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I AM PRAYER THREE (30 minutes)

Writer: Wardell BrantleyWardell Brantley

Updated: Dec 23, 2020


God, in John 15:7, You said, “If, I remain in You and Your Words Remain in me, I can ask/pray for whatever I wish, and it will be done for me.” I thank You for Helping me to acquire and live in this understanding and power!

You said, to come before You boldly and I would receive mercy and what I need. You said when I pray to believe, I am believing every word that You have left on record and I believe Your Voice over my voice and satan’s voice.

Your laws and methods, Your ways and how You have setup this world to operate are always working and available for me to use in-order for me to access what You have already given to me. I will continue to water the seeds and roots that You have planted on the inside of me with Your Word and my Praise to You, so that what YOU have for me to do will be delivered, “healthy” and in perfect condition in Your due time and season, when it is time for delivery (manifested today)!

Lord God in heaven I come to You humbly thanking You for blessing me with Your unlimited financial provision and with Your Gift of Faith, Belief, Courage, Discipline, Favor and Wisdom to Get-it, Walk-into it or take it by force and the faith and belief to keep it. I believe this Plan that You have given to me to use as my direction that You said, You would provide when I sought You in all of my ways and this is the plan that You gave me when I sought You and Your Righteousness 1st.

This plan (the PC Financial Platforms) has already been accomplished because the earth is Yours and everything in it and Your works are done and I am a joint-heir with You. You are Jehovah Jireh, the God who has already provided and I thank You for my family and the ministry which You have given me stewardship over. YOU MADE ME A PROVIDER! I am provision, I AM JIREH…

You made me in Your Image and Likeness and YOU-JIREH are on the Inside of Me. So, not only have You provided. You made me to be provision for my family and for Millions (through my Schools & Networks).

Lord, I ask You to show me; and I rebuke the areas in my life (any unbelief, doubt, hurt, sadness, unforgiveness, rejection, fear, pride, shame, lust, idolatry, witch-craft, bondage, selfishness or impatience) where I have not represented You as I should-have or areas where I have Not been a good steward of Your resources, Your time or times when I have responded to situations and people improperly. Help me to understand how to totally eliminate any strong-holds, mindsets, bondages or demonic spirits, so that I won’t hinder my destiny, destroy another person or misrepresent You.

And I ask that You would bring understanding and renewal to my mind and my heart by Your Anointing and the Power of Your Holy Spirit and the revelation and understanding of Your Word and the Knowledge of who You are and the Knowledge of who I am in You, so that I can respond Super-Naturally Every time to every situation in every decision and I will allow Your Mind and Your Thoughts to always be in me and coming out of me!

I am asking You God to Remind me that I must “Take-by-force” My Authority over all spirits, thoughts or bad habits that has hindered the manifestation or caused me to pass-by or not receive what You have already given to me. It’s my choice, it takes effort! Show Yourself strong in being Elohim (my power & might) in my life. And I know I must “Allow” You to be Elohim and El Shaddai in my life! I Love-on and respect people and I take unbelief, frustrations and fear to You!

And I WILL and I am over-coming and speaking directly to demonic spirits, principalities, bad habits or unrenewed areas in my mind, in My House, In My Ministry, in my Spouse and in My Children and in my staff & partners. I am USING Your Power, Your Voice, Your Knowledge and Your Revelation.

I Thank You for helping me to allow Your Mind (Your Scriptures) to take-over in me, because You even commanded that I allow Your Mind (which are the Words of Your Holy Bible) to take-over and remain active in me.

I will Rejoice always, I will Not fear, I will walk in Your Spirit, praying without ceasing, keeping on Your whole armor (Your Scriptures) and staying ready and aware of satan’s desire to kill, steal and destroy me, my family and Your vision of the Schools, Networks & projects that You have entrusted me with. Help me not to empower satan to hinder me from acquiring what You have for me because of a bad choice or a bad decision that may not have lined-up with Your Word or What You have told me to do!

Help me to stay on Your-Course, On-Your-Path, In Sync with You and In Your-Will even in this dark-place, this valley, this desert in my life now. I do that by praying, reading Your Word and constantly communicating with You and denying my natural tendencies to do what I want to do.

