Updated: Aug 23, 2022
God Your Precious Promises are Filled with Your Promises to Restore my Marriage and our Family and I Believe and I am Depending-On the Manifestation of every single book, scripture, sentence, comma and period. I will pray fervently, without ceasing, rightly dividing every word and acting-on every command from You in-order for Your Will to be done in my family.
Revelations 3:8: You, God opened the door to this marriage, You are the Door to our Marriage, our children, our purpose and the the PC Multinational Network. And You said, no man or no devil can shut it or keep it from prospering, because You are the Door, You are the Way and You are in-Us and We are In-You, You are orchestrating the whole sequence of events. THAT'S WHAT I BELIEVE AND THAT'S WHAT I WILL LIVE!

Ezekiel 36:26
God Your Precious Promises are Filled with Your Promises to Restore this Brantley Marriage and our Family and I Believe and I am Depending-On the Manifestation of every single book, scripture, sentence, comma and period (I will pray fervently, without ceasing and acting-on every command from You in-order for Your Will to be done in my family).
Lord God; my marriage and my family is in Your Word, In-Christ and It’s Your-Will and it Represents You and gives You Glory and will birth over six more generations of families that will live for You and will continue to pass Your Gospel & Spirit to All generations to come. You are dependent on this marriage to pass You down to the next generation.
And I know, I have the requests of this Prayer even before I start praying, because I know You hear me, because You are the Person, praying this prayer through me.
And because I am in You and You are in Me, I know You have already answered me and have manifested this prayer for Yourself in the spirit realm, before the foundations of this world and I know You will only answer this prayer, Restore this marriage and manifest Yourself so that You (ONLY) will be Glorified and so that millions will see what You have done and accept You and Your Ways and Your Will on this earth because of what they have witnessed by You restoring our marriage.
So, I will thank You in advance now, for Your performance of restoring our marriage and for preparing me for my new mind and my new wife (Christy Brantley) and I am who she is excited to "come-home-to."
Redemption is in me, Repentance is in me, Salvation is in me, I am victory, You Jesus and Your Kingdom are in me and being manifested now. My Successful Marriage and Family is Your Visible Glory manifested! WE ARE YOUR VISIBLE LIVING EPISTLES BORN TO INSPIRE YOUR CHILDREN TO ACCEPT YOU INTO THEIR HEARTS. We will not hide the light that You are in us.
I thank You Lord for giving my wife Christy and I a renewed heart, a renewed Mind and a renewed understanding of You and what You have done and are doing through us and our family; Lord take the heart of stone out of our mind and give us a receptive mind so that Christy and I may receive the full measure of Your Love for us Jesus. You said, that Your-Anointing destroys the yoke, the pressure and the stronghold that satan has on our choices, our marriage, our mind and our heart causing us not to believe You in the various areas of our lives that is causing this division between us.
Go from her/us now, you evil spirits that are deceiving my wife AND I into thinking that a hard heart or division or divorce is necessary for our successful future. I command you evil spirit of unbelief, fear, hurt and division to come up and come out of us and this marriage in the name of Jesus.
I command my legion of angels to fight the spirits of unbelief, fear, hurt and shame that is pressuring Christy and me in anyway that is preventing the unity and peace You desire we manifest in this marriage, our lives and our ministry.
I thank You Lord, for a renewed mind (and our-abilty-to "let" Your-Mind be active in us) that will not allow satanic pressure from any source to cause Christy or I to respond contrary to how You want us and need us to respond to You, our marriage and each other, right-now.
satan, The Lord Jesus, is our Rock and our fortress and our deliverer right now! My Lord Jesus said, that His Anointing destroys the hold and the yoke that you evil spirits have around her/our mind and our heart. Our Lord Jesus, is our Strength, in whom we trust in God’s Will, Your Will Jesus, stated in Isaiah 29:11 for a successful, fruitful and prosperous marriage and family to be manifested, right now, today!
God, You swore that You would Bless US! and You have!
