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Writer: Wardell BrantleyWardell Brantley

Updated: Mar 5, 2020

When the Temptations and Pressure Hit

Go to Scriptures and Prayers

New Heavens and a New Earth Isaiah 65:17-25

17 “For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth, and the former things shall not be remembered or come into my mind.18 But be glad and rejoice forever in that which I create; for behold, I create Jerusalem to be a joy, and her people to be a gladness.19 I will rejoice in Jerusalem and be glad in my people; no more shall be heard in it the sound of weeping and the cry of distress.20 No more shall there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not fill out his days, for the young man shall die a hundred years old, and the sinner a hundred years old shall be accursed.21 They shall build houses and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards and eat their fruit.22 They shall not build and another inhabit; they shall not plant and another eat; for like the days of a tree shall the days of my people be, and my chosen shall long enjoy[c] the work of their hands. (NO ONE CAN TAKE MY IDEAS)!23 They shall not labor in vain or bear children for calamity,[d] for they shall be the offspring of the blessed of the Lord, and their descendants with them.24 Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear.25 The wolf and the lamb shall graze together; the lion shall eat straw like the ox, and dust shall be the serpent's food. They shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain,” says the Lord


Deliver Me from any remnants of fear, pride, lack, hurt, bondage…..for Your Name Sake

I Bind-Up any demonic forces, any evil spirits, any strongmen that is attacking or holding-on to me my wife, my family, my networks, school or team members right now. satan and all your tiny weak, hell-bound forces, I bind you up, I rebuke you, and cast you down, right now, In Jesus Christ’s Holy matchless and powerful Name. And yes I know that you are trembling even right now and I know Jesus has ordered you to be casted out by His Anointing in Me and by His Legions of Angels that Jehovah Sabbaoth has already dispatched to war against you right now on my behalf and through my verbal Commandments in Jesus’ Name, you are bound & casted out now!

I LOOSE my warring angels now, to go before me and I thank You Lord for Your all consuming fire and Your Anointing that You said would destroy the yoke and hold that satan may have around my mind, my heart causing my bad choices and this awful heaviness!

El Shaddai has already destroyed every problem that will ever come my way. I will stay submitted to El Shaddai & I Praise You-Jesus for victory when I see him, the problem coming, “Knowing” that the problem; you-demon is already destroyed & the situation is rectified.------

Father, In Jesus Name, by my free-will, I bind to my soul, my thoughts & my desires: Discipline, Focus, Alertness, Self-Control, No-Procrastination, Enthusiasm, Excitement and Confidence in what You have for me to work-on right now……… I Thank You Jesus. I will not let satan hinder me with his sluggishness, tiredness and emotional manipulation or any hints of the enemy coming in like a flood with his lies, temptations, deceits, doubt, fear or shame. satan-you will not hinder-me from accomplishing all that my God Jesus Christ have for me to do right now!! Hallelujah.

I will keep Your Words-Jesus coming out of my mouth and all my weapons in-front of me and on my tongue and mind at all times as I work and war in a state of readiness & in attack-mode at all times staying ready and aware of his desire to kill, steal and destroy me and everything and every-person attached to me and those who will be blessed by the work that You have assigned to me! I WILL ALSO STAY LASER-FOCUSED ON YOUR PROMISES AND THE FACT THAT YOU ADMONISHED ME TO GET IN THE BOAT AND GO TO THE OTHER SIDE KNOWING THE STORMS THAT WERE AHEAD! In other-words You gave me this project, the knowledge and the provision and it is already successful, despite the storms that “You-Allow” and that You Knew would come-up!


Though You Slay-Me Yet Will I Praise You! I will Past the Test! I was there when You performed the miracles just like Your disciples. However I will respond differently. You can stay asleep Jesus..



You said, In all my getting to get an Understanding…Understanding is only revealed thru Your Spirit & Your Word

I Respond Like Jesus: I say to my flesh, my mind & satan; it is written!

I Have VICTORY OVER unbelief, my mouth, my emotions, fear, shame & rejection!

I control & rule my spirit, thoughts, flesh & my mouth – I Speak Your Words Only!

And YOU SAID; I CAN NOW TAKE AND RULE THE CITY! Because I now know how to get out of Your-Way so that You can use me.

I am Integrity, I am Peace, I am Wisdom, I am Knowledge, I am Courage, I am Provision, I am Healing

I am Success, I am writing & presenting YOUR VISION and Making it Plain;

So that the receiver and this community can see it, understand it, support it and be served by it!


