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Writer: Wardell BrantleyWardell Brantley

Updated: Aug 6, 2023

God, in John 15:7, You said, “If, I remain in You and Your Words Remain in me, I can ask whatever I wish, and it will be done for me.” I thank You for Helping me to acquire and live in this understanding and power!

I Choose Your Life and Your Blessings today! I will make Wise Choices today that line-up with Your Word and What You have for me in all decisions that I make today.

I will live-in and project Peace and operate with Your Anointing and Under the Authority of Jehovah Shammah and Shalom and "I will allow" Your Anointing that You said, would always abide in me to be transferred to those that need to be physically touched with Your Anointing through my hands.

You said, that "I" would heal the broken-hearted through Your Anointing that will be transferred through my hand. I thank You for using me Lord! You commanded me to Love-on Everyone (In-Spite-of what they do) and You will do the Saving, Correcting & Increasing.

In 1 John 1:5, I thank You for allowing me to know that You are light and there is NO darkness or issues in You at all. If anything is wrong or seems wrong, wrong does not come from You, it is always me and my unbelief.

"I" must learn what Your right and wrong is in my life and my situation (and I must NOT view my mistakes, my bad situations or hard trials by what others say or think. I know You reveal "the-why" through Your Holy Spirit only). Just-like many said and say, betraying, beating and killing Jesus was wrong, but You said that was EXACTLY RIGHT! So I believe Your Word about my life and my situations over what any other persons great or small says.

In Psalms 119:130, You said that You are light (You are understanding) and I know when I recite and believe Your Word, Your Word gives me direction, clarity, and understanding of my situation and Your Word and Your Holy Spirit, gives me Understanding of how to keep the victory over every situation, thought and person. WHICH IS WHY I READ AND RECITE THIS BOOK DAILY-MOMENT-BY-MOMENT! In Psalms 119 and 130 You even said, it is simple to understand.

If You did not say, seek You first, I would not be seeking You first, You said, to come to "You" FIRST, seek "You" first (not a person) and "YOU" would direct my response and give me the directions, the answers and the solutions needed for the moment and You said, that You would add, the things, the information and resources I need. You said, Your Spirit and Your Angels would guide me to the answers, the resources and the solutions.

And when You are using another person to deliver "Your" message, Your provision, Your solution for me, You will confirm them to me!

You also said, You would multiply me. I Thank You for sending (at least) 1,000 individuals to me, who You will use to multiply me and who will cause my fruit to remain forever. Those who You desire that I personally (mentor) and pour All of You that is in Me into Them. That’s how You will multiply me a Thousand Times More!!

Just like You, Jesus and the holy Ghost. You made me, You called me, You empowered me, You broke me (prepared-me) and now You are distributing me to millions.

If You did not say, ask and it would be given, I would not be asking. If You did not say, knock and "YOU" would open the door, I would not be knocking. You said, to give You my concerns, You said, accomplishing my tasks for the day would Not be possible, if I tried to do it myself through my efforts.

You said, to rest in the confidence that "You" have taken care-of everything. You said, my successful-day was only possible when I abide in (use) Your Spirit and respond to every situation and in every decision to "choose" to use Your Strength, Your Might, Your method, Your Anointing, Your Authority, Your Angels, Your Laws and Your Word! THAT'S HOW "I" MAKE MY-WAY PROSPEROUS IN EVERY AREA OF MY LIFE!

I am coming before You Lord to thank You for Your favor, better eating habits, the manifestation of Your Unlimited Provision, Your relationships, the World Leaders Academy, the Networks and for Your-Will to be done in my life today. I am praying for a mind to allow Your Anointing to flow freely through and around me like a river, so much so that I am able to swim in it!

I will not despise these small beginnings, trials, tests and my basic-training (bootcamp), I will be content, I will Thank You at all times in all situations because this is Your Will for me and I know my patience and MY responses are allowing that ram, that miracle, THAT ANSWER to make its way up the mountain and it will be right on time, as I in total-faith, do Your Will, even when it “looks-like” “feels-like” and “basic common-sense says” I am about to kill my future..

