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(17) I AM - Day 17 - YOU ARE A RIGHT NOW GOD!

Writer: Wardell BrantleyWardell Brantley

Updated: Dec 17, 2024



Bless me THIS DAY, because You are a Right-Now God and a Very Present-Help,

Your Glory is Here Manifested Now! I am in the presence of Your Glory Now!

Bless me with the blessing that You gave my forefathers Abraham, Solomon and Peter. You said, As I abide in You and I allow You to abide in me, I could ask-for whatever I desired and it would be done, granted to me. Because I am the Branch and You are the Vine, whatever You supply me-with and send to the branch-ME is what I produce and is the fruit that is manifested (THAT’S YOUR GLORY).

I have learned how to abide in You and how to pray without ceasing. I Thank You for blessing me and enlarging my territory through Your Spirit of Wisdom and Courage that is operating through Me Now!

(1 Chronicles 4:10). Through my renewed mind, Help me to understand, accept and remained focused on what You are doing and accomplishing with my life.

Help me to remain focused on Your Mission and Your Purpose and Maintaining Your standard of Integrity, Character and Excellence. HELP ME TO STAY IN SYNC WITH YOU and ETERNITY ALL DAY!

I Thank You for the understanding-of:
1) When to Ask, Seek, Knock,
2) Or When to Command, Decree and Declare Verbally,
3) Or When to Take-by-force with Blind Faith (and jumping onto the water) for what I am going after,
4) Or When to work-hard-at-it, chizzle-at-it, wear-it-down, work-it-out with effort because satan is holding onto it;
5) Or When to simply chill, sleep and wait for it or them!
6) Or When to financially or resourcefully sow-into and
7) Or when to humble-down and plead with the "person" You are using to supply the need or resource.
7) Or when to simply forget about it or them!

In Amos 9:13-15, You said, “Yes indeed, it won’t be long now.” That’s Your Decree. You said “Things are going to happen so fast that my head will swim; one thing fast on the heels of the other. You said, I wouldn’t be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere I look, blessings! Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills. You said, You would make everything right again because I am Your child.”

Right Now, by Your Authority and In the Name of Jesus, I quiet (I shut-down) the noise, the anxieties, the concerns, the unknowns and my own thoughts, so that I can hear Your "Still Small Voice" and Your Rhema Word for what You need to do or have told me to do right now.

You said, my Faith in what You have done, what You are allowing now and what You have said, is my Substance and My Evidence. My Faith in what You have done in the past, present and future gives me the human confidence to "allow-You" to use me right-now to say or do what You want said or done!

My Faith is acting-now, doing something-now and responding-now-immediately that produces a tangible visible substance! Even if that something is:

  1. To shut-up, sit-down, go-to-sleep and don't say a word!

  2. Read Your Word, Sing, Praise, Meditate, Decree & Declare!

  3. Or if that something is to make that difficult call or meeting knowing that You said (in Proverbs 29:25) to fear no-man because they cannot do anything to me that You don't allow because You are in full control of this entire situation as You stated in Ephesians 1:11 (NO MATTTER WHAT IT IS OR HOW DIFFICULT IT IS).

Philippians 4:15 thru 4:19, let’s me know that Individuals and organizations that Bless my Ministry and family will be Blessed. And when I Bless and sow into Your ministries, we will be blessed and that YOU Supply-Have Supplied ALL of our Needs, You have already supplied everything that we need in order to do Your work, It’s Your Work and Your projects.

My Daily actions, words, financial gifts and my decisions are my proof, that I believe You and Your Word and Your Voice!

I Thank You for Being Jehovah Nissi in my finances, I thank You for being my Banner my Representation the One Who has triumphed for me and wins the contracts, favor and business I need to do Your work.

I Thank You for opening Your good treasury, the heavens and sending rain (Your Blessings) on my life, my organizations and my family and for blessing all the work of my hands. And trusting me to give and lend to many and not have to borrow. Deut. 28:12.

You said, for my shame (doing what You say over what the world or others say) I would have double; and for all the confusion, I would rejoice in my portion (what You have for me), I thank You for the double and the everlasting joy.

Help me to keep my eyes and attention on You and the Absolute Reality and Fact that Your works are Finished and I Am a Success Right Now and I have already Won. Help me to live and experience the Joy and Peace of this Reality!

