(1) I-AM PRAYER ONE (15 minutes)
Updated: Jul 4, 2022
The first 12 MINUTES
A Real Daily Candid Conversation with God!
God will lead you (throughout this book) to deviate from this prayer, to close-your eyes & worship Him and He will cause you to pray-for specific people and situations. When you deviate from the book, just pick-up where you left-off.
Watch how God will Amazingly Reveal Himself, His Ways and how He will use you and this prayer.

God, You said, “If, I remain in You and Your Words Remain in me, I can ask whatever I wish, and it will be done for me.” YOUR GLORY IS VISABLE TO THE WORLD WHEN YOU ANSWER AND MANIFEST MY PRAYERS AND WHEN “WHAT-I-DO” PRODUCES YOUR GOOD-SUCCESS!
I open my heart to You, dear God, and let Your Words of Peace and Praise fill my mind. In Your presence, I am peaceful, poised, confident and strong, right now. I relax in Your loving care dear God, and release all of my cares to You, “knowing” that You are and have provided for me and You are increasing me daily in every area of my life.
As I keep my heart and my mind centered and focused on You and helping others, I can now feel Your peace infusing my entire being and keeping me serene and secure. To You, beloved God, I release all unbelief, I release any fear, I release any pressure or any anxieties.
In the comfort of Your Word & Your Presence, I am content and peaceful, in-spite of any problems or concerns. God, Your Word and Your Presence calms me, Your Word and Your Presence quiets the storms and problems around me, and Your Word and Your Presence leads me to a place of perfect peace. As I center myself in Your Word and Your Peaceful Presence, I let go of every concern and relax in the safety of Your love, in-Quietness and in-Confidence as You said to do!
The understanding and Acceptance of Your Word is Your Peaceful Presence whether I "feel" anything or not! Which is why You said, to Let Your Mind Be in Me! Your Mind is filled with Peace and Solutions for every situation.
Father, I give You my full attention and all of my mind so that I can properly Hear You, Accept what You are saying to me and I will and I am Acting-On, Moving-on Your directions and Your Rhema Word right now!
You said, In ALL of MY GETTING, to get an understanding of You, Who You are, Who “I am” In-You, Who You are In-Me, How I am to respond right now, What I am to do right now and how to manifest my purpose and destiny through the understanding of Your Precious Promises and Your finished works for me!
Father, In the name of Jesus, I now place my body (my actions), my soul (my thoughts), my plans, my Spirit (my salvation, my beliefs), my marriage, my children, my ministry and This book, The funding networks, my school, my projects, and my entire life; I place into Your hands, I give-up trying to "make" my prayers and my life work!
I now ask that You place me into Your Perfect-Will for my life and Your Purpose that You have finished for me!
From this moment-on, I will CHOOSE to stay fully surrendered to You all the days of my life, and I will ALLOW You to lead and direct my successful and healthy life in the direction that You have already preplanned and finished for me.
Lord God, You said, to come to You, in Your Son, Jesus Christ’s Name, You said, to remind You of Your Word, You said, to come before You boldly, knowing, I will and I have received what I am praying for.
You said, if I came to You honestly, with humility and broken, You would not turn me away. You said, to come to You like a child approaches their loving-responsible parent.
You said, to enter-into Your Gates with Thanksgiving and Enter into Your Courts with Praise. So right now, I thank You Lord, for who You are and for Your Grace that has allowed me to come before You one more time. I thank You for being with me and never leaving me alone (even when it “feels” like You are not here, You are). Because You said, You would Never Leave me or forsake me. You said, You are a very present and right now God.
In Elijah and in 1st Thessalonians, You said, My effectual fervent prayers (constantly communicating with You) brings Your Word and My Destiny to manifestation. This book, This Website, This Mobile App and these, Your-Words are the steps to use and they teach me how to live the Healthy, Prosperous and Peaceful life that You have already finished and made available for me (You said that in Psalms 119, 1 John 3, John 19:30 and Jeremiah 29:11).
Throughout this day and night, I will water the seeds that You have planted within me (Your Anointing-You), with Your Word, with my Worship and with my Praise to You and In You. I will pray without ceasing at all times so that You Jesus can manifest Yourself through me.