If You say, “do it”, I will! I AM and I fully expect and I know, that, that-ram, that person, that-miracle, that answer will be in-place for me right-on-time, because YOU PROMISED ME A SUCCESSFUL AND HEALTHY FUTURE. YOU EVEN SAID, IT IS DONE, You Said, IT IS FINISHED..YOU SAID, “I SWEAR I AM GOING TO BLESS YOU Wardell!” (If You said it to Abraham, You are saying it to me, because I am the manifestation of the promise that You made to Abraham).


This promise wasn’t from the law. This promise was directly from You, outside of the law, Outside of Time!

It did not come from Moses, Moses couldn’t make this promise. It came and IS-NOW being manifested from You.

Hebrews 6:12 Then you (Wardell) will not be sluggish/lazy, but will imitate (Abraham, Joshua, Moses, Joseph etc) who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised. 13When God made His promise to Abraham, since He had no one greater to swear by, He swore by Himself, 14saying, “I will surely bless you (Abraham) and multiply your descendants (Wardell Brantley and his Children).”…


Joshua 1:5 No man shall be able to stand before you (Wardell) all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you (Wardell). I will not leave you or forsake you (Wardell). 6 Be strong and courageous Wardell, for I shall cause this people (you Wardell) to inherit the land that I swore to Your fore-fathers to give You and your children and your children’s children.

Genesis 22:16 saying, "By Myself I have sworn, declares the LORD, that because you Wardell have done this and have not withheld your only son (EXERCISED YOUR FAITH IN ME AND THE PROCESS I NEEDED YOU TO GO THROUGH)……. your only son, 17 I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies, 18 and through your offspring[b] all nations on earth will be blessed,[c] because you have obeyed me, Wardell.”

Exodus 32:13 Remember Your servants Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, to whom You swore by Your very self when You declared, 'I will make your descendants (the Brantleys) as numerous as the stars in the sky, and I will give your descendants (The Brantleys) all this land that I have promised, and it shall be their (the Brantleys) inheritance forever.'"

Deuteronomy 1:8 See, I have placed the land before you Wardell. Enter and possess the land Wardell that the LORD swore He would give to your fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and to their descendants (the Brantleys) after them."

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So right now, You are in heaven and You are In me. And I am In You, In-Heaven with You Now! You are the vine, I am the branch and I am connected. I Thank You for the Power, The Authority and Your Anointing to Accomplish Your Mission for my daily tasks.

I thank You for Abraham’s Anointing of faith, Joshua’s Anointing of Courage and Solomon’s Anointing of Wisdom and Joseph’s Anointing of Character & Patience. I thank You for Anointing me to Manifest Your Spirit of Confidence, Your Focus, Your Spirit of Joy and Excitement to do Your Work. I will work in Jesus’ Anointing of BELIEF, Courage & Focus!

I know Your Anointing (this project – The World Leaders Academy and The PC Platforms) is not something That You gave me. It is You manifested and You drawing Yourself out of me (which is why my fruit will last forever because I’m manifesting You). You are on the inside of me doing these works, expressing Yourself “when”, I allow You to use me and my mind and my mouth!

Your promises from Isaiah 11:2

I thank You for Anointing me to understand that I am the Temple of Wisdom,

I thank You for Anointing me to understand that I am the Temple of Understanding,

I thank You for Anointing me to understand that I am the Temple of Counsel,

I thank You for Anointing me to understand that I am the Temple of Might,

I thank You for Anointing me to understand that I am the Temple of Knowledge,

I thank You for Anointing me to understand that I am the Temple of Reverence

I am the Temple of Courage, Provision, Rapha, Shammah, Discipline, Character, Integrity, Self Control, Endurance and I am the Real Temple of Agape-Love!

And I thank You for PERSONALLY opening my eyes of understanding and helping me understand & Accept Your Spirit of Knowledge & Your Spirit of Revelation of who You are, How You operate and the Power I have and the Power I AM to DO EXCEEDING GREAT things TODAY as I “allow” You to use me with Your saints. You said, I would do exploits, I am Doing exploits…

The World Leaders Academy, the PC Networks and Funding Platforms are the Exploits and the Substance that You said was provable through my faith, that I demonstrate through my works because I believe You and WHO You are manifested-expressed through me in order to establish Your Kingdom on Earth.