Lord God, there was NO Abuse in this Marriage and There was No Infidelity in this Marriage, We were saved at the time of this Marriage and we raised Your/our six children in the fear and admonishing of You in this Marriage, we stood before You on Your Alter in Your presence and made a covenant 22 years ago with You and each other till death separates this marriage. We lived prayerful, saved-lives in-You during this marriage.
No-where in Your Word or by Your Holy Spirit do You give a vision, a dream, a reason or justification for divorce in our marriage, our future or our situation. No-where in Your Word or by Your Holy Spirit can we Justify, not restoring, not forgiving or not being sensitive to each other’s needs or issues. Neither do You give reason or justification for giving-up on You, giving-up on each other, or for giving-up on our/Your six blessed, chaste children (by showing them what You desire for marriage and family) or giving up on Your Covenant of Marriage with us…The Marriage Covenant IS with YOU, NOT THE COURT SYSTEM!
You foul spirits of bitterness, fear, unbelief, division, hurt, shame, lack, depression, anger, pride, paranoia, woundedness, unforgiveness, rejection, poverty, and anything else in our soul and mind that You-God, did not plant; I command you now, to come-out, loose your hold on Wardell & Christy Brantley Now. I uproot you foul spirits through the power of the Blood of Jesus with Jesus’ Authority, Voice and Declaration for the express purpose of Freeing Christy & Wardell so that God’s Will, Your-Will, will be done through us and our six children, now!
God, You said, anything or any situation that is not from You is temporary. This division is not from You, So it has to be temporary and You are working this separation together for our good and the good of marriages and families throughout this country and the world.
And if it’s our mind and or our selfish choices or our ignorant expectations of what our life and finances should have been after 22 years or the life experiences that we felt we should not have had to experience; OR the people we listen-to; if this is what has to be blotted-out or renewed, then help us to stay in Your Word, meditating day and night and listening to Your still small voice and Your Rhema Word, so that we can always keep Your Mind active in us at all times.
And if You are allowing this mind-set and if You are using this separation and this lack for a specific purpose for this specific time in our lives; give us understanding and clarity. I thank You for Your Anointing to Accept what You are allowing, to be content-with what You are allowing and I praise You for empowering us to give You praise through this famine and time of tarrying, knowing that it is just for a short-while and we will be better, not bitter and stronger than ever when we come out in our due season - Today! YOU ARE ALWAYS NOW! I can expect Christy back in my life today!
I can expect You and Your Angles to reveal to Christy what You have been doing, what You are doing and What You Will do through me, her and our children Today! YOU REVEALED IT TO ME and I know You are able to reveal it to her, in a way that she is able to accept it as I did and our children are. You have not kept our children chaste and presentable for no-reason! And You are not keeping me from desiring another relationship for no-reason. You are God and You are preparing us for this Multinational Financial Network and Worldwide ministry to inspire families to serve You!
Oh Lord Jesus Christ, You are Christy’s & Wardell’s shield, Our Banner and the Horn of our Salvation, and Jesus, You are our Stronghold right Now, Hallelujah!
So Right Now, By the Power of Jesus’ “Your,” Shed Blood and Your Anointing and Your Glory that has filled the room where I am and where Christy is right now. You and Your Power, Your Authority and Your Warring Angels are ever present, every where all the time with US.
You are always Now!
So I can Expect Revelation and Restoration Now!
So, Christy, You are Free and Loosed Right now, I Speak it and Declare it…. and You foul spirits that are trying to divide our house and stop our miracles and destiny, Jesus has officially casted you out and God’s Warring Angels my Mantle has bound you for a thousand years and permanently placed you in the lake of fire as God’s Word states, so satan is not our problem, Keeping Jesus-Mind and Words active in us is our daily grind.
And I Thank You Lord for the freedom, excitement and the Signs following Today.
You are very Present, You are a right Now God! You are not a tomorrow or a yesterday god.