I will remain thankful and content with Your garment of Praise on me at all times and in all situations because “when” I am In-You and I give the situation to You (and Handle or Respond to the situation or person like Your Word says-to do) the situation becomes “Your-Will” for me and produces “GOOD SUCCESS” for me and the other person(s) involved. You said that in 1st Thessalonians 5.
Lord, I am speaking and verbally reciting these (Your Words of Prayer) as a way of speaking Your Words and Power into the atmosphere, You said, You SPOKE the world into existence and it was framed with Your Words. You said, I Speak, I Decree, I Declare and YOU HAVE ALREADY WORKED IT, (YOUR ANGELS HEAR THESE WORDS AND THEY GO TO WORK FOR YOU/ME).
In Job 22:28 You said, Your Word shows-me, Reveals-to-me how to manifest what I am decreeing and declaring.
As I am reading this-Word, this-book; Your-Spirit and Your still small voice (Your Rhema-Word) is speaking into my mind, Your ideas, Your concepts, Your solutions, people’s names and Your directions and how to do what You need me to do right now and how to respond, right now! Actually when I "Allow Your Mind" to be active in me as You said to do, that's how You manifest Yourself through me! So, I will keep Your Mind Active and my mind in-active at all times, that's my battle that's my fight.
It is impossible for me to make wise decisions when I am constantly on social media or when I am filled with anxiety, unbelief, fear, anger or listening to music and entertainment or conversations that are contrary to You and Your Word. So, You said, I must settle down, by giving You thanks and praise so that I can hear You and only You, clearly.
I am not speaking or praying from this book in vain-repetitions, but I will use this book, this website as a guide and a method to ensure that I am speaking to You in a way and with Your Words from You that are acceptable to You and will cause Angels to move in the atmosphere.
You said, there is a good-success and a bad success, You said, there is way to rightly interpret and understand Your Word and there is a wrong way to interpret and understand Your Word and there is a Right-way to pray and there is a wrong way to pray (amiss).
You said, there is a way that seems right, but the end is destruction (“divorce seems” right, being “gay seems” right, singing secular music “seems right”, talking about my brother’s mistakes to others “seems right”, crips & bloods being my family “seems right”, living with my boyfriend or girlfriend seems right, telling a quick lie or half-truth seems right at the time, sleeping-with someone I'm not married-to, seems right, but it ends in destruction).
This book will ensure that I am praying the right-way and interpreting Your Voice and Your Word the right-way, Your Way, Found in Your Word and Revealed by Your Spirit.
You said “Let there-be” and it was, and I am in You and when I speak and say let there be (as I am reciting this book), it will be also! I am not, and I cannot pray amiss or wrong when I pray, speak and declare Your Written Word and Your Will. This book will ensure that I am praying and communicating with You based on How You and Your Word says to communicate with You!
I will "ALLOW" Your Spirit to lead me to pray in whatever direction You lead me in, even if, or when it deviates from this book. As long-as I am reading these words, I am believing that You are leading me to read these exact words from this book. So that You can speak to my mind through my Spirit in a way that will cause and influence me to do what You say over what satan is suggesting. I thank You for using me as I Speak and Verbalize These, Your-Words of Truth and Power from You.
You said, I don’t know what to pray-for and that Your Spirit will lead-me and give me an unction to pray for certain things, people and situations at various times. These Words and this book will help me to stay open and receptive to Your Spirit and what You are saying and have said. I will pray and allow You to pray through me and use my tongue at Your leisure. These (Your) Words will help me to understand how You are able to use me to pray in and out of the Spirit. Romans 8:26 and 1 Cor. 14:15.
You even said, when I allow You to use my tongue to speak Your language, You are building me up in my most holiest ways and faith. So, When I am praying in the Spirit You are strengthening me in ways that my finite-mind cannot understand! So, I will simply present myself to You and continually say, yes Lord You can use this tongue, You can use this body that You gave me stewardship over while I am here on earth. YOU GAVE ME THIS CHOICE!
I Thank You God for allowing me in Your Spirit! I want to be in Your inner-court where the devil has absolutely No access to me. When I am in Your Spirit realm, my mind can and has the authority to shut-up satan’s voice and when I am in Your Spirit, I do not have to rebuke or bind the devil because when I am in Your Spirit, You are the person doing and has done all of the fighting and I have won, I am the winner by knock-out. I have full authority and power over satan, myself and my thoughts.
When I am “In-You” I am Your priest…I can and I am to Declare, Decree and Announce And see results, even if the results are my changed and renewed mind about a situation or person and how I responded!