I thank You for a renewed-mind of faith, belief & trust in the plan that You have given to me.

NO-ONE CAN REJECT ME. Because I am not the “PERSON”

Asking for the Resource or the Money. YOU & Your SPIRT are Informing them thru Me!

This is Your Project that You have purposed to establish Your Kingdom for Your Glory.

Mark 11:23. I “Verbally Speak” Your Kingdom to Earth


TO EVERY PERSON, BUSINESS, MINISTRY, ORGANIZATION & CORPORATION YOU SEND ME TO! I make my contact list & plan daily & give it to You, then do what You say to do with it!

You said, You are Blessing me, to be a Blessing and that You are making my name Great for

Your Name Sake, For Your Glory & So that many will see my Victory & Accept Their Victory!

I thank You, for favor in high places with man and in the spirit realm.

You said, YOUR WORD Coming out of me would not return to You, Void!

I will receive ALL that You Give me to ask for! It’s not theirs or mine, It’s Yours!

You are simply sending me to get it, to distribute it, for YOUR Purpose!

You do not have hands or a mouth, so You made Me so that You can Use Mine,

I am Your hands & Voice, so that You can make Physical Transactions in the earth!

(this is how You have set up Your system so that the funds I need will be transferred from the world)

You said money answers all things.. I Thank You for Access to our UNLIMITED PROVISION & RESOURCES!



Your WORD & SPIRIT Reveals the Steps I must take to manifest what I am decreeing & declaring (that’s why I must spend hours per day communicating with You).


I Manifest Your Unlimited Provision By “Telling” Leaders, Organizations & Businesses to use the Services that You are Providing through the Academy and the Networks!

This is how You will Bless Them, the Community and how You are taking from the world to give to the righteous so that we can destroy & eliminate satan’sworks in our communities.

(satan’s works of: cancer, divorce, fornication, division, violence, drugs, illness, lgbtq and poverty etc).

I know I must keep my-mind in-active and Your-Mind Active in me by giving You thanks at all times in all situations, because my thanks, praise, contentment & peace “in-it” allows You to use it for MY GOOD and allows me to hear Your Voice at all times. It is very difficult for me to make Your choices when I am filled with anxiety, fear, sadness and/or listening to music, entertainment & words or conversations that are contrary to YOUR WORDS!

principalities & demons ARE FAR BELOW MY FEET! I have power & authority over them!




IT’S NOT satan - It’s My Choice - IT IS satan CAUSING MY CHOICE


“The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, Respect-him Acknowledge-him and He delivers them.” (Psalm 34:7) Lord I need your Angels to totally surround me as I go into this work…Thank You Jesus..

“For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways.” (Psalm 91:11)

I need your angelic soldiers to help war in the Spirit for my blessing and to help me stay in You and under Your Authority Hallelujah…thank You Jesus.

“And let the angel of the Lord chase him … And let the angel of the Lord pursue them … Let the destruction come upon him unexpectedly.” (Psalm 35:5-8) Thank You Jesus for charging Your Angels to war for Me…

“Behold, I sent an Angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared.” (Exodus 23:20) I will allow Your angels to keep me and guide me so that I can get to where You have me to be.

I will choose to follow and trust their leading and guiding.

“Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?” (Hebrews 1:14)

I Thank You for Your Salvation and Your Ministering angels….

“For satan himself transforms himself into an ANGEL OF LIGHT. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.” (2 Cor. 11:14)

Help me to discern and try every spirit by Your Spirit hallelujah..I will not be deceived…

“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, BUT TEST THE SPIRITS, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world.” (1 John 4:1-4)

The last two verses will help warn us that Satan and his demons can try and come to us acting like they are one of God’s angels. If an angel were all of a sudden to ever appear to you, you have to properly test him to make sure that he is one of God’s angels.

The way you do it is by asking him to confess out to you that Jesus Christ has already come to our earth in the flesh. A demon will not be able to make that kind of a confession to you. If the angel fails this test, then just command it to immediately leave you in the name of Jesus Christ.


1 Corinthians 3:16 Do you not know that you are a Temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?

1 Corinthians 6:19 Or do you not know that your body is a Temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?

2 Corinthians 6:16 …..what agreement has the Temple of God (YOU) with the world? For we are the Temple of the living God; just as God said, "I will live in them & walk among them; & I will be their God, & they shall be my people.