God, You said, that this Word, Your Word that is coming out of My Mouth right now, would not – could not and Will-Not return to You Void and that this Word IS accomplishing Your Will and Your Purpose and This Word is cutting and blessing Me and Christy and This Word is giving us clarity and clearing the way and the path for prosperity in all areas of our lives and our family, as You continue to use us to break generational mindsets and poverty in our family lines. Though You break-us, prune-us, mold-us, correct-us.. Yet, will we praise You for the Adventure and the Next Level in-You, as we circumcise ourselves and bear our crosses in You, Christ Jesus!
You said, You watch-over these Words, You said, "YOU" MAKE SURE THAT THESE WORDS (YOUR WORDS) WILL HAPPEN, WILL COME TO PASS! These are Your Words. These Words that are coming out of my mouth right now are from You, Spoken by You through me AND THEY ARE are ALL THE POWER I NEED TO REMAIN IN YOU, AND IN BELIEF FOR MY MARRIAGE AND MY WIFE THAT YOU GAVE ME!
You said, "I" must put-off and "I" must put-on, I have to fast, I have to pray, meaning I must discipline myself and renew my mind and "choose" with my mind and effort to do what "YOU" want done in my life and my marriage, NOW!
It is not Your-Will God, for a stain of divorce to be permanently fixed to the Top of this Brantley-Line, as You are preparing us to lead our families into generational Wealth and build this multinational organization and financial Network. It is not Your-Will for our children or future grandchildren and people in the world to be able to look at “another” “failed Brantley marriage” and say, divorce must be okay, because its working for mom and dad or grand daddy and grand momma (they’re saved), so divorce must be good with God.
You certainly do not want my children who will carry-on this Brantley name and this Awesome vision to live under a “stained brantley-divorce banner” or see divorce as acceptable or an option.
It is not Your-Will for my four boys and my girls to see their Spirit-filled father praise You, honor You and teach them You, teach them the importance of marriage and cherishing their bodies, their wives and husbands; only to see and witness that power, that authority of the Words of our All Mighty God, our Father and Your Gospel that I am teaching them;
fail in front of them and not take effect in front of them, in my life, their teacher's life, in their dad's life who is a "type" "representative" of You-Christ and a type & example of the Holy Spirit to-them until they gain their own understanding.
What a waste for them not to see and experience the manifestation of Your Words..Your Words are Now, Your Words are Effective, Your Words are Authority, Your Words are a Very Present-right-now help, Your Words are Visible and Your Words are "The Power" that they must use also, just like me.
Un-manifested Power, Un-manifested Words "are not" the legacy You want left lingering with my children and my wife about You and our family.
In Daniel Six, You left on record of how You did it for the king and the people in his kingdom......"Daniel, was the God You Serve able to deliver You from the Lions? Daniel "Answered!" Then the king made the whole nation serve "You" because You were Daniel's God! same situation with those hebrew boys.
You also left on a written-record of how You would rather destroy the kings and their kingdoms before You let them touch Abraham's wife, even though Abraham (in-fear) gave them permission to touch his wife! YOU ARE NO ARE NO RESPECT OF PERSON.
You did it then because of Belief in You and You are doing it Now because of my belief in You! Because YOU ARE ALWAYS NOW! There is no history or past in You!
You certainly do not want the world, my young-student-world leaders and the millions of PC Network Members saying, if the Brantley’s can be successful with divorce then surely, I too can leave, divide my family also (Because God will forgive me, when I repent of it)! That is NOT a stigma or the talk YOU want "fixed-to-You" or representing YOU or the greatness You are birthing through Wardell, Christy, Aria, Armand, Aiden, Avery, Alaya and Austin, this Great Brantley Family.
You want Us, You have Empowered US and You have Authorized US to BE AN EXAMPLE of what YOU brought together, What You kept together for 25 years, What YOU built, what YOU started, YOU ARE ABLE to sustain, Finish and Prosper FOREVER; Your Brantley line. This Great Brantley Family, YOU ARE ABLE-TO AND YOU WILL Sustain and NO man or devil could break apart what You have brought together, not even us.