I show my faith through my works and my treatment of Your children and Your money, resources and authority that You have given me stewardship over to manage for Your Glory and Your Kingdom sake.

You are doing these exploits through me so that I can Bring-down and Keep Down demonic strong-holds and principalities that are trying to hold on to the various territories, communities and cities that You have prepared and given “me” to LOOSE from these demons so that individuals that are currently being bound can be free in every way of uncertainty, sadness, anger, cancer, aids, prison, debt, violence, poverty, infidelity, premarital sex, pornography, blind to their sexual identity and free from fear; basically we are destroying the strong-hold of unbelief in You and Your finished works for their lives.

So Right Now, I DECREE AND DECLARE Man of God and Woman of God THAT YOU ARE LOOSED! HALLELUJAH…Lord I can-not help but believe and declare that 100 Million People around the World will be Decreeing and Declaring that statement!

I thank You Lord for the Words of Wisdom that I receive from You and I ask You Lord in complete faith and confidence that You will not allow any words to be spoken from my mouth that are not Your Words.

I THANK YOU FOR LOVING ME AND LOVING ON ME! I thank You that I am advancing and living from faith to faith, prayer time to prayer time and doing great works and miracles in between just like You.

I Believe Your Report and Your Word and Your Will, despite what my life, situation or environment may look-like.

I Thank You for Taking Revenge for Me. You Said Vengeance is Yours and that You would repay the enemies and those that are doing any wrong to me or coming against me and saying any bad things to me or about me.

You said in Psalm 44:5 and Psalm 7:11, that You are tired of satan coming against me, and on my behalf, You are getting ready and preparing instruments of death to stop and eliminate him and anyone that is allowing him to use them to say or do anything to try and hinder what You are doing through me and my family. Actually, You get upset because they are not stopping me they are coming against You. Hallelujah!

And I see how You manifested this promise in Job’s, Joseph’s and other lives, because after they suffered awhile, they suffered no more…You are no respect of person. I PRAISE YOU FOR THE SECOND AND LATTER HALF OF MY LIFE!!!!!

I thank You for loving on me and looking out for me and being concerned for me and what I am experiencing. You said this pain, this heaviness, this loneliness and these trials were only for a season because pain and heartache are not from You and You also said, this thorn or this issue that is bothering me, may remain, because I have the victory over it and You are only using it to make me great. You said I can endure it. I am enduring and excelling in it and with it…Thank You Lord.

In Proverbs 3:7-9 You told me not to be wise in my own eyes.

You said, don’t try to figure You out or the various situations or disappointments that happens in my life or anyone else’s life.

Trying to figure-out or solve something that I do not understand, produces anger and sadness.

I do not have the capacity or the ability to think on Your level nor have You equipped me with the ability to understand some things. That’s why, it takes Your Holy Spirit to reveal many things and mysteries. So, without Your Holy Spirit and Your Revelation I am Lost, Lost, Lost and many situations can not and will not be understood.

HELP ME TO LEARN HOW TO BE CONTENT-WITH AND “DEAL-WITH” WHAT I DO NOT UNDERSTAND! And Bless me with the patience to wait on Your revelation of it!

I know, I must get Your understanding of how You are trying to change my mind to line-up with Yours.

I will NOT ATTEMPT TO EXPLAIN (except through Your Word) WHY and WHAT YOU ARE DOING and WHAT YOU HAVE DONE! You said to Reverence You and do all things Your Way. 8 You said, doing these things Your way would cause me to be healed, healthy and refreshed. 9 I will honor and worship You with my money and with the first fruits of all-of my increase, everything that I have.

In 2Corinthians Nine 7 You said, for me to give cheerfully, because You love Cheerful Givers. 8 And You said when I honor and worship You with my finances, You release all of Your Grace to me, so much so that I would be able to swim in it and so that I would have all sufficiency[a] in all things, at all times, so that I could accomplish-successfully, every work that You have assigned to me.

