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Writer: Wardell BrantleyWardell Brantley

Updated: Jul 7, 2022

Your Spirit, Your Power that was, that is, In-Jesus Christ’s Physical-Human Body that caused Him/You Your “Body” to live a perfect life, with the motivation, authority, ability, excitement and power to do everything that God, Your-Father said to do, is in me now.

I have Your Power and Your Authority to cast out demons, eliminate lack, eliminate poverty, unite, fund and empower business and community leaders, stop bullets, stop accidents, stop divorce, dry-up cancer and Speak Provision, Speak-Life and Speak physical things into existence Now! I HAVE THE ABILITY, RIGHT NOW, TO DO EVERYTHING THAT YOU ARE TELLING ME TO DO (to include being Loving, Happy, Healthy and Hearing Your Voice Clearly)!

Help me to “Allow” You; YOUR Power and Your Spirit to Have Your-Way with my thoughts, my mind, my mouth, my body and my life as You did Jesus. Help me to continually "LET" YOUR MIND BE ACTIVE IN ME!

Jesus, You in-human form are my example and proof that I can do it. He, You, Jesus, You are in me Living Your Fullness, NOW! I am You Manifested for others to see and experience, WHEN I "LET" YOUR MIND BE ACTIVE IN ME!

You said, this tarrying, this waiting is my preparation and training time so that I can manifest and perform Your Great works for others to see, so that they will follow and join You, just like Peter and I did! We dropped everything and followed YOU-Jesus!

All the seeds, roots, potential, ideas, solutions, Your very essence and provision is all on the inside of me NOW! Hallelujah.. You use people and situations good and bad to draw YOU out of ME so that others can experience Your fullness and Your Kingdom that is in me that You want in them.

I Will Project Your Spirit and Your Characteristics of Jireh, Rapha, Elohim, Nissi, Shaddai, Love, Integrity, Peace, Joy, Endurance and Strength and I will experience Your manifestations.

Jesus, You were Never broke, angry, sick, lost, scared, rejected or sad (at least- not long enough-for it to become unbelief or a sin) and I won’t be either, When satan approached You, You put him down quickly with Your Words.

You died and suffered horribly so I wouldn’t have-to….I won’t let Your suffering be in vain. I will quickly put-down thoughts that are not from You. I will learn what these thoughts are. This book reveals (through Your Holy Spirit) what Your thoughts are.

You made me in Your Image and Your Likeness and You filled me with You and Your fullness, so I am Jireh, You not-only provide for me, You have already provided and You Made me to be a Provider/Provision for millions. And when I lay-hands-on and Anoint others, they become what’s in me, Jireh a Provider also.

My Faith in You, (when I lay-hands-on individuals) draw-pull & allow You to be drawn-manifested out of them and whatever they stand in need-of that You have for them at that time; My faith allows "IT" ""You" to be drawn-pulled out of me into them for their upliftment, understanding or salvation (basically the You in me is connecting with the You in them that they allowed to be dormant or not active because of unbelief or ignorance)!

You cloned me with You and ALL of Your Power and Authority, so that I can clone others…I am required to establish and leave thousands of little Wardell-Jesus’ on this earth. I am required to empty You and Your Fullness that is in me into many others. My first priority is to Pour You into my wife, children and the students in the Academy (this is how You are Multiplying me a thousand times for Your legacy, that You want to leave through me and my family line).




I will renew my mind & Character until it’s a perfect match with Your-Word-You, So that others can really see what You look like, just by watching me.

All of Your Attributes and Characteristics are in me now. When people see me they say.. OH, that’s what Jesus Look and act like (that’s my flicker when I’m in the public). That’s what Jireh and Elohim look and act like, that’s what Shaddai, Rapha, Sabbeoth, Nissi, Favor, Love, Peace & Joy look and act like. Wow Jesus look like Wardell…wow..that is why he named all of his boys Wardell.

When People want to know what real peace is, they talk about Wardell, When people make reference to Provision, Prosperity, Character, Integrity, Courage and Endurance my name always comes-up as a living example.


I will never be in-lack for anything (resources, peace, joy, excitement, information, confidence, courage etc.)…I will use the Authority that You ARE in-me and The Power that You have made available to me at all times. I am pregnant-with and delivering right-now everything I need, and I thank You for the manifestation of it today.