You said, When I found Christy, I found my Good-Thing, Your Gift to me. You do not give defective gifts that give-up! Nor Do You take back the gifts that You give to me! Nor is satan powerful enough to take my gift from me that’s from You, because, You and All of Your Power is In Me with Your Warring Angels, My Mantle, Protecting US!
My Confidence and this Prayer stems-from; My absolute proven fruits of protecting the sanctity of our marriage and treating my wife the best I know-how and how "YOU" made sure I never put myself in compromising situations with another woman and You made sure I raised our children in the fear and admonishing of You! So, I can with confidence using what You Did in our family over the past 25 years; justly-say, just as Daniel said, in this matter, I am not guilty and I Wardell "in this matter" I am not guilty before You God or Christy), not even satan can present anything to her that says differently!
That's my confidence, "in-knowing" that You can and have kept the mouth of divorce shut in our particular situation (my lion, my goliath). That is also what Daniel Said.
That's my confidence in knowing that, with one-Word, One-Thought, One-Conversation, You are able to reveal to Christy (in a way that she can accept it) What You have been doing me with me and our family!
I know everyone can not make that type of statement and I know I have made many many, many mistakes, but in our situation and what You have done, What You are doing and What You have promised to do through me and our family, I CAN BODLY MAKE THAT STATEMENT BEFORE YOU AND CHRISTY, AS DANIEL DID!
So now, because I believe in-Hope (You), against what my physical-world is showing or what she is saying right now, I am constantly resisting the thoughts from satan, I am praying Believing, I am praying fervently, I am praying without ceasing, I am praying boldly, I am praying Your Word by the leading of Your Spirit, In-Christ Jesus and I “know” I have what I am praying-for because It’s In-Christ, In-Your Word, In Your due time and You Hear me and You knew I would be praying this fervently and this effectively without ceasing, Rightly dividing Your Word of Truth as I am abiding in You and You are abiding in me. YOU are the VINE and I as the branch, can only produce fruit that You Are to me!
So now, I thank You Lord, that Christy & I are right-now free and we are praising You together because You have by Your covenant bound us together as ONE and You will not allow satan to have his way in this marriage OR this Brantley family-line for Your Name and Your Kingdom sake as we represent You and what You are able to do for us and for the millions of other marriages and families that will be delivered and prosperous because of this Brantley union that You brought together and You God has kept together.
O' How our children's faith, confidence and excitement in You will soar to immeasurable heights, when they see their mother and father dancing, praising and praying together again AS WE DID FOR THE FIRST 15 YEARS OF THEIR LIVES!
I thank You that Christy and I are Free “now” to properly love and praise You and each other…Hallelujah and we will walk in Your Freedom and dance and praise You Lord together for Your Glory and Your Honor!
I Thank You, turning our mourning into dancing; You have put off our sadness and clothed us with gladness.
ALL THINGS COME OF THEE, OH Lord! Every Good and Every Perfect Gift (Christy) comes from You (Ecc. 9:9)
And You said, You would give us a new heart, and a new Spirit and that You would take out our stony, stubborn heart and give us tender, responsive hearts… and You have. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
In Colossians 3:16, You said, Let Your Word dwell in us richly, so that we can teach and admonish one another in all wisdom, as we sing and praise and worship You together in Spirit and in Truth.
You said, two can put ten thousand demons out. We fight better together for our children, family and community.
Having the eyes of our hearts enlightened, that we may know what is the hope to which You have called us to, what the riches of Your Glorious Inheritance is in us, as we are Your saints. I Thank You for giving us Your Understanding and Enlightened Hearts and Minds to do Your Will over our wants, Ephesians 1:8
------And As For Me & My House We Will Serve You Lord------
You never gave me an interest in being average!
I do, All I know to do, listening to You as intently as I know how.
Over 20 years, I have had tremendous success & tremendous failures!
However, I had no idea You would train & prepare us like this.