Help me to know and to accept that Your works are finished and like Jesus, I am learning obedience and how to hear You through and over any trials, suffering or trouble (which is my season of training or experience) that You are allowing.

Help me to know, accept and embrace the "fact" that "ALL THINGS AND ALL SITUATIONS" are working together for my good and because I know what my end is (I won..I am seated with You Jesus in heavenly places) I am able to Glory in these trials, problems, troubles, unknowns, debts and hard times because I have learned in Romans and through Your sweet voice that this suffering is not worthy to be compared to what You have already given to me.

Because You also said, If I was going to reign with You (be with You) then I would have to suffer with You, You said, to whom much is given much is required, I MUST kill, eliminate and forget about my own ways and my own thoughts about the situation (that’s the suffering).

And I thank You, that I have a desire to feel Your pain because You took on all pain and troubles that came to me which is why I don’t have to worry or stress or be upset about anything or any person because YOU HAVE WORKED IT AND THEM ALL…

I simply must view every situation and every person from Your finished perspective. That’s the understanding that You said I must get, understand and live-it-out.

You said, to give You the problems, the bad-thoughts that arise, and I have, and You said, that You are my Strength when and where there is weakness.

Giving You problems is simply choosing to view the problem from Your perspective and handling the problem the way You and Your Word (not another person) said to handle it!

So now, if You have the problem (because I gave it to You) and You are my Strength in every area of my life…, life must-not-be… Life-can-not-be, hard…

Hard life, Must be, has to be… how I think about what I am experiencing at the moment and what I have learned or heard about this type of experience from others…

Others have said, that living for YOU is hard…You never said that

Others have said, when a person show You who they-are, then never deal with them that way again…You said, forgive them 69 more times (that same day) and also give them my coat.

You said, to restore and bless the person that has done harm to me, You said, Restore that person that has fallen or messed-up. You said, I as the stronger person in-faith, I am commanded to help restore the weaker person who is doing me wrong, because they are only doing wrong to me because satan has taken advantage of them. They are only doing me wrong because they are too weak to say no to satan and his pressure. I KNOW I HAVE POWER AND AUTHORITY OVER satan WHO IS CONTROLLING THEM! I have the power and authority to cast the demonic presence out of them for Your Glory and Your sake. And I can do it through Your Agape Love in a way that I do not hurt them further because they are hurting me.

YOU said, You are PEACE, YOU ARE EASY and what You require me to do IS LIGHT, You Are Joy….Help me to un-learn how I view or think about killing my flesh so that my thoughts, responses, actions and life-style reflects YOUR WORD and YOUR LIFE.

Help me (and I thank You because You are) to know and to renew my mind to the “fact” that living for You is not hard “I AM REALLY HAPPY.” I must simply learn, understand and accept the purpose of my life and the things I must experience in order for You to prepare and train me to accomplish my purpose and my destiny.

Help me to live in this reality & fact!


  1. It’s exciting to know that I am a King, I am A Ruler, I am a Dispatcher of Your Army of Angels.

  2. It’s exciting to know that I can Exceed Greatness and that I am doing Great Exploits NOW!

  3. It’s exciting to know I don’t have to fight the devil and that I have Won and I didn’t even fight!

  4. It’s exciting to know I have access to everything I need, now! And That I am Provision.

  5. It’s exciting to know that I am Jireh, I am Rapha, I am Shammah, Shalom, Shaddai, Nissi, Lohim and I am Agape!

  6. It’s exciting to know my haters and satan are my footstools & demons are far, far below me.

  7. It’s exciting to know that I can lay hands on my children and they become healing/provision.

  8. It’s exciting to know that my name is written in Your Book of life.

  9. It’s exciting to know that this book & my schools & networks will save and bless billions.

  10. It’s exciting to know that YOU chose me to write this book & establish this school & funding system that will be in every home and used worldwide by over Seven Billion People.

  11. It’s exciting to know that this network will fund millions of programs & billions of individuals.

  12. It’s actually, exciting to know that I have unlimited Provision & Resources and Access to it, NOW!

  13. That is exciting Lord. Help me to keep this at the fore front of my mind AND LIVE IT!







You said, for me to become a sinner, to become poor, to become a racist, to become CEO & Billionaire, to become a drug dealer to become a prostitute (yet without sinning) in order to win them to You. You did not say preach to them so-that they would not want to be around me or You. You said, to become them so-that they will be drawn to me and learn from me, who YOU ARE AND WHO THEY ARE IN-YOU and WHO YOU ARE IN-THEM!