I will continue to water and fertilize, what You have put on the inside of me with (This Word) Your Word, YOU, until I have delivered Your full harvest of every seed that You have planted on the inside of me. I will leave this earth empty of every seed, plant and harvest ( every ministry, business, organization or project) that You have invested in me! You said my gift, Your Anointing, Your seeds will provide for me! YOU ARE THE GIFT THAT YOU PUT INSIDE OF ME. You are the Gift that Breathed into me when I was conceived!

My Gift is nothing and my talent is ineffective and USELESS when it is not used how You said to use IT, because the “It” my “Gift” is You manifested and/or You manifesting Yourself through me! That’s how Your Glory is seen by the world. You and my Gift, my Talent are not separate! My Talent actually destroys when it’s not used for You and by You!

When artists sing secular songs YOU are absolutely NOT using them or anyone that is using their talent for things You Absolutely would not do! If You Wouldn’t do it, You Would NOT make a way or ask your children to do it! NO-MATTER WHAT IT IS!

In Philemon 1:6 You told me how to communicate my faith in order to get my provision, You said, I must profess and agree “verbally” with what You have already done. When I agree with You, I begin to transfer what’s on the inside of me (and what You have finished in the spirit realm) to the physical realm!!! I get this promise and provision when I believe and act-on, the fact that what I am praying-for is already done and Available! You said this in Romans 4:16.

Your Gifts do not destroy and Your gifts are not given to us to produce: porn, destructive music & entertainment, cigarettes, cocaine, mayonaise and other useless items whose purpose only destroys.

My Successful, Healthy and Prosperous Future is a Fact, It’s Done and it is one of Your Precious Promises found in Jeremiah 29:11 and 3 John 1:2. You even called me YOUR BELOVED and said, YOUR NUMBER ONE PRIORITY FOR ME is to be RICH, HEALTHY AND SAVED!

In Romans 5:2 You gave me access to my provision and prosperity through my faith and my positive responses to situations that confirms that I know what You promised is already done and already exists…My faith which are my actions, manifest what You have already given to me when done by the leading and guiding of Your Holy Spirit. I do and Act-on what I believe.

My actions prove that I have faith In You Jesus Christ and what You have provided and made available to me.

My Faith in the fact that I am Your king cause me to act as a king. My Faith in Your Truth, Promises and Finished works of the World Leaders Academy and the PC Funding Networks (that You have given to me) causes me to perform and work-hard daily, towards accomplishing the plans that You have given to me.

In Psalms 144, You said, that You are the Person who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle as You did for David, which manifested itself when He killed the lion, the bear and when he killed goliath with that sling and rock. David knew exactly how fast to rotate that sling and when to release that rock from the sling and where to Hit goliath and I know You have trained me to know exactly when, where and how to kill the giant issues and barriers that I encounter (that You allow).

But I also know You, Your Angels and the wind and the atmosphere had to guide that rock directly to goliath’s forehead and You had to allow YOUR breath to be removed from his body.

David, Noah, Esther or Job, neither of them allowed people’s remarks (their family, wives or enemies) or people's lack of faith in them stop them; and what people think of me will not stop me from pursuing or accomplishing great things or killing great giants even when it benefits the person whose doubting me or trying to stop me.

And Like David, I thank You Lord for using me to kill these giants of unbelief in what You are saying and have said, I am killing and have killed spirits of fear, poverty, fornication, divorce, pornography, violence, drugs, sadness, anger and diseases etc. in my communities with the unconventional weapons that he has no answer or solution-to! Hallelujah. I will continue to give my life to You despite what others may say. I KNOW MY-LIFE DOES NOT MAKE COMMON-SENSE TO ME OR MAN!

You train and prepare me to know exactly what to say and who to say it to, in-order to acquire all that You have for me and all that You have for me to do. You also guide and lead me to the right people. I will fight every negative thought (battle) and acquire every blessing in Your strength and with Your Knowledge, I will not try to acquire anything through my determination and effort even deliverance from strong-holds, I will allow You to do it all (by doing what You tell me do about it), I will simply live and operate as the King, CEO and Righteous Person that You have made me to be and suffered for me to be.


I will forget about any and all mistakes and issues….and simply BE who YOU said I am!!! And I will watch the manifestation of what my life produces when I live as the King and Leader that You have made me to be, working under Your Authority.