I thank You for what You have already done for me….I thank You that my financial gifts (that I give back to You), activates Your Grace and blessings in all areas of my life.

Help me to know and understand that I do not own anything, any and all monies are Yours and Yours alone. You simply instruct me as to what to do with Your Money. I am simply a steward of what You have given me access-to and authority-over to distribute to others.

I thank You, that I now understand what You meant in Malachi when You said, Will I Rob You, and that Your saints Rob You in tithes and offerings. I know, You won’t and cannot curse me for not tithing or giving an offering… but I now know, that I Rob You (by preventing You) from Blessing me when I do not give as You commanded.

You always, at-all-times want to shower blessings on me, Your Blessings of wisdom, health, knowledge, favor, things, being in the right place at the right time, peace and open doors. When I do not trust that the money I have is Yours, I Rob You from being able to Bless Me in specific ways (so I curse myself from receiving or reaping).

YOU USE "PEOPLE" TO BLESS ME. When I do not give and treat Your People Right, these "people" can not give or support me in what You are using me to do. You specifically said.."man" shall give unto Luke Six:

Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall "men" give into your bosom. For with the same measure that you give, it shall be measured-judged and that's how people will give-back to you."

You have established earthly laws that causes me (because of what, how and where I sow) to be at the right place at the right time and in the right state of mind to receive (reap) reciprocal financial favor and blessings from people when I give and tithe as You commanded. Your blessing on my life includes physical and material things that I like and desire also.

I thank You for opening the windows of heaven and pouring out Your Blessings on me as a reward and a law that You, setup for me when I trust and obey Your Word as it pertains to giving.

I will give the first fruits, first tenth of all of my increase and I will prove You, test You as You said to do; and You CAN NOT, NOT bless me hallelujah!!

I know when I trust You and do what You say to do with money, I allow my mind to be open and receptive to uncommon opportunities and I am able to hear You clearly and I will make less mistakes because of condemnation and uncertainty that enters my mind when I do not obey You.

I Thank You God for leading me to sow in good soil (Your Ministries) because You said in Mark 4:20, that when I sow in good soil, in Your chosen vessels and ministries, I will hear Your Word and accept it and that I would bear fruit, thirtyfold and sixtyfold and a hundredfold.”

And You said, You will bless me for doing something as simple as giving Your man of God a drink of water…and when I give to prophets and millionaires, I reap prophet and financial-millionaire- type rewards!

As You commanded in Ephesians 1:3, I Thank You for allowing me to know that You, have Put Your “heavenly places” that are in You…IN Me…All that is in You, All that You Are, All that You project, “I am” (You and Your Fullness is in me-now). I project and manifest Your fullness when I keep Your-Mind Active and my mind in-active and I abide in You as You say to do!

Ezekiel 36:27

27 And I (God) will put My Spirit within you, and ”cause” you to walk in My Ways and Will and you will keep my judgments (My Words), and You will do them.

I Thank you Lord, because You “cause” me to do Your will by “Allowing” TROUBLE and GOODNESS to change the way I think and act.

YOU LOVE ME JUST THAT MUCH. Because when I am hurting and grieving, so are You! But You would rather me hurt here for a short-while and spend an eternity with You! Than pleasure my flesh and spend an eternity in hell apart from You!

I get it Lord. You once new me in the spirit and I guess you really liked me. Is that why You will and have went through so much hell to get me back with You?

Ezekiel 37:14 And I shall put My Spirit in you, and You will live, and I will put you in your own land: then you will know that I (not you or anyone else) I The LORD JESUS have spoken it, and performed it, saith the LORD.

What have You Spoken and performed Lord? I have spoken and finished Your successful life and everything that "I" have spoke-into your Spirit to pray-for, believe-for, to hope-for, that's found in My Word for You!

Galatians 5:16 This I say Then, Walk-live in the Spirit, and you will not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

(6) I AM PRAYER SIX - Keeping reading to (7) I Am Prayer Seven


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