I Thank You That Jireh And Lack Can Not Coexist

Rapha & Sickness Can Not Coexist!





“ME, fear, anxiety, depression, pride & shame WE DO NOT ATTRACT EACH OTHER,



Yes, You said life is short and full of trouble. Yes, You said, demons are all around and always trying to attack and kill, steal and destroy me, but.............

That was before, You came on the scene and took-death’s authority for me, You took evil’s authority for me, You died-for me in-order for me to have Your prosperous, great and peaceful life. You took a horrible beating-for the troubles that would approach me and You defeated satan, kicked him out of heaven like lightning, made hell just for him and his followers and You "Gave" me dominion over him and all that he could ever present to me..

I even have dominion over physical pain in my natural physical body. All because YOU are on the inside of me and I’m in YOU, RIGHT-NOW! YOU GIVE LIFE TO EVERY PART OF MY BODY! I EVEN CHOOSE WHEN I DIE! I have authority over the death angel! You said, Your Angels, My Angels will not let me get hurt in ANY WAY.

I don’t have to have accidents (When I “choose” to dwell in You). You are in Me, why would You Let Yourself Get Hurt?

Or Suffer?

Suffering and pain comes when I “CHOOSE” NOT TO DWELL IN YOU, LISTEN TO YOU OR ACT OR RESPOND EXACTLY HOW YOU SAY TO ACT OR RESPOND. That is what You promised in Psalm 91.

When the suffering or pain is a part or a result of an act, incident or experience (such as: divorce, weather, disease, accident or violence) that "You Allowed"; "YOU" provide a super-natural grace and many times an excitement for "going-through" and coming-out of the tough situation or experience.

When the suffering comes as a result of my stupidity or impatience etc. You also provide a mercy, a grace, an understanding and a peace with myself and You MAKE ME TO BE A SOLUTION "IF" I choose-to and commit-to viewing MY stupid decision from Your Perspective and becoming a solution and a serum to help others not to make that type of mistake or decision.

YOU ARE THE LION AND THE LAMB! I GET IT! ALL OF YOUR CHARACTERISTICS; the names that are used to describe Your Abilities and how You function, are all rolled-up into ONE and manifested at that time, because I am in harmony and in sync with You and eternity; when I say, decree, declare and believe… JESUS CHRIST IS LORD..

I now understand why demons tremble and scatter seven different ways at “That-Your Name” because when I Believe, Verbalize, Confess, Decree and Declare JESUS!

All of Your Spiritual Characteristics and Power Come together as One and Attack, Rectify, Accomplish or Manifest what You desire and have predestinated for this specific TIME and MOMENT through me.

So when I say…”JESUS CHRIST IS LORD”…Immediately-Instantaneously-NOW: The Power of TIME, ETERNITY, Love, Shaddai, Shalom, Rapha, Jireh, Elohim, Goodness, Mercy and Agape…..Are ALL Assembling together on my behalf along with Your legion of warring Angels and ALL are bringing to pass Your Words that are coming out of my mouth, BECAUSE I AM IN SYNC WITH YOU, TIME AND ETERNITY, Because You said, these Words, Your Words (right now) would not return to You empty of accomplishing what they went out of my mouth to accomplish, Because You are the Person Speaking them, and YOU are the PERSON that watches-over Your Word and will make sure that Your Words are manifested at this time!

In other-words; When I Speak and Believe Your Words that are coming out of my mouth, I Experience Results and Manifestations NOW! YOUR WORDS ARE OH SO POWERFUL COMING OUT OF MY MOUTH!

“Now-Faith” Keeps Me In Your Timing AND In-Sync with Eternity and what You have already finished, And My “Now Faith” doing what You say to do RIGHT NOW, Allows Your Kingdom to be manifested IN THE EARTH.

You Are Always Now!!!

And You Are Always Active In-Me, As I Abide In-You And You Abide In Me, Giving Me What To Think about, What to Ask For, What To Decree, What To Declare, What To Pray For And What Actions To Take because You know what is about to happen based-on what You finished; so You have orchestrated and allowed situations to arise that will “cause”(by my free-will) me to respond certain-ways, so that I will walk into "by my choice" or acquire what is being manifested at the time for me!

