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Writer: Wardell BrantleyWardell Brantley

Updated: Dec 20, 2024



God Your Spirit and Your Word tells me what to do in every situation….

You said, If I sought YOU FIRST, If I acknowledged YOU in ALL of my ways (lived my life just as Your Word says to live-it and respond just-how You say to respond), You said, You could, You would direct my path and You said, “IF” I gave You my plans, If I gave-up "my-thoughts" You would establish Your Thoughts, Your-Plans in me.

I give You "my plans" and "my-thoughts" by giving-up what "I" want to do and Accepting exactly what You have said and what You are saying to do, Despite facts, despite my knowledge, despite my experiences, despite my current situations and despite what others may say or think. I give You my plans by not being committed to my plans.

You cause-me and You provoke-me to think on what You need me to think-on; and when I submit myself to You (by talking with You, reading, reciting and meditating on You and Your Word, DAY AND NIGHT) You said, that “I” WOULD “MAKE” MY-WAY PROSPEROUS (By choosing to use Your Might, Your Strength and Your Methods), basically allowing You to manifest Yourself through me; That’s how I MAKE MY WAY PROSPEROUS! MY PROSPERITY IS MY CHOICE BECAUSE “I” MUST CHOOSE TO SUBMIT TO YOUR-MIND EVERY DAY ALL DAY …My plans for today/tonight are:__________________.

Now that I have told You what I believe I am to do today, I am asking You to let me know by establishing my thoughts (as Your Word said, that You would do, when I gave You my plans) for what I believe I am to do.

Lead me and guide me in how to do it or let me know if those plans are not what You have for me to do. Let me know, if these plans are from You or from my fleshly mind, I only want to do what You want done and have already provided-for. I am praying and reciting and believing Your Word, this Word so that I will not be deceived by my own thoughts, desires, fear, unbelief or pride and so that I will be in-sync with You and so that I will not go through this day or night toiling without YOUR results. I WILL BE LASER FOCUSED ON YOU!

Help me to let Your Mind take-over in me now…and I Thank You for Your Still Small Voice that is leading and guiding me through this day, saying this is the way, (Your-Way)..Walk this way, this is My Will for you Wardell.

I will follow Your Voice and Your Leading all day! You said, to "be-still" and "to KNOW" that this Voice IS Your Voice.

You said, I can only hear You clearly when I am quiet and confident (that this is Your Voice) and when I am in Peace, In-You with no turmoil (help me to settle down and listen for You and only-You and not the voice of another person, satan or my own voice).

I Thank You for Your Rhema Word for the decision that I need to make right now!

Speak instantly to me as You did with Abraham and Esther, because as lives and generations were at stake with them; my family and countless lives, organizations, businesses and communities are at stake with my decisions right now.

I must hear You clearly, accurately and I must interpret what You are saying correctly or many will die or suffer because of me. This is the moment You have been preparing me-to respond-to, for my entire life, just like Esther and Abraham had to get it right or generations were gonna die! HELP ME TO FULLY UNDERSTAND THE MAGNITUDE and the GRAVITY OF MY LIFE AND MY GETTING IT RIGHT, RIGHT NOW!

MOSES COMING OUT OF YOUR PRESENCE WITH YOUR VISABLE GLORY ALL OVER HIM – GOT IT WRONG. Abraham hearing two totally opposite commands from You, back-to-back, GOT IT RIGHT.

Noah listening only to You, Only considering Your Plans, Got it right!

AND, ABRAHAM DID NOT HAVE TIME TO WONDER and/or CONTEMPLATE IF THAT WAS YOUR VOICE, YOUR ANGEL OR NOT; As he was about to plunge a knife into his son (Esther did not have time to contemplate and wonder if that was Your Voice speaking to her as she was talking to the king)!


In Psalm 40:2, You said, You would bring me UP to set me Up I thank You for pulling me up out of the pit of destruction and out of the miry bog (that I put myself in because of my unbelief, pride, Impatience and plain ole stupidity) and You set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. Hallelujah…Thank You Jesus….

