Updated: Feb 8, 2024

I thank You for helping me to learn how to recognize, discern and fight the devil on every level (fighting the thoughts that enter my mind that are not from You; that’s my battle)!
I thank You because You do not give me negative or bad thoughts. I thank You that I can hear You clearly when I am in-peace and content!
I will not hang around anyone, watch or listen-to ungodly things or be in the wrong place that will hinder the power of Your Anointing and Your Glory from manifesting in and through Me. I Thank You for Your Help and Your Peace and Your Contentment, I Thank You for You!
Your Son, Jesus asked You, “Why” “Why” did You have to forsake Me?
But I know He’s still thanking You, 2,000 years later, because He is still on Your Throne right by Your side, talking to You about me and thanking You for forsaking Him for me and my-sake so that He and I can both be with You in heavenly-places, right now! Because He is YOU!
In fact-this is He, I, thanking-You, thanking-myself. Because I Wardell am In-Christ and this is Christ Speaking these Words for me on behalf of me because I “chose” to be in-Christ and to Allow You-Christ to use my mind, my mouth and my body to inspire others to do the same thing, so that You can establish Your Kingdom here on earth and in Your children as it is and You are in Heaven. IT'S ALL YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE IN ME CRYING ABBA-FATHER THROUGH ME AND FOR ME. So I can not communicate with You, Without You!
Actually, this is not my body, You said, I am not my own, this is Your body. I thank You for letting me ride in Your-this body and for counting me worthy enough for You to establish Your Kingdom in me and to share Your Inheritance, Power and Glory with me. I Love You Lord for Loving me this much!
I thank You for these trials and hard-times that You-knew I had to experience and the trials that You prepared for me to go through and conquer, Like the five fish You prepared for the 15,000 people, Like the fish You prepared for Jonah, and the millions of fish You prepared to make Peter rich, the thousands of demons You preordained and allowed for the man and the pigs, and the slavery period You prepared for black americans and the body & the cross You prepared for Jesus. You also fore-knew me and You knew every experience I would need to go-through and You “caused” and preplanned every trial just for me. And You prepared-me and Gave-me (2,000 years ago) the victory over the trial, the spirit, the test, the slave masters, the oppressors, the debt, the haters, the person(s) and myself and the thoughts that tried and continues to try to keep me bound.
Then You said, I Swear I’m gonna bless You Wardell, then You showed me my successful, finished, future with my wife and children! You knew it was done the whole time, because You CREATED & FINISHED me and my future (that’s why You could swear by it) and now, so do I, I can swear I am successful also.
I swear I am blessed, because I am in You and You are in me!
I Swear the PC Platforms will fund Millions of organizations, businesses and individuals and it will provide "you – the reader" with every resource that You Need.
That is why I (God) lead "you-reader" to this “I-Am Book and Resource!
Help me to Renew my mind to this FACT & TRUTH FROM YOU GOD!
You even had conversations with the devil about me and gave him permission to sift me like wheat and You had to remove parts of Your hedge from me so that satan could sift me, attack me and burden me down (just like You had to remove Your Infinite Glory from Jesus so that he-You could operate in this sin riddled world without taking everybody-out with one word or bringing Your legions of angels into time to help You).
I thank You for letting me know through Romans and Job that You only gave him permission to attack me because You already knew I would win and You already gave me all of the skills, angels, anointing, weapons, resources and information I needed to ensure that I would win.
I will pay the vows I have promised to You and others, like when Jonah and Job came to themselves and did what they vowed to do and released their pride and fear, You then released and blessed them forever. I Thank You for using me, Pouring Your Oil into me and using me to Pour-Out into others starting with my children, my student-world leaders, partners and network members!
I want-to give You what You want, I am giving You what You want, I want-to and I will loose/sow what You want, Help me to give-up what You need me to give-up! I want Your Fresh Oil, I thank You for Your Fresh Anointing, Your Fresh Manna, Your Fresh Wind, and I thank You Now because I have it all in me and as-long-as I am following the leading and guiding of Your Holy Spirit, I will always have what I need and leftovers to help others.
I thank You for showing-me and revealing to me any of my ways and thoughts that I have not given to You or stopped. I thank You because You Love me too, too, too, too much to let me be deceived. You said, If I sought You with all of my heart I would find You and Your-Will and I would not be deceived in any way! I Thank You Lord for giving me a heart and a mind to seek-after You, run-after You and “Do” Your Will AND “DO” YOUR WORD!