I don’t take my battle weapons behind Your Veil (in Your Spirit) because all-of the answers and solutions I need are in Your Spirit, finished and I do not have to war for answers when I am in You, because You are the answer, You are the VEIL that is hiding me. I can expect a manifested, understandable answer now (even when the answer is no or wait); because You are always in the “Now”. And when I am IN YOU, Everything that is happening is allowed by YOU and “IS” a Blessing to me, “when” I respond to it Your-Way because You are using it for my advancement to take me higher (even kidney failure, jail, cancer, car accident or rape etc.)
Help me to get my flesh out of Your way. I know “my flesh” and “my thoughts” and “MY WANTS”, cannot go into Your Spirit Realm. My flesh and my mind will never understand how cancer, kidney failure or rape can be a blessing, is a reward, is a promotion, is a serum and serves as an advancement to the next level of life and how it can be what You must use to make me a serum, an antidote and a solution over an issue, myself and satan!
If I want and expect Real Success and Real Solutions, I must leave my personal experiences, desires, expectations, feelings, and emotions out of this communication and out of this prayer.
When I am communicating with You (praying), You want me to tell You, (in-honesty) how I am feeling and what I am going-through (quickly).
But then, I must respond exactly how You tell me to respond after I tell You what I am experiencing. When I tell You about the negative feelings, anger or hurt; You will “immediately” tell me and remind me that “I-Am” Power and Authority over this feeling, over this pressure, over this anxiety, over that person, over this thought (that is not from You), over grieving, over this mistake or over this failure, over this situation and over any types of unbelief, fear, pride or emotions that I am experiencing.
In other-words You are saying: I hear You, But know, That I am the Answer, You are talking to “The Answer!!” Now; shut-your-mind-down, stop thinking about it and concentrate on me, because “I Am the Solution.” Now keep on praying, keep on talking to me and I WILL TALK YOU OVER IT and You will Fully Understand that You are Already Over it…Just Receive My Peace and My Solutions about it!
God, In-Jesus Name, I am asking that You help me to dress and prepare myself for this prayer and this day and this work: Help me to get my mind out of Your way and to allow Your Mind to take-over in me! I know I must eliminate my desires and my wants. You said, If I sought You first and acknowledged-You in all of my ways, You could and You-would direct my path (tell me what to do and in a manner that I can understand that will give me the human confidence to do)!
I know I must go by Your brazen alter, I know Your Word must wash me and my thoughts. Your-Mind and Your-Will must be my #1 priority (this is where my power comes from as I pray and go into this day). I am ready and I am one-mind with You Now. I Thank You that Your Blood that You shed for me, made it possible for me to be in-You. Yes, that crucial beating and Powerful Resurrection that You went-through for me made it possible for me to be successful in every area of my life.
My power is cut-off when I disbelieve You in any situation. Because my unbelief results in sinful actions and when sin/unbelief is present and/or when I am lying, hurt, angry or doing or saying anything that does not line-up with Your Word, my power and authority in that area is cut-off. I must keep bad images, conversation, music, lies and negative words out of my thoughts, my life and my mouth! I must be dressed for intercession prayer. I have authority in Your Presence.
Your Word is my authority and proof in this prayer, Your Word is my authority, proof and confidence in my marriage and in my business or ministry transactions. It shows in my walk and daily lifestyle when I have truly been in Your presence and have surrendered my day to Your Spirit.
I Vent to You-God and I Love People. I Vent to You God and Love-on My Spouse, children, family, business and ministry partners and I love-on my enemies who I am determined to make my friend when I remove satan from between us.
I thank You and Praise You for my health and victory over all forms of unbelief, fear, accidents, hurt, lack, pride, sickness, pain & illnesses. I thank You for what You have done and what Your Holy Spirit is leading me to do.
I Praise You for being My Belief, My Hope, My Faith, My Understanding, My Excitement, My Energy, My Praise, My Peace, My Health, My Spouse, My Prosperity, My Comfort, My Victory, My Wisdom, My Knowledge, My Direction, My freedom & My Friend… I Praise You for simply being God and allowing me to know You and Experience-You in Your Fullness! I AM Hope, I Am Peace, I Am Provision, I Am Victory, I Am Praise for my family and millions of others.