Joshua 1:5 No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.

Ezekiel 36:27 "I will put My Spirit in you & ”cause” you to walk in My Will, & you will be careful to do My Word.

Isaiah 55:8-9 “My thoughts are not your thoughts, your ways not my ways, the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Philippians 2:5-11 SO, you must: LetMy mind be in you, the Mind that is in Christ Jesus:

John 16:13 "But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come.

2 Timothy 1:14 Guard/Protect (by the Holy Spirit, who’s in you) the treasure (Me, My Spirit)which has been entrusted to you.

Acts 6:5 ….and they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and full of the Holy Spirit….

Ephesians 5:18 And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit…

Romans 8:11 If the Spirit of God, Who raised Jesus from the dead is in you, God Who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your Physical bodies through His Spirit Who dwells in you.

Galatians 5:18 But IFyou are led by the Spirit, you are notunder the Law.

Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness….

Romans 8:9 You are not in the flesh but in the Spirit “IF” the Spirit of God dwells in you. However, if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to God.

Galatians 4:6 Because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, "Abba! Father!"

1 John 2:27 As for you, the anointing which you received from Him abides in you, and you have no need for anyone to teach you; His anointing teaches you about all things, and is true and is not a lie, He taught you, so you abide in Him.

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Genesis 5:1 In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him;

Judges 6:13-18 …the Lord said,..Go in “My” Might & You will succeed.. at anything…Am I not the one sending You?

Romans 8:17 His children are His heirs & joint-heirs with Christ..So, if we suffer with Him we will be glorified with Him.

Romans 8:29-30 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.

Psalm 16:11 There is fullness of Joy and everything I need when I am In Him / In You Christ Jesus.

Ephesians 1:9 Having made known the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he purposed in himself…

Philippians 2:13 I can do all things because You are always at work in me to make me willing and able to do Your-Will.

Hebrews 13:5 Don’t love money, be content with what you have, God has said, Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you!

Roman 12:1-2 Do not be conform to the world, be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will. The Renewed Mind Reveals Your I Amness!


Let “US” MAKE MAN – The Father, Son & Holy Spirit Always Existed before, during and after “TIME” & So have “I”.

God Fore-knew Me and Predestinated Me and Predetermined that “I-AM” Great.

My life experiences robbed me of this knowledge! Now HE is Redeeming-Me back to this knowledge. This knowledge is not foreign to me because I already knew it before. I am finally being refreshed of a knowledge that I once knew before I came into time!

  1. HEBREWS 12:2 – Helps You Be Your I Am! – You Must Despise - forget about the so-called shame that comes with doing God’s will! It seems like shame because You are one of the very few that will do it God’s Way!

Luke 22:31 - And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: I learn how to walk in my I-AM-Ness by God Allowing Satan to Sift-me (beat the world’s “thoughts & Understandings” out of me)!


· Father you are my strength, my rock and my fortress, my deliverer, my shield & My salvation.

· You are worthy to be praised, when I call upon you, you save me from my enemies

· Remember, Lord how you saved me when death surrounded me, with fear, Shame & Sorrow!

· Arise o Lord and deliver me from the wicked that rise against me. Let every flood of wickedness against me be consumed.

· I command sorrows and fears to depart now. Shield me today and let the horn of my enemies be broken

· Arise and shake the heavenlies and the earth, let wicked foundations in my life, family and neighborhood be shaken to nothingness. Let your foundation replace any other foundation that has stood against us.

· Let your voice thunder and silence every voice of the enemy. Rain coals of fire upon them as You drive them away.

· Let the fiery arrows of the enemy be extinguished and broken. Let Your arrows scatter my enemies.

· I Rebuke the powers of darkness fighting me. Lord, Uncover all wicked plans set against me and prevent them today in the name of Your son Jesus Christ.

· Draw me out of the many waters, deliver me from my strong enemies.

· Support me and bring me to a broad place, for You are my rock of salvation.

· Help me walk in ways of righteousness, and depart from evil

· Teach my hands to war. I arise and break the bows of my enemies

· Today I pursue my enemies and overtake them. I will not turn back till I destroy all

· I beat my enemies like fine dust and I break their necks.

· Let all strangers who rise against me submit to me, let them come out as frightened from their hide outs.