I thank You for this deep purification. I even thank You for the separation, isolation, and the time alone and how it has made me better and not bitter.
I thank You for this hunger in my stomach and heart that has been growing for Your Kingdom. I thank You for this intense burning to see the radiance of Your Glory manifested in my life.
I thank You for choosing me for this role before I was (even) born. Like Psalm 141, Help me not to LET my heart be drawn to the world or into lies, unbelief, fear, pride, anger, sadness or doubt.
I will pro-actively keep Your-Mind and Your-Thoughts Active in my mind and in my mouth. This is my choice that I have to grind-my-teeth, squeeze my eyes, grind-it-out, some-times to the point of tears and “JUST DO” and I know it will be hard until I make it a habit and renew my mind to MAKE IT (my mind & my mouth) ALWAYS RESPOND & REACT with Your Words and Your Actions (I must practice this daily, reading this, Your Word daily is one of the ways that will keep me prepared).
I thank You for giving me a desire to set myself apart for You by removing all the bad-negative thoughts (unbelief, impatient, fear & doubt) and consecrating myself to You so that I will always be available to You.
You said, having this kind of faith only comes by hearing and reciting Your Word, prayer and fasting. I Thank You for giving me Your Heart, Your mind and Your desire to pray and fast as YOU Lead me!
I will bring my first fruit to You as You said in 2 Chronicles 29. You said, all whose hearts were willing brought offerings to You. Even Abraham and others always gave You the first of the spoils, just to say thank You! Because Victory is not possible without YOU!
Joshua could not win his battle unless Moses kept his hands-up (You even allowed others to help him keep is hands up). Which let’s me know, I can not win by myself!
Praise and Worship won battles for Joshua and Josephat and I thank You for the team and persons that will help me keep my hands-up and will Praise and Worship with me during this battle.
Fasting and listening for Your Voice helped Esther to keep her mind and thoughts in Sync with You, so that she would hear Your-Voice and respond how You needed her to respond so that she would gain favor with the King.
I will give You my worship, my sacrifice of praise and my best first, because it’s all Yours anyway. This war that I am in is Your war. I was NOT born (I was still in the spirit with You) when satan started this war with You!
You said, to whom much is given, much is required. You said, do not despise the day of small beginnings, I know You want to take me into places “IN-YOU” where no one has been before. I know the cost of this Anointing is expensive, the weight is heavy, but Lord, I know it is worth the price. I know it takes a willing heart, A hunger for You and a life-style and a daily living that is unnatural, don’t make sense, and is absolutely UNCOMMON and is unlike anyone’s life I know. And I know I can’t turn-back now!
BUT, and I Thank You, that You have assured me that I can handle this project because You said, You would not put more on me than I am able to bear, You said, You prepared me for this, before I was born and You also said in Matthew 11, that I could come to You, when I feel weary and burdened, and You would give me rest. You said, I am Strongest, when I am at my weakest point while I am constantly resisting satan’s thoughts (my thoughts) and resting in-You, using Your Words, Your Weapons and Allowing You to be my manifested Peace.
I know, when I yoke-up with You and learn from You, I experience Your gentleness and feel Your humbled heart; and that’s when I find (feel or experience) Your Rest, as I work-on this major task. You said, resting in You takes work. I have to labor constantly to keep my mind & thoughts in-line with Yours.
I know, I can do it, I am doing it, and it can be (It Is) fun and rewarding, because You said, Your Yoke (being with You) is easy, and Your Burden, the responsibilities You have given to me are Light.”
I know, I can experience this lightness when I allow You to do the work and when I do not get upset or burdened when things may not “seem” to be going the way that I wish they would and when I totally forget about myself, my desires, and my reputation and what anyone is or maybe saying about me and when I Know, Accept and Live in the Reality that You Have finished My Happy, Successful and Healthy Future!!! Hallelujah…
"I Thank You for renewing my mind to live in this reality"
I succeed and grow when I do not take it “Personal” When ANYONE (to include my spouse) Is saying or doing any harmful or hurtful things to me. And when I KNOW and ACCEPT that it is satan and a demonic attack from satan, not the person that satan is using. I GET MAD AND FIGHT THE spirit AND THE bad thought, NOT THE PERSON he IS USING! I LOVE-ON, HELP AND PRAY FOR THE PERSON THAT satan IS USING and deceiving EVEN WHEN THE PERSON IS ME!