You said, “I am -That- I am” You are that thing, person, response or thought for whatever it is that I “need.” You are IT, IT comes from You, You have already provided IT or for IT and Your Spirit will guide me to the manifestation of IT today (Because “IT” is in You and will only come from YOU) and YOU ARE IN ME! NOW! SO, I AM THE SOLUTION! I AM THE ANTIDOTE!
YOU ARE THE ONLY “PERSON” THAT CAN OPEN MY EYES AND UNDERSTANDING TO RECOGNIZE WHEN I HAVE IT! Many times I have IT and I Let it go because I have the wrong understanding of IT!
You said, to ask for my daily bread and my provision because You want me to know and be reminded daily that You are the PERSON-the SOURCE (the Vine) who has provided my daily bread, everything I need. And You want me to be reminded that You have already forgiven me (if, I was to fall into any sin today). So, You commanded that I forgive others (many times a day if needed) because You have already (before I was born or saved) forgiven me and them.
And You want me to be reminded that You do not lead me into temptation, but You Do deliver me from all evil, anything or any thought that satan may present to me. I don’t have to own or think-on thoughts that are not from You. I must get an understanding of what thoughts are Yours, That's why You said, to "LET" YOUR MIND BE IN ME!
You want me to be reminded and declare openly, moment by moment that You are the Kingdom, You are the Power, You are the Glory and You will always be My Power, My Glory and My Kingdom IN ME forever. There is never a moment when You are not with me. You said this in Matthew Six. This is why, I can pray boldly and with confidence, IN BEAST MODE!
KNOWING I AM “_______” Because You are the Lion, The Lamb, The “I” and the “AM” in Me at ALL times!
I don’t have to invite You in the room! You are Here!
I thank You for giving me Your Perspective of what my blessing is, and an understanding and Your Acceptance, Joy and Peace of what that blessing looks-like, feels like and how it will be manifested today, moment by moment.
You and My Blessing are not separate…And You are Always with me so I am Always Blessed beyond measure. How Can You the Almighty God that created and own everything that was ever made, that is still reproducing after itself and I am a joint Heir with You, AND YOU ARE IN ME IN YOUR FULLNESS; how can there ever be a time when I am cursed or not blessed??? I AM FULLY BLESSED RIGHT NOW, WITH YOU IN ME AND I IN YOU!
If and When I am in You and I am going through something tough or something I do not like, or do not understand it does not mean that I AM NOT BLESSED BEYOND MEASURE AT THE TIME OF THE FEELING OR SITUATION!
YOU ARE MY IMMEASURABLE BLESSING….not some situation, item, a house, a car, a business or a person, these things are manifested without stress or striving (in Your time) when I walk in YOUR Revelation and YOUR Knowledge that You are my Blessing, You are my Direction, You are my Wisdom and You are my Time-table and You have already given it to me and it is finished and No one or No-Thing can alter what You have finished for me. YOU PREDESTINATED ME TO BE BLESSED JUST LIKE YOU DID WITH JACOB!
My Blessing is “living” in the Peace, Patience and Contentment of “KNOWING” "KNOWING" that You are My Blessing and “IT” is finished and You can not ever leave me or forsake me or reverse Your Blessing on My Life! You Swore, that You would bless me because, You knew, You already Blessed me (past tense)!
Just because I or someone else don’t think I am blessed, because of a mistake or what they seen or have heard, in THEIR IGNORANCE OF YOU AND YOUR WORD; That does not mean that I am not Blessed beyond measure NOW!
I THANK YOU FOR MY-WILL TO CARRY MY CROSS, CIRCUMCISE MYSELF AND CUT AWAY ALL PARTS OF MY MIND THAT WILL ATTRACT satan AND OPEN THE DOOR to demons AND RETAIN mess IN ME THAT IS NOT LIKE YOU, that will cause me to mis-interpret my blessing or listen to someone else over You!
I know and understand the consequences of disobedience, mistakes, fear and unbelief but I also KNOW AND UNDERSTAND my power and authority over them and the horrible death You went through so that they or he/she can’t hold me down with the condemnation from my mistakes!
I Thank You, for making it possible for me to NOT “have-to” wait-on someone else in order for me to be blessed. No one holds my blessings in their hands or mouth. You are my Blessing and You are with me Now and I love and praise You for this understanding.
I - Am Prayers: (see all here)
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty, Twenty One, Twenty Two-End
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