF THROUGH ME AT ALL TIMES IN ALL SITUATIONS. Peter took his focus and thoughts off You being is Provider for everything and all situations (that's when he began to sink). I begin to fail when I lose-focus on the truth and fact that You are my sole Provider in and for everything and every situation at all times.
In Matthew 7:7 You said, to Ask, Seek & Knock!
You said to “Ask and it will be given to me; seek and I will find; knock and the door will be opened to me.”
When I call on You and come and pray to You, You listen to Me. I seek You and find You, every time I seek You with all of My heart, because You never leave me anyway, You are always right HERE with ME…YOU DON’T HAVE TO COME. YOU DON’T HAVE TO SHOW-UP…YOU ARE ALWAYS RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!
I Thank You for helping me to live in this, Your Reality!
In Jeremiah 29:11, You said, You have already established and finished my future. Your plans to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me hope and a prosperous future (I am living Your plans with my family, now).
I won’t talk against this plan (it’s finished), I won’t disbelieve this plan (It’s You manifested), I won’t doubt, fear or disbelieve this is Your Plan from You and I won’t do things that will give satan the ability to kill, steal or destroy this plan. I won’t listen to music, entertainment or participate in conversations that will cause me to doubt or give-up on this plan - Your Plan (My vision, My purpose & My Destiny)!
You are my Source for Everything! I Trust You enough to give You the portion that You commanded and an offering that says I trust and believe You as my source and I am simply a steward of Your Body, Your Mind, Your Money, Your Relationships and Your Resources.
It’s Not Mine, because It’s not my battle or my earth or my world. It’s ALL Yours! You simply give me access to it! WHEN I DO WHAT YOU SAY!
I am not my own, You said, things that are not from You are temporary. You said in 1st Corinthians 6, that my body is a temple, a house for Your Holy Spirit within me, that You have given to me for Your use! I CAN’T have my own way! My Body and Mind is for You and Your Kingdom Use! You said to "let" Your Mind be in this body at all times by praying and talking with You without ceasing.
When I am doing it Your Way: I AM THE TEMPLE OF PROVISION
Your Blessing on me, YOU IN ME makes me rich and happy and worry-free.
You said, when I Trust (walk-in and do) What You have DONE I will carry Your Blessing and Your Grace even in my Mistakes, as You promised Abraham. In Ephesians 1:3, You said, that You have already (past-tense) given me this Blessing-You…I am blessed now and I receive it and walk in it now..
And I Believe You Lord. However, from time to time I need You to help any unbelief that may arise! I also know, You said, for me to place-myself-In-You and to resist the temptation, resist the bad thought and to resist the pressure and the problem would pass, because pressure, depression, anxiety and temptation does not come from You, so it can’t stay.
CHOOSING to submit-to You and to place myself in You and in Your-Will gives me the power and the made-up-mind to resist these temptations.
Only that, that comes from You will Last forever…My Peace (You), my Joy (You), my Strength (You), and my prosperous future (in-You)…Everything You have for me, I can find In Your Word and in My future (it lasts forever because You are eternal and everything I want keeps me in Your Eternal Realm)!!
I Thank You, that I can pray KNOWING that the Same Power that Spoke the World into existence, that Power-You, are holding the stars, sun, moon and oceans in place, and that Power-You that keeps my heart beating, that same Power-You that raised (You) Jesus from the grave and will call every dead person from their grave; is operating through me right now, giving me Full Authority to SPEAK, DECREE AND DECLARE what You have for me and Your Ministry into existence today!
You did not say, You are a “Future help” You said, You are a “VERY PRESENT HELP, A RIGHT NOW HELP!” And YOU said, there would be signs and Evidence of Your Help, This Help that You Promised! That You Are (This is the help that You said I needed Faith + Patience in order to receive it).