Your only requirement for me is that I Be Holy (WHOLE) as You Are Holy (whole) and to Rest in You….I will let You Live Your Life through me. Hallelujah.

I love You, my vision, my destiny, my community and my children too, too much to give my body, attention, ears and eyes to certain people, music, entertainment, conversations or any unholy or worldly-dead things that go against Your Word and Will that can potentially shape or influence my thinking and decisions.

You said, to write Your Vision and to make it plain, so that all will understand it, sow in it and be served by it. You said, a person, a house, an organization, or a church without a clear written vision will fail!

So now, If I am uncertain-of or If I have not written-out my vision, my life’s action-plan or if I do not know my specific purpose for my life, I will seek-after You and the understanding of my purpose “all day everyday” until I am clear of what my specific purpose and talent is and how to use it for Your Glory and My Good-Success that results in others being blessed. I will “work” with every project that I have access-to now-starting today, until I find that One project, career or job that You have created for me to spend the rest of my life building. Other people, pastors, counselors or family members, normally can not help me with determining what my “specific” gift or talent is…Help me to remember this, when others are giving me advice. Others see my talent from the outside and what I have been doing. Only You know my talent from the inside and from my successful finished future.

I know, I cannot be under Your Authority operating with Your Power, if I am doing or not doing things that You specifically said to do or not to do! If I can find it in Your Word, I will obey it!! I won’t take chances or play “russian-roulette” with the life that You have given to me.

That’s why I will not play-with, succumb-to or give-in to divorce. You only-vaguely-reluctantly allowed it under “one” condition (99% of the time that is NOT why most succumb-to divorce…Selfishness, Unbelieving and Don’t Wanna Suffer for You or Anybody; that is why most succumb-to divorce)!

I won’t play with divorce, Because I know me divorcing my spouse or agreeing with her/him in divorce is just like You divorcing The Church, You divorcing Yourself, You divorcing Your Spirit, You divorcing Jesus, You divorcing my grandchildren, You divorcing the next generation and You divorcing Me…You Hate Divorce because Marriage Represents and Shows the world You and Marriage is how You Replicate Yourself and pass Your Word and Your Gospel from generation to generation in All of Your Fullness and Glory…

Our Marriage Vowels and Covenant with You, Represents the New Covenant that You made with us! And To not-beleive our Marriage Covenant is to cast Doubt on Your New Covenant and how You left Your deity, put on flesh, humiliated yourself, died and resurrected all so that we would have a way back to You and we would have a recognizable and believeable person like-us who went through all that we have went through so that our human flesh could identify-with, reckon-with, reason-with and ultimately Allow Your Spirit to Reveal You and Your Kingdom in Your Fullness to us.

Marriage and Multiplying Your human race through our children, is how You and Your Fruit remains through us-humans and how You are SUCCESSFULLY passed down from one generation to the next.

So, now because the love and respect for You has been fading and the love and respect for Your covenant and marriage is being improperly communicated and represented (even in “your-so-called” church), Now Your Spirit, Your Power and Your Understanding of Your Word is not being passed-down from one generation to the next as effectively as You would like. Now look at what we have done with this earth that You gave us dominion-over to manage.

(if my unbelieving spouse must-divorce me, he/she will do it without my consent and without my participation)!

Unless, (as Your Word States) I have committed adultery on my spouse or on You through fornication and/or children out of wed-lock…then I know I must suffer whatever consequences You Allow or whatever choices my spouse choose (I Thank You Jesus, that this is not my situation, but I had to add it for those who specifically violated the one act of adultery that You put in Your-Word, that You gave us a choice to choose to end a marriage and even that scripture says it's not Your preference, but You Allow-it (Matthew 19:3-9). This train of prayer is to elminate our justification of divorce and to make it clear that divorce is NEVER YOUR WILL, But You have given us a choice, that comes with human-worldly-consequences.

I love You and “Your-Will” and Your-Way, too, too, too much to go against what You Love and what You deem so important. You fought hard and suffered long and bled all the way to death for me, my spouse and my family and the least I can do now, is fight for my spouse (Your precious child) and our covenant of marriage with You! You have given me the responsibility of pouring All of You into seven individuals in order to keep Your Gospel & Glory Flowing to the next generations. What an honor, what a privilege, How important, How critical is it for me to keep Your human race, Your Gospel and Your Kingdom Alive!