No-One knows the cost of the Oil that You have poured out on Me, No One knows the Tests I must take and complete and No-One knows the hours and tears I commit to You EVERY-SINGLE-DAY. And the MANY hours daily, You spend with me preparing me for this mission.
You said when I pray and sow secretly You reward me openly. Help me to endure! I thank You, that I am alive and revived and enduring through Your Joy that is strengthening me, even now as I write and read these-Your Words with tears of Joy, frustration and hurt!
That’s the Adventure!
Life & Death standing face to face…
It’s the Best of My Life and the worst of my life all at the same time!
Laughing While Crying,
Praising while Struggling
Hating my stupid-mistakes and Loving Your Grace & Mercy
as I fight to forget them!
I don’t want-to and I won’t generate my own rewards or blessings by doing or saying things that are not from You (LIKE LYING). I want You to Bless me. I want Your Blessings, I won’t take Your Glory or Your opportunities that You want to get some Glory by blessing me. As You commanded, I won’t do things like praying, working, or performing so people will see me or so that people would honor me or think highly of me (as You said). I bind & rebuke the spirit of pride.
Everything I do or say will be done with excellence and unto You, to impress You, to Honor You, to Give You Glory, to Show the World You and How You Operate! I WON’T TAKE YOUR GLORY! OR PREVENT YOU FROM GETTING GLORY OUT OF MY LIFE and LIFESTYLE!
I thank You for this latter Glory. I thank You for Your cleansing. I Thank You for my right and renewed mind, that is being renewed daily.. Hallelujah!
I thank You for the Power to bring those with poverty-mindsets, gang members, ex-prisoners, and troubled-Youth out of the streets and to bring Your “Called” leaders together to serve Your communities.
I thank You for Your Glory, Your Protective Angels, and for Your Blood that will ensure that the death angel is kept “at-bay” and will pass-over the territory and not take one soul, street, business or organization that You have given to us, to work-in…You said, don’t fear and we won’t.. I thank You for the Joshua & David Anointing to fearlessly war in these streets, Corporate offices and to Establish Your Kingdom & Presence by Force, I thank You for hovering & reigning over these neighborhoods and cities worldwide as we work in them!
You said, to me, “Your children have brought You into the church buildings and NOW it is time to take You to the streets, the homes, the corporate offices, the businesses, the trap houses, the clubs, and the areas where Your presence & Glory has not been established.”
You even showed me how You are going to eliminate cancer and these other dreadful diseases through the programs and projects of the Media Arts Academy sites, schools & networks And how America’s prisons and hospitals will be transformed to Schools and Places of Worship.
On Tuesday October 24th 2017 at 9:15am you said, go now! And that when your soldiers went into the streets, to the corporate offices, businesses, to the gangs and drug houses and clubs they would not be harmed and that Your Word would be received! Help me to know what to do with this message and how and who to get it to!
I won’t be like Jonah, I won’t run from this task or judge the people You desire to bless. I won’t even be like Moses, scared to deliver this message nor will I mis represent You and speak to Your children in a way that misrepresents You, that may hinder their understanding of YOU, I will learn from Moses & Jonah, my flesh is afraid and I do stutter, but I also know You will lead me to the persons who needs to hear this message and You will speak thru me like Moses & Esther. I won’t let fear, past mistakes or anxiety grip-me or keep me from doing what You have told me to do.
I TRUST THE PLAN THAT “YOU” HAVE BIRTHED THROUGH-ME and REVEALED TO ME. You Said, Write the vision that You Gave me and Make it Plain and I am (Just like the authors of Your Bible wrote Your Vision and made it plain, You are my living-example for everything).
And just-like Jonah blessed the entire city “after” running from You, so am I able to do great exploits after my huge mistakes and running from You!
I Know eliminating fear, doubt and unbelief is simply DOING EVERYTHING that You say to do without excuse and despising the shame and what others make say or think.
I know what to do, based on what Your Word Says.
(8) I Am Prayer Eight....Keep reading to (9)

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