· Lord I give thanks to You, for You are my refuge and deliverance, glory be to Your name

Our enemies whom we pray to destroy are not human beings, but rather demonic forces that they operate under and all forces of the devil. The bible commands us to love those people who ill-treat us.

· I quench with the shield of faith every fiery dart the enemy sends my way

· I quench every fire brand sent against my life by the enemy in Jesus name

· I bind and cast out every fiery serpent sent against my life in the name of Jesus

· I release the sword of the spirit against every fiery serpent sent my way in Jesus name

· I quench every fire the enemy would throw into my sanctuary in the name of Jesus

· I refuse to be burned by the fire of the enemy in Jesus name. The enemy’s flame will not kindle over me

· I overcome every fiery trial sent against me in Jesus name

· I quench every fire of wickedness sent against my life by the enemy

· Let the unquenchable fire of the Holy Spirit quench every fire from the enemy against my life in Jesus name

· The enemy will not be able to burn up my harvest in Jesus name

· I recover back by fire every blessing that my enemies have burned up in Jesus name



· It is written and confirmed in Exodus 15:3 and 6 that My God, My Lord is a man of war; “The Lord” is His name … His Right Hand, IS MY glorious Power; His right hand, has already dashed you into pieces (when He went down into hell and took all of your authority and power and embarrassed in front of your fallen angels). The greatness of My Lord Jesus’ excellence Have overthrown you and all those that rose against me and Him; My Awesome Lord sent forth His wrath and consumed you and all your spiritual brothers like stubble.” (Exodus 15:3,6)

· “My Lord goes forth like a mighty man; He stirs up His zeal like a man of war. He cries out, yes, He shouts aloud; He has prevailed against you and I am in Him and I have prevailed against you.” (Isaiah 42:13)

· “You fool demon you know, because I know you read it and you are experiencing the defeat of how My God, My Lord, Jesus Christ has gone before me and made my crooked path’s straight even the one’s I messed-up myself. My Lord Jesus Christ has broken you and your gates in pieces and has already cut your bars of iron in half. (you know what Isaiah 45:2 says).

· “You defeated spirit, you know and understand that my God and My Lord goes before me as a consuming fire. He has destroyed all of you and brought you down in front of me Hallelujah; And Has given me the authority and power over you to drive you out of me and everyone I love and you are destroyed right now. So I command you now, to cease and desist your operations and presence in my life Hallelujah. I give you no rights, no entry-way and no legal access or grounds to remain where the power of the holy Spirit resides in me, my family and organization and where the blood of my Jesus Christ has defeated you and His blood continues to cover me now and I know you see the blood and you gotta go and your death angel has to pass-over, as the Lord has commanded you.” (Deuteronomy 9:3)

· “The Lord is fighting for me Now and I will hold my peace and Let my Awesome Lord, His Holy Spirit and His Holy Angels of war do their thing and take you out of my situation. Hallelujah thank You Jesus. I will hold my peace which is my Lord and savior Jesus Christ. (Exodus 14:14)

· “My God commanded that I be not afraid of you and I am not. I will stand toe to toe, face to face with you because this is not my battle and My daddy, my Lord, Jesus Christ has already defeated you for me. Jesus Christ is my deliverer and He is with me now. (it is written and confirmed in Jeremiah 1:8)

· “I am strong and courageous; I am not afraid, I am not dismayed at this problem, nor before all the multitude or legions of demons that are with you; because it is written and has been proven that there are more angels with me than with you. you and your defeated cronies are mere flesh; I am in-Christ now, any my mighty Lord, God, Jesus is fighting this battle. So You gotta deal with him! (2 Chronicles 32:7)

· “The eternal God is my refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms; He will thrust you out from before me, and will say, ‘Destroy!’ So you are destroyed ” (Deuteronomy 33:27)

· “My Lord is faithful, He has established me and He guards me from you.” (2 Thessalonians 3:3)

“My Lord has delivered me from your every evil work and He preserves me for His kingdom.” (2 Tim. 4:18)

· “God is for Me! and you or no one else can defeat me?” (Romans 8:31)

· “When You come in like a flood, The Holy Spirit will remind me that He is my Standard.” (Is59:19)

· “You and I, know that the Lord saves His Anointed, I am His Anointed; My Lord answers me from His Holy heaven with the saving strength of His right hand.” (Psalm 20:6)

· “Though I walk in the midst of the trouble that you try to bring, My Lord keeps and revives me; My Lord stretches out His hand against you and all of my enemies and His right hand saves and protects me. My Lord perfects all things that concerns me …Hallelujah…Thank You Jesus…I Love you sooo” (Psalm 138:7)

· I cry out to my Lord, & he hears me, and delivers me out of ALL of my troubles (Psalm 34:17). I will use HIS PERSPECTIVE OF YOU AND MY SITUATION!