I get it now, satan is trying to stop Your Human Race from multiplying. He is deceptively doing this through, selfishness, divorce, murder, cigarettes, cancer, lgbtq, drugs etc..

God’s simple, loving statement to the lgbtq-community.

I, God created you-humans to multiply, You can not keep the human race going with the same sex partner or by purposefully altering your reproductive organs.


There would be no-more-humans in 60 to 80 years if the lgbtq message is successfully communicated and adopted.

Who desires to end the human race, other than satan?

And if, lgbtq is not for everyone then stop advertising, communicating and advocating movies, commercials, entertainment, policies and laws for it.

You can not say, that its not for everybody, because what successful parent does not want their child to be a success also. Every “Good-Thing” Comes from God and He wants all to have it!

That’s why marriage is so Critical. It passes down our beliefs from one generation to the next! Marriage multiplies the man and the woman and keeps the family going!

Lgbtq – stops with you and can not be multiplied or replicated!

In Ephesians six 10 You said, to be strong-in-YOU (to use) Your Word, Your Strength and Your Might. 11 I am putting on Your whole armor, so that I can stand against the schemes and plans of the devil. 12 I know, I don’t wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the demonic spirits, principalities, rulers, authorities, cosmic powers and spiritual forces of evil. 13 I will stand firm with Your armor on.

When I am angry, hurt, sad or filled with unbelief I will respond to You and the demonic spirit not the person. I will love-on the person and take my frustrations to You, even when I am upset with myself!

I thank You Jesus that Your Blood also covers ALL INDIVIDUALS who satan is able to convince that their life is not worth living and You are not who You say You are!

I know "that-demonic-spirit", his voice and the human-hurt-he-brings all too well. And I thank You and I Praise You for covering me and fighting for me, when the cares of this world, my mistakes and the anxiety of the unknown is so-heavy and so-real that I want to kill myself;

Yes, this precious person (me) that You personally made and You personally put Yourself in me and You will fight for me when I let You. I THANK YOU AND PRAISE YOU FOR YOU BEING MY STRENGTH, MY HOPE, MY FAITH AND THE "PERSON" "WHO" will and has kept me from killing myself and others.

I will always respond to the devil (which are words and thoughts that are not from You) I will always Use Your Authority, Your Words, Your Blood, Your Confidence, and My Verbal Voice. I will not respond to Humans & Flesh not even my own flesh! Responding to my flesh is what causes me to want to do harm to my flesh!

Responding to other people when I am upset or hurt by them causes me to be open and available for satan to use me to cause hurt or harm to them.

I Thank You Lord for giving me Your beauty (Your outlook, Your perspective) for my ashes, I thank You for Your OIL OF JOY when I am hurt, frustrated or mourning, I will keep-on (at all times) Your Garment of Praise for any spirits of heaviness, and I will do this so that I may inspire myself, my children, my family, my community and the world so that they will see me as one of Your Trees of Righteousness, that You planted Lord, so that You will be Glorified by my response, my life and my lifestyle.” This is how I keep my life one big Adventure! And this is how people can see YOU!

14 I will continue to stand (live & think) with Your Belt of Truth and Your Breastplate of Righteousness, 15 and I will stay ready throughout the day using Your Gospel of Peace as my shoes (I won’t "let" satan disturb my mood it's my choice).16 In ALL circumstances I will use Your Shield of Faith, so that I can extinguish all the flaming darts of satan, everything he tries to use to tempt me, shake-up my day or cause me to sin; 17 I will use Your Helmet of Salvation, and Your Sword of the Spirit, which is Your Word, 18 I will pray at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication, staying alert with all perseverance, making supplication for my wife, my home, my family, my schools, my networks and my PC Card members, my staff, advertisers, sponsors, partners, my business ventures, my government, Your communities and all the saints by Decreeing, Declaring and Verbalizing Your Word so that the Angels hear My Words (which is really You speaking through me) and the Angels will bring Your Words that I speak to fruition and I will have Your Faith, Your Determination, Your Endurance and Your Health to act-on what You Say in-return to me!

19 I thank You, for Your Words that You have revealed to me so that I can boldly proclaim the mystery of Your Gospel, 20 for which I am Your Ambassador in chains, that I may declare Your Word and Your Plans boldly, throughout the day, so that I and others will act-on Your Understanding and our eyes will be opened and receptive to Your Word and Your Will!