Your Process has Unimaginable & Unforeseen Obstacles, Trials and Heaviness that comes with Building a Multinational Communications and Financial Company and School in-order-to serve my country and usher my family-line into Generational Wealth and Salvation in-You Jesus Christ “Our Lord.”
My flesh and family wish we were able to pick and choose the trials and training-ground for You to use.
I would ask those that do not understand our process: How would you prepare me and my family to run a Multi-Billion Dollar Company and School – God’s Way!
It took twenty Years of tarrying & building. If not these trials, then which would you prefer we train in?
Cancer? Rape? Child’s suicide? Amputation? Kidney failure? Adultery? Jail? No vision? Unsaved children? Unsaved spouse?
God chooses our trials based on His foreknowledge of our choices and His knowledge of how we will respond to these various types of trouble that He said, would surely come upon us when we are living for Him!

We are Strong & Very Courageous, in-Christ and Enduring as God commanded!
WHEN I VOWED TO YOU GOD ON Saturday September 23, 2000 on Your Alter at Mason Temple Church, THAT I WOULD LOVE AND CHERISH YOUR DAUGHTER CHRISTY BRANTLEY, YOU KNEW THEN, even before both of us was born, what our future was.
Help our marriages to understand what they are Vowing to do and How that Vow is for generations to come and not JUST for our immediate personal gratification. Marriage is always about the other person and the next generation, THAT WHY I WON'T GIVE UP!
THIS PRAYER IS SO AGGRESSIVE AND SO DETAILED BECAUSE YOU ARE IN ME AND MY SIX CHILDREN HAS CHRISTY'S AND MY DNA IN THEM AND THEY WILL PRODUCE HUNDREDS AND THOUSANDS MORE OF ME AND CHRISTY and what is in us and Who we Allow to be manifested and to be passed-on to them for them to reproduce. I choose to Allow You, Love, long-suffering and endurance (not division and divorce) to be passed-on to them my children and the next generation.
I am truly doing all I know to ensure my seeds pass-down unity not division. Only satan produces and pass-down divorce and division which is rooted in unbelief of You Jesus!
So, When I finally get to meet You face to face I will be able to say, I kept My VOW TO YOU, AS YOU AND I PRAISE OVER THE GENERATIONS OF BRANTLEYS Who are living for their Dad and Grand Dad's God, You Jesus because I chose by Your leading & Your Power not to give-up on YOU and Your Covenant of Marriage.
MARRIAGE RESTORATION God Your Precious Promises are Filled with Your Promises to Restore this Marriage and our Family and I Believe and I am Depending-On the Manifestation of every single one (I will pray and act fervently and without ceasing for Your Will to be done).
I thank You for opening our eyes of understanding, restoring our name, our marriage, our ministry, our relationships & the years that satan stole from my family, me and my wife through unbelief, pride, doubt, fear, selfishness, deception, and bad decisions.
IN AMOS 13-15 You Said, “Yes indeed, it won’t be long now.” God’s Decree. “Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won’t be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings! Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills. I’ll make everything right again for my people: Mark 11:24 24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. Galatians 6:1 1 Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted. Hosea 6:1 1 “Come, let us return to the LORD. He has torn us to pieces but he will heal us; he has injured us but he will bind up our wounds. Isaiah 61:7 7 Instead of your shame you will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance. And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours. Jeremiah 17:14 14 Heal me, LORD, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise. Jeremiah 29:11 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 30:17 17 But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds.. Job 42:10 10 After Job had prayed for his friends, the LORD restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before. 1 John 5:4 4 for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. 1 Peter 5:10 10 And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. John 14:1 1 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. Matthew 6:33 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Psalm 51:12 12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. Zechariah 9:12 12 Return to your fortress, you prisoners of hope; even now I announce that I will restore twice as much to you. Psalm 71:20-21 20 Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up. 21 You will increase my honor and comfort me once more. Joel 2:25-26 25 “I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten— 26 You will have plenty to eat, until you are full, and you will praise the name of the LORD your God, who has worked wonders for you; never again will my people be shamed. 2 Corinthians 13:9-11 9 We are glad whenever we are weak but you are strong; and our prayer is that you may be fully restored. 11 Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.
