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Writer: Wardell BrantleyWardell Brantley

Updated: Apr 13, 2024

I Thank You, that You have already provided for me, my family, Your Ministry, this project, The World Leaders Academy and the Perfect Connection Platforms that You have given me stewardship-over and I simply must remain planted like a tree in Your Glory as it flows, in, through and around me like a river. I Thank You for helping me to hear and act-on everything that Your Holy Spirit and my angels are saying and doing for me. I will follow You and my angels willingly and make the choice of allowing You to lead in every decision that I make. I will proactively suffer my flesh and command my Angelic Host to do what they are assigned to me to do in order for Your Will to be done through me, so that You will get the Glory that You desire!

I KNOW, You are using me to do exceedingly, abundantly and more than I can ask or think, because I allow You to use me. As YOU "ARE", so am "I" in this world and in Your Kingdom…..I reckon myself and my desires to be dead and I am Alive in You Jesus. I am just like You!


I am a joint-Heir in "ALL" THAT YOU ARE! You made me in Your image and Your Likeness and You said, I was “very” Good (I am very-good because You are In-me) and You Gave me dominion over the earth, satan and my flesh (when I allow You to have Your way with me and my mind). Then You filled me with Your Holy Spirit (the very essence of Who You are) even Your Angels ask why You love Wardell so much and are so mindful of him/me, because they also see me making mistakes and they see You still making me a priority and loving on me.

My deceased mother, Your my haters, My friends, The Angels and the demonic forces all see My success because You said, my success would be advertised in the earth, in heaven and under the earth...and that is why satan hates me so much, because he see You loving on me and blessing me and Me Loving and Praising You! And he has to sit and look at my table, my history and my future that is filled with the victories, trophies, plaques, relationships, resources and checks that You have laid-out in front of him and his disciples! Even You as Jahovah Nissi (my banner) You wave my victories in his face (day and night) as I make my way prosperous in front of him with my good-success.

You even gave me authority over satan and limited his access to me, so that he can only do the things that You need him to do, in-order-to, push me to my destiny and ensure that I live an eternity with You. So even satan, who is trying (daily) to kill, steal and destroy me, he is being used by You to make me great, his actions cause me to fight my flesh and my mind to make sure that I remain in Your-Will and in Your heavenly places and he pushes me to inspire millions to be saved and live prosperous lives.

You even used satan to help Your Flesh (Jesus’ physical Body and earthly mind) to learn how to hear You and cooperate with You and how to do all that is required to be done with our physical body.…because You said that You learned how to be great through Your suffering. So, You are making me great through sufferings and only satan can bring or cause suffering. You do not cause pain, sick, lack or death, that’s why I do not have to live with it or accept it!

And if it is present or active it is temporary, and You are allowing it for a specific purpose like what You allowed through Lazarus.

You taught Jesus how to recognize and take authority over satan and You are teaching me how to recognize satan (his tactics) and how to keep my authority and Victory over all hurt, frustration, sickness, lack, things, thoughts and situations that satan presents to me…..Hallelujah..

So right Now, I dispatch and command my Angelic host to keep me awake and alert and to fight the demonic actions and tactics so that I do not suffer any loss of any-kind today!


You said a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and I can only be fruitful when I am in You. Yes, You are the Vine; I am the branch. When I remain in You, and You in Me, I will produce much fruit that will remain forever. I am producing much fruit (now). When I am apart from You (the fruit that I produced will wither and die), so, really I have done nothing. –John 15:4-5 and I know my fruit that is produced when I am in-You, will remain forever through my my seven children, my family, my schools, my student-world-leaders, my networks and those that I will mentor, train and pour “You” into them (this is my fruit).

In Deut. 28, You commanded that I obey You and carefully keep Your commands, I thank You for setting me high above all the nations and high above all principalities and the men of this world. I am experiencing all these blessings because I believe You and obey You Lord: My towns and My fields are blessed. My children and My ministries, businesses and organizations are blessed. Everything that I produce and work-on is Blessed, everything I go after I GET! My home and my health are blessed. Wherever I go and whatever I do is blessed. All that is attached to me and associated with me is Blessed. You said I bring a blessing and You said, Your blessings follow me with signs and proof that it’s You.

And now that I belong to You Christ, I am a true child of Abraham. I am His/Your Heir, and Your promise to Abraham belongs to Me, You said that in Galatians 3:29 and Just like Abraham was accounted Righteous because He believed You, so am I righteous because I believe You and I am Your Promise to Abraham manifested! And that same Blessing that was on Joseph is in me.

You said, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what You have prepared for me because I love You!” Your Spirit revealed this to me. I thank You that Your Spirit searches out everything and shows me Your deep secrets. 1st Corinthians 2 & 9 shows me how to run this $Trillion dollar funding, network and school system.

In Proverbs 10:22 You said, Your blessing makes me rich and it comes with No sorrow, problems or issues WHEN I am in You and You are in me. I never have to do anything outside of You to get my blessings or keep my blessings.

I thank You for generously providing all that I need. I always have everything I need and plenty left over to share with others. 2 Corinthians 9:8.

I am blessed, so I will keep my trust and focus in You Lord and I have made You my hope and my confidence. I am like a tree planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. I am like these trees, I am not bothered by the heat (my problems) or worried by long months of drought (when it feels like You are not with me or I don’t have something that I desire) these types of problems do not move me. These trees’ leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit and NEITHER WILL I… Thank You Lord for Jeremiah 17:7-8:

one word, one thought, one call, one text, one email, one meeting, one encounter, one moment or one night with You changes everything and one day in Your court, changes me forever!

I thank You for Your Unlimited Provision. I Thank You for the Instructions, the direction, and the courage to get It Today! You said, in all of my ways, if I acknowledged You, You would direct me to what I need and want because You have already provided it. Your Holy Spirit and Your Warring Angels are simply guiding me to everything that You have for me and what You have for me to do!

Make Your Instructions Plain for me as You did for Noah and the Ark. Those that built Your Temple and the Covenant Box, You gave them specific instructions….I thank You for Clarity.

In Proverbs 25:28,

You said, He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down and without walls.


In Proverbs 16:32

You said, when I am slow to anger I am better than the mighty;

and when I rule my spirit I can rule and take the city.



Trying to figure-out how someone is feeling or what they may-be thinking and trying to control or dictate how they should feel or think

leads to anxiety, fear, depression, sadness and paranoia

Just like worrying about tomorrow or thinking about yesterday!

Analytics is a form of witchcraft.

The PC Network Platforms are the solutions and the remedy for the analytics systematic way of doing business.


I AM NO-LONGER REACTING to satan, people or situations I AM NOW SIMPLY ACTING ACCORDING TO YOUR WORD – YOUR VOICE & YOUR NEED AT THE TIME. God, You or Jesus Never Reacted – You Have Acted – demonic spirits reacted to You and they will react, retreat and run 7 different ways from me BECAUSE I AM IN YOU! I bring You and All Your fullness & Authority wherever I go. Deuteronomy 28:7

(12) I AM PRAYERS TWELVE......Keep reading to I Am Prayer 13

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