I Love You for understanding my situation and giving me Your Grace, Being Your Grace and Manifesting Your Grace and Your Mercy that is causing me to change my mindset and my behaviors to line-up with YOU and My Destiny!

In Psalm 40:3, I thank You, because those that are watching me go through this difficulty, and launch this PC Network, will say, If God has Done it for Wardell, He has done it for me.. You said, You finished my end, You finished my destiny before You finished my beginning. And You said, You Gave me (past tense) the Hope and a Prosperous Future!

When I Think of YOUR GOODNESS and ALL YOU HAVE DONE FOR ME, IT MAKES ME sing praises to You throughout every day, I dance, I clap my hands, I whirl around, I jump, I shout loudly and quietly (as You have commanded) in my car, in my house, in the yard, at my job, in-the stores, in the bathroom and every where I go! YOU ARE ALWAYS ON MY MIND AND YOU ARE ALWAYS WORTHY OF MY PRAISE in my good and so-called bad situations.

Though You break-me, mold-me, correct-me, prepare-me, and prune-me, Yet, will I praise You…I will run out of my clothes like David..Your Blessings (You) on me and In-me are definitely worth my praise to You at all times….Hallelujah…I love You Lord....

I will pray without ceasing throughout this day…abiding in You!

I know walking in Your Perfect-Will Requires Obedience, "over-looking" the so-called shame and personal sacrifices that comes-with, "not-being" any-thing like the world or my friends and family…I have to accept the fact that I am different and I do not think or act-like any person I know....I act and respond like Jesus Only!

I will trust You FIRST and I know Your Super-Natural-Ability will guide me through every decision and every situation!

You Said, Your Goodness and Your Mercy will follow-me at all times and there would be signs, proof and evidence that I am on the right path, in-You, in-sync with You and following and doing what You want done!

I thank You for the proof. I know many times the proof doesn’t show-up until days, months or years after I have made the decision (in-faith) to do what You say. I will move and act with patience, humility and faith, first, Not considering how the world, my family or my friends interprets what You are doing with and through me!

I can "care-less" what anyone may say about me and my decisions in-You, from You!

ABRAHAM GOT HIS PROOF IMMEDIATELY – You said, Stop, He Stopped and You revealed the ram in the bush immediately after he obeyed You.

In Matthew 17, You told Peter to go-down and fish, and the 1st fish that is caught, it would have his provision in its mouth.

You told Peter to fish on the other side of His boat and reluctantly, he did it and received a miraculously amount of fish…What Peter sowed into, he reaped-from, those weren’t really great miracles for Peter. What I sow into, what I give my all for, what I give 100% of my time and money (from-You) will provide for me and my legacy.

I will do what You say, despite how crazy it may sound to my natural mind and to others. I will not let others talk me out of what You are saying, even when it is tough or “seemingly” a crazy idea…

I trust You over myself and others despite their positions…I also know You operate with order, and I must submit to those You put over me to guide, teach and counsel me.

You have given me a work-ethic that others say, it doesn’t take all of that or will try to convince me that I am not ready for this or I can’t handle this or that. Help me to operate under Your Anointing and Your Instructions “only” at all times, not ever considering any pressure another person may put on me even if it’s my child, my spouse, a debt or a "credible obligation", I will ALWAYS listen to YOU FIRST. AND DO WHAT YOU SAY TO DO WHEN YOU SAY TO DO IT!

You, Jesus even told Your own mother, You had to listen-to and do The-Will of Your Father over what she was asking You to do and You were not all-that-polite about it, You were stern!

Help me to discern when leaders or my spouse (who I love and respect) are guiding me or instructing me from their fleshly knowledge, experience, pride or jealousy. Help me to know when You are truly using leaders, my spouse or anyone prophetically to instruct me. I will not operate in-pride or let my own desires over-ride counsel or instructions that are from YOU, that may come through another person.