Help me to renew my mind to this FACT, this TRUTH and help me to forget about and not-even consider my past or the world’s restrictions, ways and laws. You are no-respect-of person and If You did not allow Peter, Enoch, Moses, Joseph or Joshua to be bound by gravity/water, death/life, storms, people, fear or time, I know when I believe, and I make myself available to You and when You have a need to express this type of ability to the world YOU CAN USE ME LORD!
This is just me talking Lord, as I see so many millions of leaders, Millionaires/Billionaires, Celebrities, and Megachurches and Yet Your Cities are still so corrupt, so filled with division, poverty, violence, sadness, anger, racism and lawlessness and in the very communities where “Your-Churches” (as they claim to be) are located.
I Need Your Understanding Lord and Your Personal Instructions Revealed in a way that will "cause" me to act-on every Word and every thought from You…. Meaning….I pray that I am not deceiving myself to believe that the violence, fornication, lgbtq, poverty and the unbeliever's rate can decrease. I know You have done it but are You using me at this time and in this season to manifest it? I know Your answers are Yes and Amen! So I will work!
I speak and I verbalize, Grace upon Grace, restoration, life & light into my debt, my marriage, and any darkness in my life, the same way You Spoke the world into existence & called Lazarus from the grave because YOU ARE THE PERSON SPEAKING IT THROUGH ME RIGHT NOW and it will only be manifested because of Your Spirit and Your Finished Words and not because of anything I want or I desire (YOU ARE MY DESIRE, YOU GIVE ME WHAT TO DESIRE AND WHAT TO WANT AND YOU MANIFEST IT THROUGH ME THROUGH MY FAITH AND MY PATIENCE IN YOU).
So right now, I declare I am healed, I am prosperous, The PC Networks are Successful, My children are chaste and prospering and I have everything that I need now (which is Your Spirit, Your Directions and Words - Your Mind)!
And Right Now I Decree and Declare every young person, every gang member and every community and every business leader that we approach in Your name in these streets and offices will be set free and come and learn from Your Gospel and the curriculum set forth by the PC Networks and I Decree and I Declare that our entire team will speak and see life and hope manifested in these neighborhoods and businesses that satan "thinks" he has control over.
I also know demons and darkness only respond to You, Your Voice and Your light. When I speak to demons they will Not Say “Paul I know & Jesus I Know, but who is Wardell.” They know my name and they obey me because I am in You Speaking Your Word and under Your Authority. But I also know I can only speak things into existence that You have already giving to me or made ready to be manifested; the very things I am praying and speaking to You about now!
Because when I am in You and You are in me..You are the Person speaking and You are Always in the "Now" and that’s what keeps me in the “Right-Now-Faith;” demons are responding to You, not me!
Because everything I do, must-be what You have already done in heaven and is in-sync with me and time; the very things that YOU are manifesting in the earth through me RIGHT NOW because-of my prayers, decrees, and declarations that are in-sync with You and eternity!
The Words that You are speaking through me right now cannot return to You Empty of Accomplishing what they are going out of my mouth to accomplish.
Your Spirit, Your Warring Angels hear what I am speaking, decreeing and declaring and they GO TO WORK INSTANTANEOSLY TO make what I am saying happen (in some way, shape or fashion).
You said to get an understanding of this process and how You, Jesus, Your Holy Spirit and Your Angels work with-me and through me!
I now understand that Daniel’s Blessing and that Angel was held-up because Your Angels had to physically visit those that You were using during that time. Your Angels had to physically approach and physically talk with Abraham, Jacob and others and because You were not "IN-THEM" at the time; visible angels of the Lord had to loose chains and open prison doors for Peter and Joseph and others…..HOWEVER, NOW, I am different and I am better-off and I am more powerful because of What You did by coming to earth living without sin and then laying down Your Life and then resurrecting Your Life so that You can reside in me…..