I will not run from you; My Lord goes before me, and is my rear guard from you.” (Isaiah 52:12)

I will Not repay you or try to get revenge. I will Wait on My Lord, He along saves me!(Proverbs 20:22).

· “Many times you have afflicted me from my youth; yet you have not prevailed against me … My Lord is righteous; He has cut you in pieces and the cords of you and all your wicked spirits.” (Psalm 129:2)

· “Yes I give thanks to my Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to me and my! My Lord has broken the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron in two.” (Psalm 107:15-16)

· “My God is a just judge, and He is angry with you and all those that allow you to use them every day. I serve notice to you now and all those that are talking about me, trying to hinder or stop-me; if you do not stop now, your life will end very soon, because my loving-daddy is sharpening His sword; He’s bending His bow back now and aiming it towards you and He is ready. He is also preparing all types of weapons and ways to destroy you and kill you; just for saying or doing any wrong to me. Don’t believe me, read it Psalm 7:11 – that’s my daddy looking out for me cause I am looking-out for His Kingdom and His people!


“My God guards my feet and I know you are trying to be silent and take advantage of me in these dark and hard times. And I know, I cannot prevail against you with my strength. But Hallelujah, I know my God has already broken you into pieces for me from heaven as he thunders against you. My Lord judge the ends of the earth. He gives me strength cause I’m His king and My Lord exalts my horn because I am His Anointed, check it out; you know what it says in (1 Samuel 2:9) cause you are doing all you can to try to get me not to believe it or live by it…but guess, what I got it, I believe it and I am using My God’s Word against you..

My Lord is my Rock and my fortress and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I trust; He’s my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I call upon my Lord, He is worthy to be praised; and he saved me from you and all of my enemies.” (Psalm 18:2)

My salvation is from the Lord because I am his righteous; Jesus is my strength in the trouble you are trying to bring. And My Lord helps us and delivers us; He has delivered us from you and saved us, because we trust in Him. We Love our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and all that he has done.” (Psalm 37:39)

· “And you devil, you tried to deceive me, but Hallelujah, my Lord has already casted you into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. And you and all your followers are being tormented day and night forever and ever.” That’s fact, that’s truth, that’s my happiness and My confession (Rev. 20:10)


Ezekiel 36:26

I thank You Lord for giving my wife Christy and I a new heart, Your Mind and a new Spirit and a renewed understanding of You and what You have done and are doing through us and our family; Lord take the heart of stone out of our flesh and give us a receptive heart so that Christy and I may receive the full measure of Your Love for us Jesus. You said that Your-Anointing Destroys the Yoke that satan has and had on our mind and heart. I Thank You for Your Anointing that is destroying it and has destroyed it!

Go from her/us now, you evil spirits that are deceiving my wife AND I into thinking that a hard heart is necessary for our safety and protection, I command you to come up and come out of us and this marriage in the name of Jesus and I thank You for a renewed mind that will not allow satanic pressure to cause us to respond contrary to how You want us to respond to You and each other.

The Lord Jesus, is our Rock and our fortress and our deliverer right now!; My Lord Jesus said that His Anointing destroys the hold and the yoke that you evil spirits have around her/our mind and our heart. Our Lord Jesus, is our strength, in whom we trust in Your-WILL for a successful, fruitful marriage and family to be done right now, today!.

Lord God there was NO Abuse in this Marriage and There was No Adultery in this Marriage, We were saved at the time of this Marriage and we raised Your/our six children in the fear and admonishing of You in this Marriage.

No-where in Your Word or by Your Holy Spirit do You give place, reason or justification for divorce in our marriage, our future or our situation. No-where in Your Word or Holy Spirit can we Justify, not restoring, not forgiving or not being sensitive to each other’s needs or issues. Neither do You give reason for giving-up on each other or Your Covenant of Marriage when we make mistakes…

Oh Lord Jesus Christ, You are Christy’s & Wardell’s shield and the horn of our salvation, and Jesus You are our stronghold right Now, Hallelujah!

