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Writer: Wardell BrantleyWardell Brantley

Updated: Oct 23, 2021

All Situations are Working-Out for my Good-Success!

(remember, this a conversation between you and Jesus, me and You)! My Testimony "is" your testimony!

Good Success & Generational Prosperity Starts with "Your Choice" to get on the road to a LONELY-BLOODY-DEATH TO HELL (that's what it feels like when you have to make a conscience choice to ignore your feelings, ignore your wants and ignore your desire and ignore what every person thinks about you and your commitment to do what God says over everything and everybody else.

The Lonely Road to hell only leads to your ultimate choice to commit suicide and die a horrible death (to yourself and your ways). This road is the only road that provides the understanding and the real-life experience with God that you need in order to fully enjoy your life and fulfill your purpose in life.

This road will teach you that you are not alone even though it really, really, really feels-like and visually looks-looks like you are.

Your submission to someone and something you done understand is life and strength, your death is your life & your suicide and place in hell is your final victory to Unlimited Life-Living!

So, with Friends, Family, Spectators and Your-Help Watching and Cheering

I Must “Let” My-Haters and My-Help Watch-Me Get Beat-Down to a Bloody Death!


I WILL NOT LET My conditions, situations, people, emotions, feelings or outside influences dictate or cause me to RESPOND OR MAKE DECISIONS.

ALL of my Responses and Decisions Will be made based on Your Word, Your Will and Your Voice Only.


Told Your Warring Angels, Your Ride-or-Dies, Your Posse, Your Secret Service, Your Personal Security Detail, Your Army, Your Bodyguards and even Your All-Powerful, All-Mighty Daddy/God; They were All sitting, standing-by, watching You Get Beat Down to Nothing. They were all waiting on You to Say the Word……

And You Said Nothing…..

You did not LET (it was Your Choice) this Horrible & Horrific Situation, (This beating) cause You to attend-to, save, comfort or help Your flesh. You kept Your-Mind stayed on Your God-Given objective, Your Vision and You kept Your mind on me. I imagine Your mind and eyes were constantly glancing over at Your Help, Your Daddy, Your Bouncers and You had to moment-by- moment keep telling Yourself, No, My Daddy “wants” me to take this beating cause He has need of me and I gotta get to my next level, that Cross (at the top of the hill)… and You made it to the Cross and You kept saying, I gotta make it to my Next Level… “the Death Angel” and You made it and You kept telling Yourself I Gotta Make it to My Next Level, “Hell”…. And You made it!

and now I get it…You weren’t after some -Level, some-Thing, some-Place… You were after some-Body..You was after satan the whole time and You finally got there and I can imagine You say AAAA HAAA HAAAA..I FINALLY GOT YOU…..and this place stinks….This is what it looks like down-here?…I finally Got you!...You won’t torment Wardell & His family anymore.

And for all the Hell You just went through..Even the Bible says…YOU EMBARRESSED him, TAUNTED him, Stripped him…Showed him all of MY VICTORIES and took ALL of his power and authority WHEN YOU was on Your way out…and ROSE-UP OUTTA HELL. All that power and authority became mind, because as You Blew through Hell, to the Earth to Heaven like an Atomic Bomb, all that power, authority and energy was placed on the inside of me, because I made a choice to believe what You just did, was for me and the world!

I can only imagine during all that hell, God, Your father was telling Your Security and Angels – To Cheer for You! I know they were shouting – You can Do it, You can Make it, Just a few more stripes to go, You are almost there. And You made it through…Now Look At You.

And I know when I make it through this test…I will have a glorious Time and Status also.

However, I can only make it because You made it first and it was Your Beating… that Took Satan’s Power and Gave it to me. Which is why I can stand this pressure, because it is not pressure from You or satan. This pressure that I am experiencing is me struggling-with, aligning my mind, thoughts, responses and my-will with Yours…Satan is not my battle. You won that one. I win by denying my will and my way and doing exactly what You say to do.

You said, to Give Thanks (for all things, at all times) for this pressure and heaviness because it’s Your-Will concerning me…

When I find peace, happiness, excitement and Honor in that statement, That’s when my battle is finally over and I have truly manifested victory in my life and I will experience Real Prosperity, Real Perfect Health and True Happiness, no-mattter what happens, BECAUSE NOW I TRULY KNOW “I AM” Provision, I am Healed, I am Happy and I am Peaceful, I am doing exactly what I want to do Everyday and “This Truth, This Fact” is providing has provided for me and my family and our future.

YOUR LONELY – BLOODY – BEATING – DEATH made it possible for me not to accept divorce, quitting, lack, or sickness because That Same Team, Your Angels, My Angels, Your Daddy, My Daddy, is at My side Right Now Helping Me to Endure the Temptation to Quit, Give Up or do it my way and most of ALL You and All of Your Fullness, Power and Authority is In Me Right Now! Making the decisions for me – when I “Allow” You to.

You are the Tree, I am the Branch. When I am connected with You, All that is in You flows to me.

That is Why You said. IN ALL MY GETTING, GET AN UNDERSTANDING of WHO I AM in YOU. You said to Get and Understanding of Who You Are, what You have Done and Who I am in You and Who You are in Me and What I can do because of this Revelation and This Knowledge! I get this understanding through reading, studying, meditating and listening for Your Voice.



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