I Thank You for giving me the ability to shake-off my problems, demonic spirits and bad thoughts as Paul did in Acts 28. You said, I wrestle-not against flesh and blood but against demons, principalities and thoughts not from You. I Fight my thoughts and demonic spirits, not people. I love-on people and take my frustrations and fear to You (I even love-on my enemies and haters)!

You said, in Romans 4:3, I am Righteous and Right, just like You, simply because I believe You!

I must also love-on myself and not condemn myself or put myself down because of my unbelief or mistakes.

And because I believe You, I can operate as Your King! I AM A KING You confirmed that in Revelations 17. You see me as a king which is why I cannot down myself. That’s disrespecting You and what You have made. You have not and can not make junk. I am not junk. I am precious to You and You died horribly just for me!

As You have said, in Proverbs 4:20, I will incline my attention to Your Word and I won’t let Your Word leave from my eyes. I won’t give my physical eyes, ears, my body or attention to any unholy thing, to include secular music, tv shows, jokes, entertainment and unproductive conversations, social media comments, stories or relationships.

I know this takes effort from me. I know, I must “on-purpose” search-out specific scriptures for my specific situations so that Your Word will be rooted and grounded in my heart so that I can respond properly to any situation that arises and I will guard my eyes, ears, mouth and my heart so that the only things that come out of my mouth and heart is Your Life and Peace at all times. Hallelujah.

I Thank You, for Your Word that makes and mold me into who You have made me to be and I Thank You for allowing me to know that I AM RESPONSIBLE for making my way prosperous by doing what You Say to do that produces GOOD SUCCESS. I Know trouble do not last forever.

I Thank You for allowing me to know that If anything is presented or spoken to me that did not come from You, I do not have to accept it or agree with it and I must condemn it. Like when You kept the effects of that stroke in 2007 from forming in my body; I remember, as the blindness & numbness of the stroke was coming over my body, Your Holy Spirit Helped me not to verbally speak the word stroke or any words of fear and Your Holy Spirit Helped me to speak against the effects and You helped me to believe each day that You would and was able to deliver me/heal-me (that day) from what was happening and after several months You totally healed me from that Stroke and revealed to me the power and authority I have over all forms of sickness, pain, ailments & diseases. You have Revealed to me how I am Rapha! I Am Healing. And Then You came-back and Allowed my first born-son to experience seizures as a baby, Many emergency ambulance rides and brushes of death and He told me himself as a child laying in the hospital bed with all kinds of tubes in him “ he said, dad death does not scare me.” Armand said that, because I told him that You said, that You would not let any hurt or harm come to him if He,(Armand) believed-in-You” I know that was and is YOU manifesting Yourself in this family.

That death angel tried his best to take Armand’s unconscious body out of my arms as I ran around frantically trying to find help and You would not let him! death tried his best to hold me down with that stroke, death tried his best to take Armand, but You said NO! That suicide demon rears his head often when I am feeling down and heavy and YOU scatter him everytime!

My daughter said the exact same thing, for different reasons, but she has NO-Fear of what the future holds. She believes Your Word that says You have already established our successful and healthy future.

Yes, We, My whole family will and is manifesting Provision and Healing, We are Jireh and Rapha, We are Healing and Provision for the world.

I will use those (my) testimonies and miracles in my everyday life. division, lack, anxiety, fear, unbelief and sickness does not come from You and I will never acknowledge his presence, I will simply Take my authority over him, and I will Praise You for being my Unlimited Provision, Wisdom, Courage, Clarity, Direction, Healing and how to keep the opposite of anything satan presents to me from manifesting in my life… I don’t see in Your Word where You ever acknowledged demonic spirits or what they were doing, You simply Spoke the opposite to them, casted them out and the results were that they left every time. One even crept into You and Peter’s conversation and You immediately ordered him down and out and a legion of them even caused a whole herd of pigs to run into the ocean and kill themselves, because of Your presence. When I show-up, I bring Your presence and demons gotta go, when I show-up!