Like when You stopped the sun, stopped-time and caused a storm to form at the time that Joshua (just-so) happened to be decreeing and declaring the sun to stop at that particular time because he was in-sync with You. Joshua did not stop the sun or cause the storm, You had already set the sequence of events in motion to stop time. Time and the storm and Joshua were simply obedient to You and in sync with Your Timing and Eternity, just like Abraham and that ram and Esther and the king and Peter, the water and gravity AND ME, MY MARRIAGE, THE BUSINESS TO BUSINESS NETWORKS and PC Financial Platforms.


And when I accept, believe and do what You put in my mind to do, (when I shout Jesus), I will see manifestations and signs following (even if it’s simply a peace in or about the situation, so that I will and I can understand how to physically react, respond or make the right decision at that time). MANY TIMES, “MY RESPONSE” IS THE BLESSING THAT I HAVE BEEN WAITING ON! even if my response is: "Wardell be quiet and take your but to sleep or for a walk; God got this"

JESUS, You and You letting them beat-You until Your Blood was flowing out of Your Body and then You Choosing to leave Your life "in-time" that ACT produced a system, a kingdom, a dimension and a way for us to accept Your-Mind.

So when I shout Jesus is Lord, it reminds me of the System that I have and that I should me living in, that You made possible for me!


YOU SAID LET “US” (ME AND YOU AND MY FAMILY) GO TO THE OTHER SIDE! Just like You told Abraham to tell those traveling with him, He and His Son was going to return (Abraham passed the test when he told his friends, he and his son was going to worship and they both were coming back. And again, when he told Isaac, that God (You) would provide a sacrifice for the offering (when You clearly told him Isaac was the sacrifice)...... that’s a mindset, a right response to A Command and A WORD, You Spoke to him Years ago...…

-Abraham had no idea how it was going to work-out, but what he did KNOW (we know You through knowledge), is that YOU promised him Isaac and grandchildren. So he knew You had already worked-it-Out for his good and that "You" are the "Person" the "GOD" that said IT and promised IT…

I DON'T KNOW ALL THE DETAILS OF HOW THIS PC NETWORK IS GOING TO WORK-OUT!!! BUT WHAT I DO KNOW IS that the knowledge, the wisdom, the focus, the favor, the endurance, the courage and the resources to put it together COMES FROM YOU!

And You even let Lazarus get stinking-dead and then called him back…and when Peter began to sink in the water, You and Peter "walked" back on top of the water together. Peter was still walking on the water – even after he began to sink, (You said, You two “walked”, You did not carry him nor did a boat come pick him up).

And in John 11:40 You said, If, I would simply believe, then I could kill this giant;….... Because This situation / this problem that “seems” hard, is only hard because I am not handling-it “exactly” how You said to handle it (or I am not “in-You”)!

Peter only "began" to sink in the water because he did not use his Authority-You and Your Words, Your Grace over the thoughts that caused him to give-up on that particular mission or thing (he had such great-belief-in, that gave him the faith to jump out of the boat (in the first-place) against his buddy’s advice, into darkness, onto water).

I believe and I know, I can walk on water also and cast mountains into the sea, pluck-up sycamine trees from the root and destroy fig-trees (big problems) in 24 hours, when I keep my mind, my attention and my focus on You, at all times no matter how long it takes (months, years or decades). All is just a moment to You anyway!

Even when Peter began to sink, he did not give up on You, He still had to keep his attention and focus on You, because he got-up and continued walking on the water – You had to bring Peter closer to You, because that’s where You wanted him anyway, by Your side, holding Your hand.

So now, I believe You had "a-hand" and a purpose in allowing him “to begin to sink- to fail” (even-though You told him to come to You), so that he and I would know that we must keep You right beside our side (letting Your mind be active in-me) at all times and You always want to hold our hand and You don’t want us coming at You, You want us walking with You, In-You and You must hold us Up with Your Righteous Right Hand!

I should never be coming at You, I Should Always be IN-YOU and You in me! Nothing should EVER be “between Us”. I capitalized the “U” in Us because when I am with You and "In-You", I am a Joint Heir in All that YOU ARE and All that You HAVE. I AM CAPITALIZED WITH YOU!

In this book I have been capitalizing all references to You but this is You writing and YOU HAVE CAPITALIZED ME ALONG WITH YOU! However, for the sake of understanding and keeping some level of the English standard of communicating, I will not capitalize the “I” or “me” for the remainder of this book, In which “I” should be capitalized at all times, because I AM ALWAYS IN YOU. Hallelujah.