You foul Spirits of bitterness, fear, division, hurt, shame, lack, depression, anger, pride, paranoia, woundedness, unforgiveness, rejection, poverty, and anything else in our soul and body that God You did not plant, I command you now, to come-out, loose your hold on Wardell & Christy Brantley Now. I uproot you foul spirits through the power of the Blood of Jesus with Jesus’ Authority, Voice and Declaration for the express purpose of Freeing Christy & Wardell so that God’s Will, Your-Will, will be done through us right now!

So Right Now, By the Power of Jesus and Your Anointing and Glory that has filled the room, the Atmosphere or Vehicle where we are right now. You and Your Power, Authority and Warring Angels are ever present, every where all the time with us… So, Christy You are Free and Loosed Right now, I Speak it and Declare it…. and You foul spirits that are trying to divide our house and stop our miracles and destiny, Jesus has officially casted you out and God’s warring angels has bound you for a thousand years as God’s Word states.

God You said, that this Word, Your Word that is coming out of My Mouth would not return to You Void and that it will and IS accomplishing Your Will and purpose and it is giving us clarity and clearing the way and path for prosperity in all aspects of our lives and family as You continue to use us to break generational curses and poverty in our family lines.

It is not Your-Will God for this stain of divorce to be permanently fixed to us, As You are preparing us to lead our family lines into generational Wealth. It is not Your-Will for our children & Grandchildren and the world to be able to look at the Brantley Marriage and say if divorce is okay and it works for mom and dad or grand daddy and grand momma or the if the Brantley’s was successful with their divorce then it must be okay! That is NOT a stigma YOU want fixed to the greatness You are birthing through us. You want Us to be an example of what You brought together You are able to sustain and that NO Man or beast could break apart not even us.

Christy is now free and she is praising You Jesus with her husband Wardell, who You have by Your covenant has bound us together as ONE and You said that No man or beast could break apart what You have bound together, and You will not allow satan to have his way in this marriage OR this Brantley family-line for Your Name sake. I thank You that Christy and I are Free “now” to properly love and praise You and each other…Hallelujah and we will walk in Your Freedom and dance and praise You Lord together for Your Glory and Your Honor..Hallelujah.

I Thank You, turning our mourning into dancing; You have put off our sadness and clothed us with gladness.


I will respond to my wife Your way every single time, I am the leader, the provider, the sanctifier & the comforter she needs and can trust for her security, stability and provision.

You said when I trust my wife (that You are keeping her in everyway) I will have no lack of gain (I will be rich & powerful, because I am trusting that You are keeping her & preparing her, I’m not trusting her, I am trusting You)!

You said to Enjoy life with my wife because she is my portion in life and the REWARD that You have given to me for working so hard to establish Your kingdom on Earth. You Do Not Give Defective, Ineffective or Bad Rewards! You said, when I found her I found my Good-Thing, my Good Future. You do not, cannot reverse those words or laws.

You said for my wife to respect & submit to me. And for me to, love her, as You love the church and gave Yourself up for the Church (us), and for me to sanctify (teach & free) her and cleanse her by the washing of water with Your word, In other words I am to allow You to use me to Bless her & provide for her at all times in all areas of Her life (Being Patient with her as the weaker and most precious vessel and using Your Word, Your Wisdom, Your Ways & Your Methods). In other-words, she will want-to & willingly submit-to-me when I treat her like You said to treat her and she see, feel and know that You are in-me and guiding-me at all times (that’s security).

You said, Let my fountain be blessed, and rejoice in my wife as a lovely deer, a graceful doe and to let her breasts fill me at all times with delight; and for me to be intoxicated always in her love (in other words she is the only woman You have for me and that You want to satisfy my desires, naturally & spiritually).

You said for me to love my wife as my own body. You said When I love My wife, I love myself, just as You love the church, because we are members of Your body and just as You, Jesus & Your Holy Spirit are one, under one name, operating as one and cannot function or operate independently that’s how YOU have joined Me and my wife and How You require us to function in-order to be blessed. You said to treat her as You treat Your Church. Your Church is in You. We both are in You as kings, lords and dominators. We are one Flesh that You said no man or beast could separate us.