I thank You for Your Glory that is on me now, I Thank You for Your Power and Presence that is on me now, to go into the spirit realm and get what You have for me and to prepare myself for this battle and Your work today!

I thank You for using me to establish the World Leaders Academy, the Curriculum, the PC financial platforms & the PC Network Projects in every state and every country around the world.

I only want this chain of Schools and Networks because You said, that these are the tools that You have prepared for me to use to eliminate this division, racism, poverty, diseases and violence in our neighborhoods. And these are the tools I need to effectively unite our leaders, businesses and organizations in order to solve critical community issues and to provide the atmosphere for You to save those that will be saved.

I thank You for showing me that The World Leaders Academy is designed to capture, lost and deceived youth & individual’s attention, establish careers, opportunities and to serve organizations that serve Your purpose.

I thank You for allowing me and using me and my team to organize and finance Your Humanity projects for Your Kingdom.

I thank You Lord for revealing the Words to use to transcribe, Your Thoughts and Your Vision and to make them plain, so that others can comprehend it, support it and be served by it.

I thank You for Anointing me and Guiding me on how to manage Your Work and Anointing me to discern who to work-with and how to delegate the various projects so that all work and outcomes are what You have already provided-for and made ready to be manifested at this time and in this season, so that I am never working-hard all night or all day in my own efforts and not accomplishing what YOU desire to be accomplished.

I Expect Your Results Period! I will work in Your Fullness and under the control of Your Spirit of Confidence, Focus, Excellence and Determination using Your Power and Your Authority. I AM THE TEMPLE OF CONFIDENCE, I AM The Temple of EXCELLENCE and I Am the Powerful Temple of Determination, Focus and Endurance, just like You, because I am in-You and You are in-Me!

So Right Now Lord, I Vow to dedicate my life and family to this mission, Your mission to bring the world leaders together to bring Your Understanding of Your Gospel, Your Grace, Your Truth and Your Kingdom IN-ORDER-TO eliminate division, racism, divorce, violence, poverty, hopelessness, fornication, sexual identity confusion and health issues, By Establishing these Schools, Communication networks & Funding Systems through Your leading, Your guiding & Your Wisdom, even as we partner with others using Your discernment & Counsel.

I know this vow will and it is costing me my old-life and my old-ways. I know I must change in so many areas of my ways and my life. Help me to renew my mind to understand that killing my thoughts (in 3 secs) and desires (exchanging my mind for Yours) is not hard, it’s a mindset that says, I want and I will do, what You want, over my own desires and what satan may be offering.

Help me to walk worthy of “The Call” “The Purpose” that You have put on my life to carry Your Anointing for this mission. I thank You for fighting for me and warring on my behalf. I thank You for trusting me with Your Anointing.

I “choose" to give You my All, My only and MY best FIRST…I will walk in my new level of life as Your mature and adult friend because You have revealed my growth in You through Your mysteries and through my tarrying and my experiences.

So now, I am eating Your meat and I have put away the milk and the childish things (which were the sins that so easily knocked me out of Your Character). I thank You for choosing me and preparing me for this purpose! I will choose You this Day, I will choose to serve You ONLY!

I thank You for reviving me for this purpose for this time and for anointing me to be able to choose You every time.

I know, I must sanctify myself, my wife, my children and my home first! I do this by being a living and walking example of You to them and teaching them You!

I thank You for Your Power and Your Authority to lay hands-on and heal and speak bondages-off my children and family and the power to declare and keep bondages, accidents, hurt and sickness off my family and the authority to declare the seat of my body Blessed! And to prepare my entire family for this, Your Work and Your Mission for us the Brantley Family.

I thank You for blessing me with All of Your Characteristics, Your leadership skills and Your instructions and Your guidance that I must and will use; that will cause my wife, my children, my students, my partners and my team-members to willingly fall-in line with this vision and to give 100% of themselves.

Show them what You have shown me, Anoint them as You have anointed me. Put a passion and fire in them for this mission, as You have done for me....

And as for me and my house and my organizations, WE will serve You Lord! We will not be divided, and we will walk, live and serve in-Love and in-Agreement, In-You, As You said in Joshua 24:15. You gave us a choice and we Choose Life & Blessings…

I Thank You for putting me in a position to Kill, Steal and Destroy satan and his understandings.

(7) - I AM PRAYER SEVEN - Keeping reading to I Am Prayer Eight (8)

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