Help me to learn how to hear Your Voice over my own thoughts, emotions and over other’s advice and satan’s deceptions. Especially when the person is a professional, successful or proven-to-be wise in the area of their advice or when a person that I truly respect is providing the counsel or advice.

I only want what You have already provided for me, despite how great or good it may be or sound, if it’s not from YOU, I don’t want it! I will willingly reject It or them! Even if it’s my very own mother, child, spouse, pastor or the president.

God, I will protect the Anointing that You have trusted me with. I will not do or put myself in situations that hinders Your Anointing and causes my mind to be cloudy and unable to accurately discern and hear from You clearly. Help me to be broken in Your presence, I will keep my word and vows made to You and man. I will not make promises I cannot or will not keep or fulfill. I will carry and impart Your Power at all times.

I Refuse to be anything or anyone less than who You have made me to be! I will step over into You on Your Sabbath Day..I love what it feels like to be in You on Your Day! Which is every moment of everyday!

“And I thank You, because You said in Exodus 33...That these very prayers that I am speaking now; YOU will do for ME Because I have found favor in Your sight, and YOU know ME by MY name.” So I will shout, and thank You and Praise You for My Health, My Financial Freedom, My Successful Marriage, My Successful Children, My Business Partners, My Staff and My Ministries and My Country HALLELUJAH!!!!




  1. I WIN OVER ALL OPPOSITION – I HAVE WON - I AM THE WINNER – this is my Heritage!

  2. I see and act-on my successful schools, my networks, organizations and the united-communities and free young men and women who you have authorized me to serve.

  3. I see and have access-to my Unlimited Provision and My Freedom from, myself, debt, and man!

  4. I will not be moved! I CAN NOT BE STOPPED!

  5. I know mental attacks, oceans of doubt and temptations will come and I am prepared for the attacks! You even said to be happy about the temptations when they come! I am Praise!


  1. Through Scripture Confirmation (The decision will not be contrary to Your Word or Your Will for my life or destiny). The decision will be decent and in order and will cause solutions and peace to be manifested.

  2. Through Godly-Word-Based Counsel Only. I will not take counsel from anyone outside of Your Word!!!!!

  3. Through Your Provision for the decision (I will never have-to-do or say anything outside of Your Character, Your Integrity or Your Word for it). If I must compromise Your Integrity, lie, fudge the truth or whatever;….. it is not You or It is not time.

  4. You will never get the Glory out of a lie! I will never prosper or manifest increase or success from a LIE or if it causes proven-hurt or harm to another person.

  5. I must ACT with Courage or don’t do it until I can!

  6. By Looking at the Circumstances (knowing when You open & close doors) & counting the cost of every decision and every response!

  7. And feeling Your Peace. If I am still experiencing doubt or unsurety, You will show me the connection in my life and Your Word that guarantees me success, along with a seed and an overview of the vision (as You did with Gideon – You lead him to the exact place at the exact right time to hear that dream that encouraged him. You said, Your Angels would have me in the right place at the right time. You love me just that much to do small things to keep me encouraged. But, I know I must- be willing to hear You and accept what You are saying. Gideon had to be willing to go-down (that close) to his enemy. I know if Gideon had been watching secular tv, music or engaging in any gossip or at the wrong place he would not have been in the right state-of-mind to hear and respond to You.

  8. Just like that night You woke me up and lead me to my son’s room to pull the cover’s off of him to see his covers beginning to burn because-of a space heater (You are so Awesome in Your training and preparation of me). You taught me for years to be sensitive to getting-up when You wake-me!

  9. Now when You wake me in the middle of the night, even if You are not leading me to do any specific-thing, I will simply begin to Praise and Worship You for being You!