Lord, I believe You were demonstrating to Peter (what was to come) and how You would be with him in a short while. As much faith as he thought he had, he and I can only remain on top of the water (conquering-life and difficult situations) when You are holding our hand (when we are in You and You are in us, in-peace and in-harmony).

satan let-peter-go when You grabbed his hand. I, NOR Peter can walk on water or do great things without You holding us up or if we are filled with fear, unbelief or anxiety (storms) or if something or someone is between You and I! You may let us do it for short while, but You will remind us where we MUST Allow You to be; At the forefront of OUR MIND! PRAYING-TALKING TO YOU, WITHOUT CEASING AT ALL TIMES so that You can hold us up with YOUR RIGHTEOUS RIGHT HAND!

This is just me talking God: I now know through this story: When You Say “Come” or “do” something. My response will be; Jesus, “I need” You to come take my hand – I WILL Seek You and Your direction first, Let Your mind be in Me, I must get in-You and make sure You are abiding in me. I MUST ensure that I am all the way in You, so that I do not give satan any room or opportunities to come “between” You and I.

That’s why peter sunk. It’s wasn’t the storm, because there will always be storms in our lives even with You and when we are In-You.... it was where Peter “ALLOWED THE STORM TO TAKE PLACE.”

Jesus, You-died, and placed Yourself (My Comforter) "in-me" so that nothing could ever come “between” YOU and I. That is only way I can be SUCCESSFUL. Peter, his boys and the world needed to see and witness this “Extreme” faith and extreme failure (first hand). You knew Peter was going to sink/fail, You had to use something (an area of unbelief) that was in Peter (because You can’t make us fail), like-how You used the fear that Job was harboring and holding-on to cause the events in his life to happen.

Peter’s “over-confidence” in his fishing skills and the way he was accustomed to handling storms, along-with You making him rich with the fish and then using “his boat”; those few things that You did for Peter, no-doubt “puffed-up” his head and his pride (a little) and allowed him to take-on a false-type of confidence that made him believe that “he-himself” could jump on that water without You “holding” his hand!

He forgot that he had no-part in those miracles except to receive them and to do what You said to do. You had to use an area of his mind that he had not completely given to You in order to prove to him and Your other disciples and TO us that we can do nothing “successfully or for-long” without You holding our hand, holding us up and being in us as we allow Your Mind, Your Word to direct and cause every response and action we take.

(maybe, the pride in Peter, was trying to impress his boys or the pride in himself and how he was such a great, rich and experienced fisherman gave him the confidence to jump out that boat.

The interesting thing about his thinking....You had just showed him how "his experience" "his knowledge" was no match for Yours (He fished all night – over a distance, got nothing; You told him to fish on the other side of his boat and he caught millions of fish. You had just made him rich with one word, one command “before” he decided to follow You. You had just made him rich, he saw the miracle with the five loaves of bread and fish also.

Peter had just experienced two GREAT, GREAT, GREAT miracles performed by You, then he decided to follow You. Peter was ready and excited to do Great things; because I can only imagine how Your Sermon out on “his” boat inspired him also. So Peter was ready to walk on water. BUT YOU STILL HAD TO HUMBLE HIM – TAKE HIM DOWN A KNOTCH IN FRONT OF HIS BOYS! Because unconsciously he was trying to do something great without You; and You needed Peter, the disciples and us to know that You Must and You will get ALL the Glory in every situation and we can do nothing (for-long) apart from You (trying to do something our-way, using our mind instead of Yours).

You let Peter walk for a short while on that water; but during that short While, He was getting all the glory because space and a storm was between You and him. You get the Glory when You are carrying us, when You are visible with us!

I can only imagine You-Jesus, telling Peter, as You were pulling him up, out of the water and walking with him; You were saying, “Peter (Wardell) next time you start a venture, let ME get to you first, do not let anything or any space get between you and I. Please do not ever get ahead me. I told You to come, because You did not let fear keep you from recognizing me and I could not lie, it was Me, Don’t be embarrassed, this was a great lesson for everyone (and it will even make it into my bible for all to see forever). I am so so proud of you, for having that kind of confidence in me and in yourself, which is why I told you to come.