I will condemn every word or conversation (even from my friends/family or myself) that are not from You or do not line-up with my future. I know some people may mean well and some are trying to hurt me, when pointing out my issues or mistakes or what my future holds, help me to condemn and speak-against every word spoken to me or to my family about any of us or our vision without respect to the source or person, so that I will not allow the negative word, from entering into my thought process or from reaching my heart, Just as You did, when Peter (as much as he loved You) spoke what he thought was best for You, You immediately said “Get behind me satan.” Because You knew Your destiny and You were not going to let those words enter Your mind or heart.

I will respond likewise when anyone speak doubt or negativity into my life or my family’s life about our future, vision or direction. I know that many times the direction or task is very hard, but if You said to do it, then that’s what I am committed to doing and I won’t let anyone speak anything different to me that may cause me to consider doing something different than what You and Your Word said to do (even, when they may mean well or think they are giving me good advice).

Like Peter thought he was giving You good advice, but You knew You had to go through that difficult death and You did not want that thought or saying from Peter (who satan was using) to enter Your thought process that would cause You to start to reconsider going through that hard task or situation.

You even pleaded with God three different times asking for another way-out, that’s how difficult and how much pressure You were under; any small amount of distraction or ease could have caused Your flesh to over-ride Your Spirit and prevent You from making the hard-decision that God wanted and needed You to make and You did it and I can too and I am making tough decisions because You did it! YOU ARE MY HUMAN LIVING EXAMPLE & POWER!

I will not confirm or agree with this lack, division or divorce..I will speak life to it every moment..

You really wanted the prayers and support of Your brothers; the weight, the doubts, and the temptations to quit or go another way were EXTREMELY HARD FOR YOU (& ME)!, You experienced it all (because You had to make those decisions in Your human-ness with the same choice, the same faith, the same temptations, the same pressures that I have now). YOU DID IT!



They will be able to say My Husband, My Daddy, My Son, My Brother, My Uncle, My Bruh in-law, my son-in-law, My Friend, My Partner, he NEVER GAVE UP OR GAVE IN! Even my haters will have to say, I thought that dude was a crook, a dead-beat-dad and he crazy… “now.. How he got all that?” “Maybe I should not have said all those things about him; his angels heard all that I said about him..”

I will and I must condemn any negative words because weapons are formed by words first. So, when I condemn the negative word, I am condemning the weapon that the demon is trying to form and bring to pass in my life. The more effective I am at condemning negative/satan’s words the more mess and evilness I keep out of my life. Everything happens through words first. Nothing happens without thinking and speaking-on it first.

That’s why secular music and lyrics, that are filled with sexual thoughts, pride and violence are so destructive and at the root of the poverty, violence and unhealthiness in our communities. It all starts with words that are spoken through the lyrics in the songs and the messages in the entertainment. satan and the music and entertainment industry are doing their best not to let this understanding get to the major artists and entertainers that are destroying this world with their words and messages.

I put fear, doubt and heaviness down by Reciting Your Word, Verbally! Someone has to counter the words that the secular entertainment industry and the leaders are putting into the atmosphere. They speak satan’s words and I and this project will put YOUR WORDS into the atmosphere!

“Lack, lust, trouble, walls, sickness, anxiety, fear, bitterness, “_________” will never take root in me or prosper in me, my wife, my family or organization!” I understand now that all of these emotions are enticed-by and are a result of my mistakes due to unbelief in any area and the conversations I have, and the music and entertainment that I listen-to. That is why You are always urging me not to watch secular entertainment or not to listen to secular music because it skews and influence my judgements and opinions away from Your Word and Will. Your bible and Your Words are absolutely opposite and contrary to secular music.

I can only imagine what decisions You-Jesus would have made if You were listening to the radio while You were on Your way to the Garden of Gesemene, or if hip-hop was playing while they were beating You or while You was hanging on that cross knowing full-well You had a “CHOICE” to come down.


Help us to understand that satan uses secular music to persuade us to make choices that are contrary to Your Word and Your Will for us. Despite how smooth or awesome the song sounds, the lyrics are absolutely destructive.

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