I now understand that I do not have to understand the “WHY” anymore. I will simply “DO” because I know it’s YOU. Whatever You are doing through me and my body, my mind, my voice, my prayers and my praise at the time YOU CAN USE ME LORD. Because if you wake-me, I understand that it is You and it is a blessing to me and those who will benefit from You speaking their names or situations through me at that moment.

You said, In Hebrews 4:9-14, that there remaineth therefore a rest for me because I have entered into Your Rest. I have ceased from my own works, as You did from Yours. 11 I am laboring, even-now (by praying, renewing my mind and reciting Your Word) to enter into Your rest, because if I don’t, I know I will fail. I have proof of that. I know Your Word is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, and it pierces and divides my soul and Spirit and heals all parts of my body and penetrates all the way to my joints and bone marrow, and Your Word knows and comprehends all-of my thoughts, motives and intents of my mind and heart.

You have made every-thing that exists, and You know everything that there is to know about me including my every thought and intention. And Because, You are Jesus, the Son of God, I know You are my great high priest/pastor and counselor and You have (physically, in human form, with a body just like mine) passed from this earth into the heavens; And because I know this to be true – I will hold fast to my vision, my projects, my testimony, my family, my marriage and my profession of Your Words – These Words.

Because You planned, executed and finished my testimony and YOU GAVE me my vision, You are my vision manifested and You revealed and interpreted Your Word for me (You show me the mysteries that You mention). You are my vision, You are my faith; and now You are my relevance and My Access and my Testifier in Heaven! You even testified for me in Hell (satan and his demons already know me and that I am one of Yours and that I have already won over all of them).

And the reason I am so great is because God only See You, God only Responds to You and Not Me. I get the benefit of living in Your greatness and blessings when I Am,

“I-AM” In You. You only Bless Yourself and what is in YOU, in Your Kingdom that is in Me! ME!

These Words that I have been speaking through this prayer and my communication with You is my profession that I will hold fast-to and will continue to speak and live-out DAILY! I know I Overcome ALL OF MY ENEMIES by YELLING YOUR WORDS & MY TESTIMONY!

In Isaiah 30:15, I thank You Lord for drawing me back to You and empowering me to rest in You so that I will be saved from myself, sin, satan, lack, hurt, accidents and sickness. I will keep up the strength needed to remain in You as I respond to every situation and every person with Your Word, Your Authority, Your Patience and using Your Confidence.

In Isaiah. 30:18, I Thank You for waiting on me and being gracious to me. I will exalt Your Name because You have had so much mercy on me. I thank You for Blessing me for waiting on You!

I thank You Lord, because, I can now live and respond to satan, like You, Joseph and the Hebrews Boys, I will not be careful in how I respond to problems and those coming against my vision and Your Word.

I will not accept anything from the devil or eat from his table, even if it cost me my life, or if it disguises itself and comes from my child, my family, my church, my spouse or if it causes me to be thrown into a fiery furnace a pit or a very difficult situation, even death. I don’t want anything from satan and I mean it (Dan 3:15-3:18).

In Philippians two and three You said You had no reputation and You don’t want me to hold on to mind. Things You require me to do (most-of-the-time) causes many to question my character and Integrity. You do not lead me or guide-me based on what others may think or say about me!

Like Abraham, I am willing to sacrifice my legacy, my future, my reputation and my name for You. Abraham killing his own son, would have in-deed destroyed his reputation and his name. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego ignoring the king in public was absolutely destroying their reputation and putting their lives at stake.

People thought Noah was absolutely Nuts. That sinful woman pouring that expensive perfume on Your feet cared-less about her reputation and what the others were saying and Mary could also care-less about what Martha thought about her and was saying about her sitting at Your feet even though Martha was the one that invited You-in the house.

And I can’t forget to mention Zacchaeus a local millionaire tax collector; what he (as a city leader) must have looked-liked running, climbing up a tree and yelling for You.. David – the King, dancing naked in the streets caused his own wife to despise him and was jealous or the men that cut a hole in a stranger’s roof in the middle of Your teaching and Joseph running from the Queen, she proved to him how embarrassed and stunned she was (because he turned-her down) She had him thrown in jail for 13 years.