I will respond to my wife Your way every single time, I am the leader, the provider, the sanctifier & the comforter she needs and can trust for her security, stability and provision.
In Proverbs 31:11 You said when I trust my wife (that You are keeping her in everyway) I will have no lack of gain (I will be rich & powerful, because I am trusting that You are keeping her & preparing her, I’m not trusting her, I am trusting You)!
In Ecclesiastes 9:9 You said to Enjoy life with my wife because she is my portion in life and the REWARD that You have given to me for working so hard to establish Your kingdom on Earth. You Do Not Give Defective, Ineffective or Bad Rewards! You said, when I found her I found my Good-Thing, my Good Future. You do not, cannot reverse those words or laws.
In Ephesians 5:22-33 You said for my wife to respect & submit to me. And for me to, love her, as You love the church and gave Yourself up for the Church (us), and for me to sanctify (teach & free) her and cleanse her by the washing of water with Your word, In other words I am to allow You to use me to Bless her & provide for her at all times in all areas of Her life (Being Patient with her as the weaker and most precious vessel and using Your Word, Your Wisdom, Your Ways & Your Methods). In other-words, she will want-to & willingly submit-to-me when I treat her like You said to treat her and she will physically see, feel and know that You are in-me and guiding-me at all times (that’s the security that You promised her and prepared for her).
In Proverbs 5:18-19 You said, Let my fountain be blessed, and rejoice in my wife as a lovely deer, a graceful doe and to let her breasts fill me at all times with delight; and for me to be intoxicated always in her love (in other words she is the only woman You have for me and that You want to satisfy my desires, naturally & spiritually).
In Ephesians 5:28-31 You said for me to love my wife as my own body. You said When I love My wife, I love myself, just as You love the church, because we are members of Your body and just as You, Jesus & Your Holy Spirit are one, under one name, operating as one and cannot function or operate independently that’s how YOU have joined Me and my wife and How You require us to function in-order to be blessed. You said to treat her as You treat Your Church. Your Church is in You. We both are in You as kings, lords and dominators. We are one Flesh that You said no man or beast could separate us.
We will not be divided, we will operate as one united body. Because You said a house divided cannot stand and two can put ten’s of thousands of demons out of commission, in other words me and my wife are better together and can accomplish more when we are touching & agreeing and on one accord because You also said, how can two walk together accept they be in agreement! I thank You that You honor and manifest blessings as we touch and agree in every work and every thought that You Give to Us! You, Jesus and the Holy Ghost are always operating in harmony and that’s what You require of my wife and I. We are ONE Just as the Father, Son & Spirit is one. How You operate the Church is how You require us to Operate!
Help my wife and I, to know that we will not be successful without each other or without operating on one accord with one vision. Help me to be the Godly example and leader that my wife finds pleasure, confidence and excitement-in and willingly follows.
We won’t be destroyed because of lack of knowledge, division, fear, unbelief, doubt, selfishness or pride which is of the devil. I thank You for the knowledge of how to obtain and keep our provision for our finances, health & successful children.
In Hebrews 4:2 You said, Your good news came to many and they heard it and was not blessed by it because they were not united by faith when they heard it. I thank You that My wife, My family and I Hear Your word that is sown on fertile ground in us, and when we hear it, we keep it in our hearts and it benefits us and we reap a harvest from it together.
In Colossians 3:16, You said, Let Your Word dwell in us richly, so that we can teach and admonish one another in all wisdom, as we sing and praise and worship You together in Spirit and in Truth.
I thank You for opening our eyes of understanding, restoring our name, our marriage, our ministry, our relationships & the years that satan stole from my family, me and my wife through unbelief, pride, doubt, fear, selfishness, deception, and bad decisions.
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