We will not be divided, we will operate as one united body. Because You said a house divided cannot stand and two can put ten’s of thousands of demons out of commission, in other words me and my wife are better together and can accomplish more when we are touching & agreeing and on one accord because You also said, how can two walk together accept they be in agreement! I thank You that You honor and manifest blessings as we touch and agree in every work and every thought that You Give to Us! You, Jesus and the Holy Ghost are always operating in harmony and that’s what You require of my wife and I. We are ONE Just as the Father, Son & Spirit is one. How You operate the Church is how You require us to Operate!

Help my wife and I, to know that we will not be successful without each other or without operating on one accord with one vision. Help me to be the Godly example and leader that my wife finds pleasure, confidence and excitement-in and willingly follows.

We won’t be destroyed because of lack of knowledge, division, fear, unbelief, doubt, selfishness or pride which is of the devil. I thank You for the knowledge of how to obtain and keep our provision for our finances, health & successful children.

In Hebrews 4:2 You said, Your good news came to many and they heard it and was notblessed by it because they were not united by faith when they heard it. I thank You that My wife, My family and I Hear Your word that is sown on fertile ground in us, and when we hear it, we keep it in our hearts and it benefits us and we reap a harvest from it together.

In Colossians 3:16, You said, Let Your Word dwell in us richly, so that we can teach and admonish one another in all wisdom, as we sing and praise and worship You together in Spirit and in Truth.

I thank You for opening our eyes of understanding, restoring our name, our marriage, our ministry, our relationships & the years that satan stole from my family, me and my wife through unbelief, pride, doubt, fear, selfishness, deception, and bad decisions.


I come before Your throne of Grace and Mercy to find encouragement and help in my time of need. I thank You that You go before me this day, and that You will be with me in all that I do. I thank You for not failing me, for not forsaking me, and for not letting me be dismayed. Father, Your word says LET not my heart be troubled, neither LET it be afraid, Father, I come to You because I need to cast worries, fears, and cares upon You. Your Word said that I could because You careth for me. So Father, I cast all my cares, all worries, all anxieties, all problems, all doubts, all fears, and all of my needs concerning this problem upon You.

I praise You for being with me as I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, causing me to fear no evil, for I know that You are with me. Your rod and thy staff comfort me; Your Goodness and Mercy follow me, protecting me from all manner of evil. You have prepared a table before me in the presence of our enemies. Therefore I will not fear what man may do to me. Father You are my light and my salvation; I will not fear. You are the strength of my life, I will not be afraid. When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes come upon me to eat up my flesh, they will stumble and fall. Though a host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear. Father, the name of Jesus – When spoken-verbally with Authority, takes authority over every principality, every demonic spirit, and all wicked spirits in high places. The name of Jesus has bound the spirit of fear and cast it out of my life. satan, You have no power over my life, or anything that pertains to me because the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazarethcover me. Therefore in the name of Jesus, You are rendered helpless, powerless, and ineffective against my life.

Father, I sought You and You heard me. You delivered me from all my fears. Therefore I will not be afraid of the terror by night; nor the arrow that flieth by day. For You are my refuge and my fortress and in my time of trouble You hid me in the secret of Your tabernacle. You are my God and in You will I trust. You delivered me from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence. You covered me with Your feathers and under Your wings I took refuge. Your truth has become my shield and my buckler

Though war should rise up against me THE NAME OF JESUS WILL DESTROY THEM. When the enemy comes in like a flood THE NAME OF JESUS WILL DESTROY HIM A thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand, but none of this shall come near me, for THE NAME OF JESUS WILL DESTROY THEM. They may swarm around me like bees; and try to attack, but THE NAME OF JESUS WILL DESTROY THEM.

Your name is my strong tower, and in the Name of Jesus there is safety. I will not fear nor be dismayed for I know You are with me. I know that You will strengthen me; help me and will uphold me with the right hand of Your righteousness. For You Lord have taught me to observe Your commandments and have promised to be with me even unto the end of the world. I thank You Lord for not allowing me to receive the spirit of bondage again to fear; and for blessing me to receive the Spirit of adoption. Father I pray that You will dwell in my heart by faith; that You will keep me rooted and grounded in Your love. For Father in Your love there is no fear; because Your love is perfect and it casteth out fear. And I thank You Lord for not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. Father, You are faithful, and You promise to establish me, and keep me from evil. I thank You Lord for strength and for helping me to overcome all fears and unbelief so that I may inherit all things; I thank You for being my God, my salvation, and my hope for tomorrow. I thank You for anointing me with Your strength, Your joy, Your peace and Your love. For I know that greater are You Lord because You are in me than he that is in this world. I thank You for hearing my prayer and I thank You for interceding for me. Now Father, I thank You for delivering me from fear, I thank You Lord for binding every stronghold of the enemy coming against me and casting them out. I thank You for allowing me to rest in this confidence knowing that You are for me and with me. And knowing that You are for me and with me I know that there is nothing that I will face today that You have not already made provision-for. I know that no power is greater than You. I can rest in Your arms because nothing is strong enough to come against me and succeed. I praise You for this victory, and for complete salvation and safety, and for Your divine peace that floods my soul.