Peter jumping out of that boat against his boys advice and sinking (failing, yelling screaming like a baby for help, no-doubt that was embarrassing).

And our dear Queen Esther laid it out as our prime example willing to sacrifice it all; her reputation and her life. Paul trying to minister to the very people that he was just trying to kill; imagine that, a killer (in their eyes and in their experience, now trying to save them and tell them about You, a loving God).

There are countless more great men and women who had to forsake their name and reputation when You called. I will not hold-on to my name…I will hold on to Yours….

I will not live near unbelief, pride, lust, fear or sin, I will ensure that I am all the way in YOU with no doubts. I will willingly go-through difficulty to stay in Your-Will, because I know You are in the furnace, the difficult-situation with me and You will bring me out of every test, trial and temptation without the smell of smoke (in Your due time) and like Joseph, I will be and I am the blessing to those that put me in the pit and gave-up on me (in the first place) because of Your Blessing-You that is on and in my life and I thank You for Your Spirit that will cause me to bless those that has talked about me, lied on me or done harm to me! I can and I will bless the humans that are deceptively allowing the enemy to use them to hinder me or talk about me.

I know satan, is still as stupid, ignorant, and dumb now as he was when he killed You. Because as You said, If he would have known that killing You was apart of Your plan to destroy him he would not have killed You. Or rather You allowed his death angel to escort You to hell to take him out, so he did not kill You, You laid Your-life down in order to save me and Your human-race.

So now, I can also say, satan would not be messing with me if he knew that the trouble he has been sending my way, was preparing me to defeat him and take millions of souls from him. his mission of trying to kill, steal and destroy me, my marriage, my family and my vision is actually making me great and causing my success. And NOW, I am killing, stealing and destroying him, his demons, his projects and his kingdoms.

Because he and those that are assisting him are even too stupid to protect their own interest by leaving me alone. Because daily I am destroying and tearing his kingdom down, while the trouble he is sending my way is exercising and building-up my faith so that I can accomplish Your Plan for my life, You said that in James.

I THANK YOU FOR MAKING ME TO BE PRAISE AND GIVING ME A HEART AND MIND TO WORSHIP TO OBEY YOU AT ALL TIMES! And I now understand that’s why satan hates me so much because he “used-to-be” Praise before You kicked him out of heaven like lightning. he was the beautiful choir and he was the songs of lucifer. NOW, I AM! And now he only sings songs of pornography, fornication, gangster rap, songs of infidelity, sadness, blues, rape, devil worship violence killing and murdering of my brothers, all while he now has to watch me worship You and sing songs of Love to You while taking souls and territories from him because You are now using me for Your Glory and Your Honor and not him! So now, because he knows his fate and his consignment to hell and he knows my fate and my consignment to an ever-lasting beautiful life, he’s doing all he can do to get me to disbelieve my greatness, disbelieve my power and disbelieve my authority over him although he knows I have authority and power over him!




I Thank You Lord-Jesus for making me, my children, my students

and my teams to be

The Serum, The Medicine, The Antidotes and the Cure


poverty, lack, division, cancers, violence, bad entertainment

and lgbtq mindsets.

I thank You, because, You can only make us a Serum for the problem

after we have been it, done it, experienced it, lived it

and then

“Allowed” YOU to cut-it-out of us and deliver us from it.

We are Provision, We are Healing, We are Peace, We are Unity

We are bringing “IT” "YOU"


the cure, the serum, the medicine


to cities, neighborhoods and communities around the world!

We are destroying satan’s tactics so that satan will cease to kill steal and destroy us through the lust of our flesh, the lust of our eyes and through our pride

that is learned in this world.

(20) I AM PRAYERS TWENTY (3 hrs & 50 mins mark).....keep reading to 21

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