“You” can “do” all things, but they must be done “through me” “In-Me” and “With-Me, Right by Your side” holding you up with My Righteous Right Hand along with Our legion of Angels and My Mind operating in You. I can't let you sink or die you have My Body and My Mind and You are Me, You are a living-Word, You are my Epistle, You are not Your Own, That body is mine and I will take care of You in my Body!

You don’t ever have to sink or fail when You “allow” ME to hold You up! The water, gravity and storms only obey You when You "Allow Me" to do the Talking, Commanding and Decreeing through you.

Just remember, the next time LET’S “START OUT TOGETHER.. “LET” ME HOLD YOUR HAND, AND YOU AND I TOGETHER, WILL JUMP OUT OF THE BOAT as-one, in-sync, with God and eternity, with one-mind, “My Mind”, Using My Authority and My Power over the water, gravity, the winds, the rain and the storms. That’s the only way the water and storms will listen to You.


satan does not respond to you, he responds to Me in you!

So Now Lord, I thank You for helping me not to “Allow” Any PROBLEMS OR PERSONS to EVER COME BETWEEN YOU AND I!

I Thank You for helping me not to let pride keep me from asking You for help and I will always and continually seek You and Your ways by "Allowing Your-Mind, Your Word to be Active in Me."

Another side-note: Jesus, help me to understand this: I know Peter Jumped out of the boat because he was accustomed-to being in the water and in-storms and in-boats. When You told Peter to come, You called him in an environment that YOU knew he was accustomed-to.

As I look at my life, I can say, You normally call me to do great things in environments that You exposed me to at some point earlier. Help me to understand. You won’t call me to do something great that You have not prepared my “earthly” “fleshly” mind to handle. I thank You Lord.

I did not faint carrying my son’s unconscious body because You had already delivered me from entertainment, sex, muslim-faith, a Stroke, Siatica, and my moms death! I can handle this Multinational Organization because You have already exposed me-to and allowed me to serve over 10,000 clubs, events, hotels, churches, pastors, corporations, and businesses in every industry, in every state and every sector of society (from clubs, to churches to fortune 500 corporations).

Lord I am belaboring this story because it is so similar to my 20-year experience and this experience served as the vehicle that You used to carry me into my next level of life.

I WAS ALWAYS CONFIDENT ABOUT MY SKILLS AND ABILITIES TO BE GREAT. SO WHEN YOU SAVED ME AND BROUGHT ME INTO YOUR CHURCH AND GAVE ME ACCESS TO SO MANY LEADERS AND CHURCHES, I TOO, NATURALLY JUMPED OUT OF THE BOAT WHEN I SAW YOU AND I “KNOW” YOU SAID, COME-WORK, So I started working hard, not considering people, not considering storms and not considering the issues of life and not considering my own personal issues that I struggle-with (pride, fear, unbelief, pornography) that I had not renewed my mind-of.

For years I was coming towards You and I allowed things, projects and people to come between You and I, that caused me to make decisions apart from Your-Mind.

You had to finally – utterly – publicly allow my unrenewed mind to cause me to fail and sink, knowing-that, that failure would get my attention so that I would aggressively hold-on to Your hand forever and not allow anything, project or person to come between You and I again.

I now know, You orchestrated the failure this way, so that all of the drug dealers, gang members and my student-world leaders will know when and how to jump out of the boat and how to stay on-top of the waters (in order to succeed in life despite the STORMS, problems, issues and people).




being in-trouble, in-sickness, in-lack, in-hurt

and Hating it, Fighting-it, Speaking against-it (because its not from You)…

…While…at the same time….

being Content in-it, At rest with-it, In-peace with-it

because You are, Allowing-it, using-it and working-it together for my good

to strengthen-me, to show-me-You and to Allow me to experience the Power that You are in-me

to Resist-It, Over-come-it and Keep the Victory over-it and my mind!

So that I can show others they are Victory in that particular area Also.

You will never waste time and situations on me. All of my situations will make me a serum for others and a DIAMOND FOR YOU AND YOUR KINGDOM!


I am not cursed, this cancer is not a curse – this lack is not a curse. It’s impossible for me to believe You and Worship You and take-on Your attributes if I believe You are “cursing-me” or allowing a curse to over-take me! You are Love, Love gives me Power and Authority over this cancer and lack and the strongholds on my mind that may-be keeping me captive to this bondage! I AM FREE NOW! THANK YOU JESUS!

(17) i am prayers seventeen...Keep reading to 18

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