NOW, AT THIS PRESENT TIME, You and Your Spirit and Your Power, and Your Authority and Your Anointing is "IN ME" I HAVE YOUR-MIND Directing, Operating and Controlling My brain, my mind, my thoughts, the elements and the systems of this world, RIGHT NOW…
So, there is no person, no situation, no weather event, no accident, no mistake or no demon that can hold-up, delay or stop my Blessings or my prayers, because You are Speaking my Blessing, Answering my blessing and Manifesting my blessing Yourself for Yourself, IN ME AND THROUGH ME. satan or no one can come between You and I. UNLESS I LET him OR I AUTHORIZE him! And why would I do that? there-in lies my great life and my great future ....My want-to and my desire to "CHOOSE FAITH AND PATIENCE - YOU AND YOUR WAY AND YOUR FINISHED WORKS FOR ME" That is successful life living!
I Thank You for giving me the authority and boldness to snatch demonic spirits out of those that You send me to. I thank You that I have Your Anointing and Your Power that will cause demonic spirits to leave when I show-up without me saying a word as they did with You.
Because when I show-up, I show-up with You, Projecting-You and All of Your Glory and All of Your Power and they scatter seven different ways. demons will ask and plead with me to stay, knowing I come to cast them out of my life, out of my family-line, out of my neighborhood, out of my city, out of this territory and out of this region because they know me, they know my purpose and they know my Power because they see You and Your Warring Angels with me. Because they know You as the Lord of Host (they know You as the Commander of the Armies of Heaven, who kicked them out of heaven in the 1st place, they have experience with You).
My prayers, My decrees and My declarations only comes-to-pass when and because I am in-harmony with You and operating in Your timing.
I thank You, because IT IS YOU who ENSURES THAT I AM IN YOUR TIMING. I thank You that I can talk with You knowing that You hear me, and that I will have what I say because what I say is from Your Word and Directly from Your Mind (You speaking to me and You speaking through me)!
I thank You for giving me Your Spirit of Humility to make all things right with anyone I have wronged in any way. I thank You for Your Spirit that gives me an unction, when I have said or done anything wrong to anyone and I thank You for Your Spirit of Humility that helps me to admit when I am wrong and I thank You, that I willingly accept correction in my errors and I stand boldly when it comes to doing and saying what You want said especially when others don’t like it! I won’t operate in pride or deceit! When I am wrong or right!
I am All Human with all ability to fail. And I Am All Love, All Power and All Jesus with the Ability to EXCEED GREATNESS and TO BE MORE THAN A CONQUEROR AT ALL TIMES!
I Thank You Lord Jesus for Revealing Yourself to me and for being my Understanding, so that I can accept and be WHO I REALLY AM and so that I can do WHAT I REALLY CAN DO! KNOWING HOW TO DO IT IN AND THROUGH YOU! AND HOW TO STAY IN YOU AND UNDER YOUR AUTHORITY AT ALL TIMES!
After this prayer I will be sure to quiet myself and give my ears and understanding to hear what You are saying in-return to me.
I Thank You for this Revelation of who You are and for revealing my future to me. You said, this revelation and this source of wisdom and knowledge could only be revealed by Your Holy Spirit!
I know Revelation and understanding does not come from man or my knowledge. Revelation comes from Your Word and Your Holy Spirit ONLY. Which is why I won’t argue or try to convince anyone of the specifics of Your Word (if they do not have a relationship with You).
I will plant (speak) Your seed (Your Word – with them) and You will give the increase and the understanding in Your-due-Time and in their due season.
I Thank You for giving me a heart to sow and partner with the World Leader’s Academy (financially and resourcefully). Help me to inspire Your chosen leaders, pastors, agencies, and corporations to do what You are commanding them to do towards this specific process of eliminating violence in Your neighborhoods. Show me this vision, Your vision and give me clarity on how the World Leaders Academy will effectively serve my ministry, my business and my city. Reveal Yourself and what Your plans are for me towards this vision and what part I and all readers are to play towards this work. I will give or sow into the World Leaders Academy as You lead me Hallelujah!
Lord, You said, to Ask and it would be given. I thank You for Your Unlimited Provision…Hallelujah…
(11) I AM PRAYERS ELEVEN...Now keep reading to Prayer Twelve
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