But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people. (Eph. 5:3 NIV)

Lord, I come boldly before Your throne of grace and mercy to find help and strength in my time of need. Lord Your word says to watch and pray so that we will not enter into temptation, for I know that My Spirit is willing, but Father my flesh is weak.

Lord, I submit myself to You, for Your Word says that if I submit myself to You, that I could resist the enemy and he would flee from me. Lord I am fully submitted to You, all that I am, all that I ever hope to be. I surrender unto You.

Father, I am weak but You are strong, I know in my weakness I allow You to be strong in my life & situation. I know that my strength is not in my will to withstand the devil and his many temptations, but my faith, my strength, my hope is in You and the fact that You have already made me righteous and has given me the victory & what I need. Therefore, Lord I confess that I am strong in You, and in the power of Your might & Glory.

Father, in the name of Jesus, I cast down every wicked, lustful, lascivious, and unclean thought of the enemy in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I refuse to allow any thoughts of the enemy to enter in; I dismiss them from me in the name of Jesus.

Father, I pray that You will cause me to think upon those things which are pure, honest, and of a good report, and I pray that You will help me to keep my mind from wandering into idleness and My Mouth Speaking Your Word Only.

Father, I thank You for revealing the evil lustful spirit that was trying to confuse me. I thank You for not allowing me to be drawn away by his words of flattery, his lustful eyes, or his gifts of deceit. I thank You for not allowing me to be overcome with lust in my eyes, for I know the eyes are the door to the heart, and Your words says to guard my heart with all diligence. So Father, please help me to guard my heart by what I think & the words that I speak.

Father, I pray & Thank You for placing upon me the whole armour of God, so that I will always be able to stand against the tricks of the enemy. I Thank You for delivering me from every temptation of lust, sin, and evil.

In the name of Jesus, I take authority over satan, every principality, every evil spirit, and every spirit of wickedness in high places. I bind them up in the name of Jesus Christ and render them helpless from operating in my life. In the name of Jesus I bind and cast off ever spirit of lust, adultery, fornication, lasciviousness, and uncleanliness in my life. Father, I surrender my body to you as a living sacrifice, and I recognize that my body is the temple of the Almighty Living God and a dwelling place for Your Holy Spirit and I rejoice in knowing that the blood of Jesus Christ covers me.

Satan, in the name of Jesus, every stronghold, You have tried to bring against me has been rendered helpless, powerless and ineffective to operate in my life, by the authority of Jesus Christ! I put off all forms of lust and put on the new nature of righteousness, purity, and honesty. Jesus has defeated you satan in my life, and now you are under my feet, and your power of lust and sin is broken in my life.

Father, I thank You for hearing my prayer, and delivering me from the tricks of the enemy. I thank You for Your Word and how It is established in my heart and in my life. I thank You for giving me power over the enemy, I thank You for strengthening me so that I will not defile my body, and that it is a temple for Your Holy Spirit. I Thank You Lord, for restoring me, for cleansing me, and for forgiving me for my weakness. I praise You; I give You all the glory. Amen


Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ, and I bring to you my struggle with masturbation. Father, forgive me, for I want to live a life that is honoring to you and one free from form slavery. Lord forgive me for looking to another source of comfort rather than the COMFORTER whom you have promised. Holy Spirit reveal to me the roots of my problem ( write them down).

In the name of Jesus I command every spirit of sexual perversion working against my life to go, all mind polluting thought’s of fantasy every arrow of lust that the enemy would shoot against me, I bind you in the name of Jesus Christ and forbid you from tormenting me any more. I speak to every evil spirit and I remind you that I have been bought by the precious Blood of Jesus Christ and that you no longer have any rights to operate in my life and that you must leave now, Lord shine your light into the dark areas of my life, surround me with a wall of fire and give me Your strength every day aganist my struggle. I pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen


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